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Dan DiIorio edited this page Jan 1, 2024 · 20 revisions


Comparisons are used to determine if an effect will trigger or not.

If every comparison returns true (or if there are no comparisons in the Array) the effect will trigger.

Comparison Variables:

Type Variable Notes
Multiple a Will return a value at runtime and be compared to b to see if the comparison is true.
Multiple b Will return a value at runtime and be compared to a to see if the comparison is true.
String currency If a is "value", "value_bonus", or "value_multiplier" then a returns the currency value of the specified currency.
Accepted Varaibles: "reroll_token"/"removal_token"/"essence_token"
Bool not If true, the effect will check if the comparison is false instead of true. Is false by default.
Bool not_prev If true, the symbol will only take its current variables into account. In other words, this effect will not apply retroactively. Is false by default.
Bool less_than If true, the comparison will be considered true if a is less than b. Is false by default.
Bool less_than_eq If true, the comparison will be considered true if a is less than or equal to b. Is false by default.
Bool greater_than If true, the comparison will be considered true if a is greater than b. Is false by default.
Bool greater_than_eq If true, the comparison will be considered true if a is greater than or equal to b. Is false by default.
Bool target_self If true, the "a" variable will check for replacement variables on the originating symbol/item. Useful if the effect containing this Dictionary is applied to a symbol/item other than the originating one. Is false by default.
Int value_num Used when the "a" variable is "saved_values" to determine the specific instance to compare in the saved_values Array.


  • {"a": "destroyed", "b": true} - true if the symbol/item is destroyed
  • {"a": "times_displayed", "b": 5, "greater_than": true} - true if the symbol has appeared more than 5 times

"a" variables

The following are variables that can be referenced in a comparison under the "a" field:

Type Variable Notes
Bool destroyed Returns true if the symbol or item was destroyed this spin.
Bool removed Returns true if the symbol was removed this spin.
String type Returns the type that the symbol or item is.
String groups Returns the groups that the symbol or item belongs to. The comparison will be true if b is any of the groups.
String rarity Returns the rarity that the symbol or item is.
Int value Returns the base value of the symbol/item.
Int value_bonus Returns the additive bonus value of the symbol. Cannot be used on Items.
Float value_multiplier Returns the multiplicative bonus value of the symbol. Cannot be used on Items.
Int permanent_bonus Returns the permanent additive bonus value of the symbol. Cannot be used on Items.
Float permanent_multiplier Returns the permanent multiplicative bonus value of the symbol. Cannot be used on Items.
Int coins_earned Returns the total number of coins a symbol has earned. Cannot be used on Items.
Int times_coins_given Returns the total number of times a symbol has given 1 coin or more. Cannot be used on Items.
Int times_displayed Returns the total number of times a symbol has been displayed. Cannot be used on Items.
Int item_count Returns the number of copies of an item in the player's inventory. Item-exclusive.
Int saved_value A value that can be increased/decreased with other effects.
For example, Light Bulb uses this value to keep track of the number of times its given out a multiplier (with an effect not shown here).
It checks to destroy itself with the following comparison:
{"a": "saved_value", "b": 5, "greater_than_eq": true}
Bool indestructible Returns whether or not the symbol is indestructible. Cannot be used on Items.
Int grid_position_x Returns the x position of the symbol, starts counting at 0. Cannot be used on Items.
Int grid_position_y Returns the y position of the symbol, starts counting at 0. Cannot be used on Items.
Int hotfix_num Returns the number of hotfixes the game has received since the last Content Patch.
Int multiple_of Checks if the end-of-spin coins gained is a multiple of b. If so, the comparison returns true.
Multiple saved_values Returns the number in the saved_values Array in the index position of "value_num".
For example, the following will be true if the 3rd value in the saved_values Array is equal to 7:
{"a": "saved_values", "b": 7, "value_num": 2}
Int sprite_after_anim Returns the sprite index of a symbol after it is done animating. Will always be 0 on symbols without additional sprites. Cannot be used on Items.
For example, since the d5 symbol has 5 additional sprites (one for each possible roll), the following comparison would be true if a d5 rolls a 2:
[{"a": "type", "b": "d5"}, {"a": "sprite_after_anim", "b": 2}]
Int coins Returns the number of Coins the player has.
Int reroll_tokens Returns the number of Reroll Tokens the player has.
Int removal_tokens Returns the number of Removal Tokens the player has.
Int essence_tokens Returns the number of Essence Tokens the player has.
Int rent_due Returns the number of coins the player will have to pay when rent is due.
Int spins_left Returns the number of spins left until rent is due.
Int symbols_destroyed_this_spin Returns the number of symbols that have been destroyed this spin.
Int items_destroyed_this_spin Returns the number of items that have been destroyed this spin.
Int symbols_removed_this_spin Returns the number of symbols that have been removed by an item this spin. Item-exclusive.
Int non_singular_symbols Returns the number of symbols that have 2 or more copies of themselves in the inventory.
Int extra_symbol_choices Returns the number of extra symbol choice emails the player sees after a spin.
Int extra_item_choices Returns the number of extra item choice emails the player sees after paying rent.
Int symbols_to_choose_from Returns the number of symbols the player can choose from in an email.
Int items_to_choose_from Returns the number of items the player can choose from in an email.
Bool fighting_boss Returns true if the boss fight is currently underway.
Bool dove_destroyed Returns true if the symbol had its destruction prevented from another symbol. Cannot be used on Items.
Bool void_check Returns true if a symbol is ever adjacent to 0 Empty symbols. Cannot be used on Items.
Dictionary counted_symbols Returns the total number of displayed symbols (of the specified type).
Example: {"a": {"counted_symbols": "coin"}, "b": 5, "greater_than": true}
This comparison will be considered true if there are more than 5 displayed Coin symbols.
Symbols with the group "eachother" will have their counted_symbols value reduced by 1 (but will not be less than 0).
Dictionary counted_adjacent_symbols Returns the largest number of adjacent symbols (of the specified type or group).
Example: {"a": {"counted_adjacent_symbols": {"type": "cat"}}, "b": 9, "greater_than_eq": true}
This comparison will be considered true if there are 9 or more Cat symbols adjacent to each other.
If the effect_type is "counted_adjacent_symbols", the effect will be applied to any symbols that meet the criteria for the comparison.
Dictionary counted_items Returns the total number of items (of the specified type).
Example: {"a": {"counted_items": "lucky_seven"}, "b": 2, "greater_than": true}
This comparison will be considered true if there are more than 2 Lucky Seven items.
Dictionary counted_destroyed_items Returns the total number of destroyed items (of the specified type).
Example: {"a": {"counted_destroyed_items": "pool_ball_essence"}, "b": 8, "less_than": true}
This comparison will be considered true if there are less than 8 destroyed Pool Ball Essence items.
Dictionary destroyed_symbol_type_count Returns the total number of destroyed symbols (of the specified type).
Example: {"a": {"destroyed_symbol_type_count": "sapphire"}, "b": 5, "greater_than": true}
This comparison will be considered true if there are more than 5 destroyed Sapphire symbols.
Dictionary removed_symbol_type_count Returns the total number of removed symbols (of the specified type).
Dictionary destroyed_symbol_group_count Returns the total number of destroyed symbols (of the specified group).
Example: {"a": {"destroyed_symbol_group_count": "human"}, "b": 5, "greater_than": true}
This comparison will be considered true if there are more than 5 destroyed symbols in the human group.
Dictionary removed_symbol_group_count Returns the total number of removed symbols (of the specified group).
Dictionary symbols_in_inventory Returns the total number of symbols (of the specified type or group) in the player's inventory. This includes symbols that didn't appear during the current spin.
Example: {"a": {"symbols_in_inventory": {"type": "dog"}}, "b": 101, "greater_than_eq": true}
This comparison will be considered true if there are at least 101 Dog symbols in the player's inventory.