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2. Learn the prerequisites

Patricia Tran edited this page Jan 6, 2025 · 3 revisions

Prerequisite 1: Gain access to computational resources

After discussing with us, and a CHTC Research Facilitator, you might now want to have access to an account. To get access to an account, go to and fill their Account Request Form. Please try to have an idea already of your data input, your overall analysis steps. The Project Planning Worksheet in the previous section would be a good place to brainstorm ideas. In the form, write your PI as the PI name and select "Yes" to the question asking if you will have a someone to mentor you to use the CHTC resources.

Prerequisite 2: Learning how to use the command line

Learning how to use the command line, or bash scripting will allow you to do basic tasks on the servers. The first reasons is because these servers do not have an "interactive" point-and-click interface. You will need to ssh (secure shell connection) to the servers, and use commands such as mv, mkdir, cp, cd to do tasks. I recommend this asynchronous workshop from the Carpentries "Intro to the Unix Shell" :

You can practice these commands on your own laptop's terminal. If you have access to CHTC, I encourage you to login into the access point (e.g. or and try to create folders, files, and move things around in your home directory (/home/netID).

Here are some common commands:

  • ssh : connect to the server: usage: ssh [netID]
  • mkdir: make a directory
  • ls: list the contents of a directory
  • pwd: get the path to the working directory
  • cd : change directory by moving to a directory
  • mv : moving a folder or file to a new location. can also be used to rename files
  • cp : copy files into a new location, or copy a file and name it something else
  • cd .. : move up a folder
  • nano : opens a text editor

Prerequisite 3: Install softwares to make your life easier

Some tools are mandatory, such as a terminal, and a VPN to connect to UW-Madison resources outside of campus. Others, such as text editors, or file transfer managers are optional.

Many third-party tools can be downloaded onto your computer to facilitate your life.

For moving files (you only need one of these)

For accessing servers off-campus (you will need this)

For accessing servers, and edit files all in one application (this is optional)

For a simple text editor that will recognize (color) different coding languages (optional, you only need one of these)

To get started, create an account on CHTC (necessary):

Read through the CHTC guidelines (necessary):