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Mathieu Nayrolles edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 1 revision


Ajax controller.

This controller is in charge of every ajax call.

TODO: Having an Ajax controller doesn't make much sense to me. In my opignion, methods containes here should be distributed in related controller and properly documented as method expecting Ajax behaviour.



protected mixed $_headerData = array()
  • Visibility: protected


protected mixed $_bodyData = array()
  • Visibility: protected


protected mixed $_footerData = array()
  • Visibility: protected


protected mixed $_needLoggedIn = false
  • Visibility: protected


private object $instance

Reference to the CI singleton

  • Visibility: private
  • This property is static.



void CI_Controller::__construct()

Class constructor


Boolean Ajax::login()

Email password login method

  • Visibility: public


boolean Ajax::checkEmail()

Checks if a given email already exists in the db

//TODO: This doesn't seams to be called from the client side but only used as helper method. If so, it should go private or relocated elsewhere.

  • Visibility: public


\JSON Ajax::facebookSignup()

Facebook signup

Handle the signup and the signin for facebook signin button. If the user never signin with facebook on tw, we create an account for him. Otherwise, we just log him in his previously created account.

This method will return 'email' if the user tries to signup/signin with a facebook that habe an associated email we already have in our db.

  • Visibility: public


boolean|mixed Ajax::signup()

Signup method. Create an accound for a new user.

  • Visibility: public


boolean Ajax::askResetPassword()

Reset the password

  • Visibility: public


boolean Ajax::resetPassword()

Reset the password of an user

  • Visibility: public


boolean Ajax::contact()

Send an email to tw team through the contact form

TODO: Is this the right place for this ?

  • Visibility: public


Boolean MY_Controller::expectsPost(Array $postNames)

Convenient method to check that variables have been posted.

In addition, all the variables contained in $postNames are copied in this. So you can access it by $this->myPostVariable.


  • $postNames Array - <p>name of the variables expected to be posted</p>


mixed MY_Controller::_remap(String $method, Array $params)

Intercepts all method call on controller in order to provide logging capabilities.


  • $method String - <p>the method name</p>
  • $params Array - <p>An array of get parameters (segments following the method segment)</p>


object CI_Controller::get_instance()

Get the CI singleton

  • Visibility: public
  • This method is static.
  • This method is defined by CI_Controller
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