Django Allauth Provider for a Drupal 'Simple Oauth' Site ^^^^^^
: Django allauth provider code for logging in via a drupal instance that is using the simple_oauth module:
Consumer registration (create a Client ID and Secret)
To create a drupal oauth client consumer you need admin privileges on the drupal server. If you do not have access, an admin can create for you.
Create a drupal oauth client ID and secret
- Click Add Consumer
- Label with appropriate label 'Myname Dev Consumer'
- Leave 'User' blank
- Make up your own 'New Secret', keep track of it, make it secure (this is used as your social application secret key)
- Is Confidential: 'Yes'
- Is third party: 'No'
- Redirect URI:
- Scopes: click 'Oauth Client User' only .. warning:: any roles selected here are granted automatically to any user who logs in via oauth.
- Save your Consumer record
- Copy the UUID for your newly created consumer (this is used as the client_id in your social application)
Development callback URL Notes
: Use the appropriate domain for your development or production server, eg: http://localhost:8000/accounts/drupal_oauth_provider/login/callback
Configuration settings:
SCOPES provides a mapping from a drupal machine name to a django group name. Only scopes where "request_scope" is True will be returned from drupal. The provider processes which scopes were returned from the drupal provider and adds this data to the logged in users 'Social Account' in extra_data. Acting on this data to update user groups happens outside of this package. For the gregor project there is code in the SocialAccountAdapter the updates the users groups post login.
"drupal_oauth_provider": {
"API_URL": "",
"drupal_machine_name": "oauth_django_access",
"request_scope": False,
"django_group_name": "test_django_access",