Releases: Vito217/VRIDE
Releases · Vito217/VRIDE
[VR]IDE v0.32.3
[VR]IDE v0.32.2
- Fixed bad collisions for AFrames
[VR]IDE v0.32.1
- Fixed class template and method template
[VR]IDE v0.32.0
- Added new Javascript compiler: IronJS. Available in the File Explorer
- Fixed some bugs.
[VR]IDE v0.31.0
- Added new type of code cube. Now it contains the source code, incomnig classes and outgoing classes.
[VR]IDE v0.30.0 - The Cube Update
- Introducing CodeCubes, a default visualization for Pharo classes. Classes can be visualized as cubes, which expand to other cubes representing its dependences and variables.
- New WindowCubes: a more compact version of Playground and Browser.
- Added a panel that teaches the controls.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
VRIDE v0.29.0
- Added streaming for separate windows (Windows 10 only)
- Added a 2D UI Keyboard, which reacts to the inputs of the physical one connected to the PC
- Added some icons to the main menu
- Now every keyboard must be instantiated from the menu, in favor of a better use of space.
- Fixed some bugs.
VRIDE v0.28.0
- Enhanced editors. Text Highlighting has been restored, and line counters have been added.
- Desktop Streaming: Now it is possible to stream a desktop from a PC to VRIDE.
VRIDE v0.27.2
- Fixed intense white on UI highlighting
- Added Python Editor to session and log files
VRIDE v0.27.1
- Fixed Python Err Output
- Added line to imported files
- Fixed Virtual Keyboard's Shift key