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Anti Tamper Protection

Sam Harwood edited this page Jul 21, 2018 · 1 revision

ID: anti tamper
Preset: Maximum

This protection ensures the integrity of application.

This protection encrypts the methods with the checksum of the whole module, to ensure that the module will load only if no modification has been made to it.

This protection produces unverifiable modules.
This protection is incompatible with OS other than Windows due to usage of WinAPI.


mode: This parameter define the way Neo ConfuserEx decrypts the methods. Supported values are:

  • normal: Neo ConfuserEx would validate the checksum and decrypt the methods at the start of application.

  • jit: Neo ConfuserEx would validate the checksum at the start of application, and decrypt the methods right before each method is being compiled using JIT hooks. (Incompatibile with Mono, and version of .NET Framework. > 2.0. Use with care.)

Default is normal.

key: This parameter define the way ConfuserEx derives the decryption key. Supported values are:

  • normal: Neo ConfuserEx would use static algorithms with random parameters to derive the decryption key.

  • dynamic: Neo ConfuserEx would use dynamically generated algorithms to derive the decryption key.

Default is normal.

Usage in CLI

<protection id="anti tamper">
    <argument name="mode" value="normal" />
    <argument name="key" value="dynamic" />