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Control Flow Protection

Sam Harwood edited this page Jul 21, 2018 · 1 revision

ID: ctrl flow
Preset: Normal

This protection mangles the code in the methods so that decompilers cannot decompile the methods.


type: This parameter define how Neo ConfuserEx mangles the method code. Supported values are:

  • switch: Neo ConfuserEx would insert a switch-base state machine to reorder the codes.

  • jump: Neo ConfuserEx would inserts jumps in methods to produce traditional spaghetti code. (Produces unverifiable modules)

Default is switch.

predicate: This parameter define how Neo ConfuserEx store the state variable if type is set to switch. Supported values are:

  • normal: Neo ConfuserEx would use the state variable directly.

  • expression: Neo ConfuserEx would encode the state variable using dynamically generated expressions.

  • x86: Neo ConfuserEx would encode the state variable using dynamically generated native x86 expressions. (Produces unverifiable modules)

Default is normal.

intensity: This parameter is a integer value from 0 to 100, indicates how large is each split code block. Default is 60.

depth: This parameter define how deep is the generated expression if predicate is set to expression or x86. Default is 4.

junk: This parameter is a boolean value indicates whether junk codes would be inserted. Default is false. (Produces unverifiable modules)

Usage in CLI

<protection id="ctrl flow">
	<argument name="predicate" value="x86" />
	<argument name="intensity" value="60" />
	<argument name="depth" value="4" />
	<argument name="junk" value="false" />