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Symbol Variables

Dan DiIorio edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 15 revisions

Symbol Variables

The following is a list of every variable that can be modified with value_to_change in a symbol effect:

Type Variable Notes
Bool destroyed The symbol is destroyed if this is true (and the symbol is not indestructible).
Bool removed The symbol is removed (not destroyed) if this is true.
String type Changing this value will change what type the symbol is.
Int value_bonus Changing this value will add to the symbol's additive bonus value this spin.
Float value_multiplier Changing this value will add to the symbol's multiplicative bonus value this spin.
Int permanent_bonus Changing this value will make the symbol permanently give extra coins additively.
Float permanent_multiplier Changing this value will make the symbol permanently give extra coins multiplicatively.
Int/Float saved_value Changing this value won't do anything unless there is an effect that uses saved_value. Some existing symbols already use this variable for their effects. Can cause conflicts if modified by multiple different mods. saved_values should be used instead to avoid conflicts.
Bool indestructible The symbol cannot be destroyed if this is true.
Bool wildcarded If true, the symbol will have the logic of the Wildcard symbol.
Dictionary pointing_directions Changing this value will make the symbol point different directions for the purpose of pointed_symbols.
For example, {"directions": ["NW", "W"]} will make the symbol point Northwest and West. The possible directions are "ALL", "RAND", "N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", and "NW"
Int texture The index number of the additional texture to change the symbol's texture to.
For example, {"value_to_change": "texture", "diff": 5} on a symbol called "cool_symbol" will change the texture to cool_symbol5.png
Int symbols_to_choose_from The total symbols to choose from an "add_tile" email.
Int items_to_choose_from The total items to choose from an "add_item" email.
Int extra_symbol_choices The total additional "add_tile" emails that appear after a spin
Int extra_item_choices The total additional "add_item" emails that appear after a spin.
Int spins_left Modifying this variable will increase or decrease the total numbers of spins left before rent is due.
Dictionary permanent_bonuses Modifying this variable will add an essence-style permanent bonus to the related symbols.
For example, the following will change the permanent multiplier by 5x of all current and future Rabbits this game:
{"value_to_change": "permanent_bonuses", "diff": {"type": "rabbit", "multiplier": 5}, "add_to_array": true}
"bonus" can be used in place of "multiplier" for a flat increase or decrease instead of a multiplier. "groups" can be used in place of "type" to apply the bonus to a symbol group instead of a symbol type.
Rarity multipliers can also be added to a permanent bonus. For example, the following will make Uncommon symbols 0.5x less likely to appear, Very Rare symbols 50,000x more likely to appear, and Uncommon items 3.5x more likely to appear: {"value_to_change": "permanent_bonuses", "diff": {"rarity": {"symbols": {"uncommon": 0.5, "very_rare": 50000}, "items": {"uncommon": 3.5}}}, "add_to_array": true}
The effect needs to have "add_to_array": true in it for permanent_bonuses to function properly.
Bool forced_add If true, the next "add_tile" email will not have the Skip button. Will not apply if the email is the last one before rent is due.
Bool forced_skip If true, the next "add_tile" email will not have any symbols to choose from. Will not apply if the email is the last one before rent is due.
Multiple saved_values Changes the number in the saved_values Array in the index position of the "value_num" in the effect.
For example, the following will increase the 7th value in the saved_values Array by 1:
{"value_to_change": "saved_values", "value_num": 6, "diff": 1}