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Hi 👋, I'm Vampeyer , How are you today ? -

Not - a Bot , Professional Fullstack developer from Kentucky

- Always thourougly test and review your findings before publishing , or be wasted !

* Please allow the entire page to load to view entire contents. *
* I have more certifications than github servers can handle. - *

If you are bored while waiting for the page to load , feel free to watch a movie at my movie site ,

  • Search for a movie or a tv series , select , then find a working server to play in the watch tab - For best results , use brave browser





  • 🔭 I’m currently working on ** Building apps with Ionic and Capacitor - then - Angular / Cleaning repos up **

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Docker / Ai / Ml - / Phoenix / Elixer -**

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Environmental / Corporate ptojects

  • 🤝 I’m looking for help with ** Three.js resource / Job and learning blog form , for developers in need. **

  • 💬 Ask me about **HTML , CSS , JS , Python , Java , PWA's, Executable files,scripts ,or your

  •    , ( likely ) horribly insecure operating system and computer. **
  • ⚡ Fun fact **I run my own tech support business and develop applications as well as I do IT hardware and software support.
    Im not greedy , I like a challenge , contact and lets talk. **


UofL / NSA - Cybersecurityworkforce Professional Certificate
IBM Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner
Google I.T> Support Certificate
- 10 Badges at Microsoft , with a power level +9000


Node - Server / Modules / OS

OS Build (Electron) - Phoenix OS v.0.2.2 - Portable

CSS3  - CSS-Clock-sin-cos v.1.2

JavaScript - Streampal v.2.1.1

JavaScript - Async-Sample

ThreeJS - Jakebot-Box


Python - BMI Calculator

Jupyter - Jupyter Server / Lab

OS Build (Electron Builder) - Phoenix OS v.0.2.2 - Portable

Node Red - node-RED Dashboard

NodeMon - nodemon

React - React-Crud v.0.2.0 - Needs server


notepad++ - Editor

Blogs posts

Connect with me:


Languages and Tools:

android angular arduino azure blender c docker electron express figma firebase gcp git graphql gulp illustrator java javascript linux matlab mongodb mysql nextjs nginx nodejs perl photoshop php postman python react reactnative sass tailwind typescript unreal vuejs webpack xd






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