Releases: UW-GAC/primed-django
Releases · UW-GAC/primed-django
What's Changed
- MariaDB 10.4 by @amstilp in #224
- Sort tables alphabetically by @amstilp in #241
- Make the dbGaP DAR table more compact by @amstilp in #242
- Feature/export current dars by @amstilp in #244
- CDSA invalidation by @amstilp in #233
- ACM v0.18 by @amstilp in #247
- Make StudyList and StudyDetail visible to LimitedView users by @amstilp in #248
- Deploy to stage by @amstilp in #249
- Deploy to prod by @amstilp in #250
Full Changelog: 2023-07-11...2023-10-05
What's Changed
- Add CDSA workspaces by @amstilp in #179
- Bug/disable hsts plus by @jmcarson in #188
- Do not require login for CDSA records pages by @amstilp in #187
- Standardize dbGaP links by @amstilp in #190
- Handle DAR matching multiple workspaces by @amstilp in #192
- Bump requests from 2.28.1 to 2.31.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #196
- Clean up test warnings by @amstilp in #200
- ACM v0.16 by @amstilp in #201
- Maint/pkg updates 2023 06 08 by @jmcarson in #203
- Notify admins on missing study site. by @jmcarson in #204
- Change DCC to CC in user profile template text by @amstilp in #207
- Show an error message when auditing and CDSA group does not exist in app by @amstilp in #211
- Update to ACM v0.16.4 by @amstilp in #212
- Deploy to stage by @amstilp in #213
- Deploy to prod by @amstilp in #214
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #196
Full Changelog: 2023-05-16...2023-07-06
What's Changed
- Add link to anvil account in user profile by @jmcarson in #172
- Feature/unify coverage method by @jmcarson in #173
- Feature/update workspace tables by @amstilp in #175
- Data summary table by @amstilp in #174
- Fix merge conflict resolution for BooleanCheckColumn by @amstilp in #176
- Add a button to view a dbGaP Workspace on dbGaP in detail template by @amstilp in #177
- Show disease modifier on dbGaP workspace detail page by @amstilp in #178
- Update to ACM v0.15 by @amstilp in #180
- Deploy to stage by @amstilp in #181
- Deploy to prod by @amstilp in #182
Full Changelog: 2023-03-24...2023-05-05
2023-03-15 2
What's Changed
- Add auditing for dbGaPWorkspaces by @amstilp in #148
- Add link to the data_url on OpenAccessWorkspace detail page by @amstilp in #152
- Add link to dbGaP dar json report by @amstilp in #153
- Feature/dbgap workspace table updates by @amstilp in #154
- Deploy to stage by @amstilp in #156
- Deploy to prod by @amstilp in #157
- Match dbGaP workspaces with larger version/participant set to a DAR by @amstilp in #158
- Deploy to stage by @amstilp in #159
- Deploy to prod by @amstilp in #160
Full Changelog: 2023.02.16...2023-03-15-2
Merge pull request #146 from UW-GAC/deploy/stage Deploy to stage