Using , Neo4J,
Streamlit, and
This is a fork from the repository -
From the OFFICIAL DOCKER DOCS , located here -
- This version is working as of 09/16/2024 -
Running the application.
- To run the aplication properly , your device must meet the following prerequisites.
Docker running on the machine
2 . Neo4j Docker image running , by pulling the official Neo4j image from Docker hub , and running it on port- "7474:7474"
- "7687:7687" -- To see if you have it connected properly , you may visit localhost:7474 to see if it is running ,
- While it is running in docker container , and you should see a site displaying its content.
Ollama in a Dockerized container must also be running on port 11434. -- To see if you have it connected properly , you may visit localhost:11434 to see if it is running ,
- While it is running in docker container , and you should see a site displaying its content.
With neo4j and Ollama hooked up and configured properly , after running them in docker , you should be able to run
docker compose up --build
and build and run the project from there.
Updated the requirements.txt file , through a variation of a .venv and retesting.
Intialized a dockerfile , using dockerinit , selcting the following variations. - Python - 3.12 -Listening on port: - 8000 What is the command to run your app?: - streamlit run --server.address= --server.port=8000
Updated the compose.yaml to hold the proper settings to connect to a local containerized Neo4j Database and Ollama server
Ran and tested the application using a local , docker containerized Neo4j container and a Ollama LLM model container , both running concurrently.
--- You should be running both containers , like this image on the right.
These other images with Neo4j Aura Cloud services , and running a Ollama locally OUT of docker , is NOT what this repo is configured for ,
This is configured to run your ollama inside of docker from docker hub. Ok ? kk - But enjoy the screenshots provided below !
NOTICE , after running docker compose up --build , something similar to this ^ is what your container should have running in it.
A simple GenAI app for Docker's Docs based on the GenAI Stack PDF Reader application.