- create virtualenv (python 3.8 or greater required)
- create virtualenv: python -m venv venv
- activate virtualenv: source venv/bin/activate
- clone repository
- cd into project root dir
- python -m pip install pip-tools
- pip-sync requirements/requirements.txt requirements/test-requirements.txt requirements/dev-requirements.txt
- python manage.py migrate
- python manage.py createsuperuser
- python manage.py runserver_plus
- visit your <site url>/admin to login as super user you just created
- by default manage.py uses config/settings/local.py if you want
custom config, you can create a username_local.py config file that
includes local.py and use it by setting the following environment
variable ie:
- export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.username_local
- Configuration and setup instructions for drupal simple_oauth provider
- After configuring your site and creating a consumer, navigate to /admin
- Add a Social Application to your django site
- Select 'Drupal Oauth2 Drupal Provider'
- enter secret key and client ID captured when creating a drupal consumer
- leave 'key' blank
- select site_id number 1 (by default example.com) as a chosen site
- Open a different browser or browser private session (so not logged in as SU)
- visit <site_url>
- choose sign in via Drupal Provider
- login at the oauth server site and follow instructions to grant permissions and create oauth account
Check your callback url. Your django development server may be running at http://localhost:8000/accounts/github/login/callback/ instead of
$ python manage.py runserver_plus
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Django version 3.1.13, using settings 'config.settings.local'
Development server is running at http://[]:8000/
Running type checks with mypy:
$ mypy primed
To run the tests, check your test coverage, and generate an HTML coverage report:
$ coverage run -m pytest
$ coverage html
$ open htmlcov/index.html (git bash on windows use start instead of open)
Running tests with pytest and unittest
$ pytest
$ python manage.py test
- git checkout -b <feature_branch_name> (Create and switch to feature branch)
- sync requirements:
pip-sync requirements/requirements.txt test-requirements.txt dev-requirements.txt
- make changes, test changes, document changes, commit often
- run tests: pytest, python manage.py test
- test coverage: (see above)
- type checks: mypy primed
- git add your changes
- manually run pre-commit if you did not install
- git commit your changes
- repeat steps 3-8
- merge in any changes to main
- git checkout main
- git pull
- git checkout <feature_branch_name>
- git rebase main
- git push origin <feature_branch_name>
- review or request review of changes in github
- submit pull request in github
Requriements files must be compiled in the correct order to handle layering.
pip-compile requirements/requirements.in
pip-compile requirements/test-requirements.in
pip-compile requirements/dev-requirements.in