Thanks for your interest in contributing to the Toolwatch website! 🎉
This repository contains our PHP backend that provides a JSON API for our front-end and our mobile applications.
If you have a question about using toolwatch, please ask on us on the Crisp.
If you think you have found a bug, or have a new feature idea, please start by making sure it hasn't already been reported. You can search through existing issues to see if there is a similar one reported. Include closed issues as it may have been closed with a solution.
We appreciate you taking the time to contribute! Before submitting a pull request, we ask that you please create an issue that explains the bug or feature request and let us know that you plan on creating a pull request for it. If an issue already exists, please comment on that issue letting us know you would like to submit a pull request for it. This helps us to keep track of the pull request and make sure there isn't duplicated effort.
When you create a pull request, units tests will be run on travis-ci and your pull request will be live on heroku for everyone to see.