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Fine Print

Dan DiIorio edited this page Nov 24, 2023 · 3 revisions

Fine Print

In order to create a Fine Print mod, we need a GD file in our mod's scripts folder for each fine print we'd like to add. The content of the file must be as follows:

extends "res://Mod"

func _init():
	mod_type = "fine_print"
	text = ""
	effects = []

Let's say we want to create fine print that destroys a random Pepper item. We can do so with the following:

extends "res://Mod"

func _init():
	mod_type = "fine_print"
	difficulty = 0
	for_items = true
	relevant_type = ""
	relevant_group = "item_pepper"
	text = "<dynamic_item_pepper> is <text_color_keyword>destroyed<end>."
	effects = [{"comparisons": [{"a": "type", "b": "dynamic_item"}], "value_to_change": "destroyed", "diff": true}]

The difficulty variable determines if the fine print can appear on apartment floors lower than floor 15. If the difficulty is 1, the fine print cannot appear on apartment floors lower than floor 15.

The for_items variable must be set to true if our fine print affects items. The fine print will not function properly otherwise.

The relevant_type variable is used if we want to only affect a single static type of symbol or item. Since we want to pick a random pepper out of the item_pepper group, we'll leave this variable as an empty string.

The relevant_group variable is used if we want to affect a single random type of symbol or item from a group. This variable being set to "item_pepper" means the fine print will randomly pick a Pepper in the player's inventory to affect when the landlord adds the fine print.

The text variable determines the fine print's description text. The <dynamic_item_pepper> tag will be replaced with the Pepper that is randomly selected when the landlord adds the fine print. <dynamic_> can also be used with symbol groups if our fine print affects symbols instead of items. Like so: <dynamic_hex> is <text_color_keyword>destroyed<end>.

We can also add to a localized_text dictionary if we'd like.

Lastly, the effects array will function the same as the effects array in a symbol, item, or email. Of note, "dynamic_item" or "dynamic_symbol" can be used in the comparisons array and will be replaced with item or symbol the fine print randomly selected.

Also, if we want to test all the fine print we've made, we can make sure "fine_print": true is in our sandbox file. This will make the sandbox load with an email that adds all the modded fine print that isn't disabled.