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feat: add gene essentiality check using DepMap #574

merged 8 commits into from
Apr 23, 2024
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions code/DepMapGeneEss/ConvertGeneEssInputData.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@

dataFolder = "C:/Work/MatlabCode/components/human-GEM/Human-GEMDepMapEval/Human-GEM/code/DepMapGeneEss/data/"
mihai-sysbio marked this conversation as resolved.
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d = read_csv(paste0(dataFolder, "CCLE_expression_full.csv"))
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dim(d)#1377 52055

ds = as_tibble(cbind(gene = names(d)[-1], t(as.matrix(d[,-1]))))
colnames(ds)[-1] = d[[1]]

#make sure the columns are numeric instead of chr
ds2 = ds
for (i in 2:ncol(ds)) {
ds2[[i]] = as.numeric(ds[[i]])


#convert the gene names

#To get ensembl:
#pattern = ".*\\(([A-Z0-9]*)\\)"
#newGenes = str_match(ds$gene, pattern)
#ds2$gene = newGenes[,2]
#fix the ERCC genes
#ds2$gene[[,2])] = ds$gene[[,2])];

#To get gene symbols:
#It is a bit tricky, not all genes follow the pattern. Some are like LINC00328-2P (ENSG00000225016),
#some just an ensembl id (we then take the assembl id), some ERCC
newGenes = ds2$gene
x = strsplit(ds2$gene[!ERCCGenesSel], " ")
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
newGenes[i] = x[[i]][1] #handles all cases
length(unique(newGenes)) #not the same, we need to merge a few rows, done later

ds2$gene = newGenes


#now convert the data. It is currently as log2(TPM + 1)
dsTPM = ds2
dsTPM[,-1] = 2^ds2[,-1] - 1
colSums(dsTPM[,-1])#very minor roundoff differences, ok

#Sum up the rows that have the same gene name
duplGenes = unique(dsTPM$gene[duplicated(dsTPM$gene)])
dsTPM[dsTPM$gene %in% duplGenes,1:10]
#CCDC39 is a good example to test
#is 1.59 + 0.150 in the first row, those should be summed up

rowsToRem = rep(FALSE, nrow(dsTPM))
for (i in 1:length(duplGenes)) {
inds = which(dsTPM$gene == duplGenes[i])
dsTPM[inds[1], -1] = colSums(dsTPM[inds, -1]) #the first row now gets the sum of all rows
rowsToRem[inds[-1]] = TRUE #the other rows are marked for deletion
sum(rowsToRem) #9, looks good
dsTPM[[2]][dsTPM$gene == "CCDC39"] #1.74 0.15, as expected, ok
dsTPM$gene[rowsToRem] # CCDC39 is in there, ok
dsTPM2 = dsTPM[!rowsToRem,]

write_tsv(dsTPM2, paste0(dataFolder, "DepMap_tpm_gene_symbols.txt"))

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions code/DepMapGeneEss/Instructions.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1. First make sure you have the DepMap data - we currently use DepMap version 2021Q3. You need to go to the downloads section at , select 2021Q3.
Download and place the files Achilles_gene_effect.csv and CCLE_expression_full.csv in the Human-GEM/code/DepMapGeneEss/data folder.
2. Run the R script ConvertGeneEssInputData.R. Note that you need to adjust the folder - R is hopeless when it comes to
relative paths from the file - the information just doesn't exist. This will generate the file DepMap_tpm_gene_symbols.txt
3. Run PrepDepMapData.m - you may have to modify the folder here as well. This will take an hour or so and generates the files
arrayDataDepMap.mat and prepDataGeneSymbols.mat.
4. Create a folder on the cluster with a suitable name, for example "GeneEssDepMap". Within that folder, create a folder named "components".
Copy RAVEN, COBRA, and Human-GEM to components, they need to reside under those exact names, because those and underlying folders will be
added to the matlab path. Make sure the Human-GEM folder Human-GEM/code/DepMapGeneEss/data is copied as well with
the files that we generated above.
5. Go back to your top folder ("GeneEssDepMap"). Create a folder DepMapRuns. Copy the files,, generate_DepMap_models_ftINIT_Cluster.m, and getTaskEssentialGenesCluster.m to that folder. Also create a folder
called "logs" in that folder.
6. Make sure you are in the DepMapRuns folder. First, generate the models using the following line (also available in the .sh script):
sbatch -o logs/run_gen_depmap_models-%A-%a.log --array=1-40
It may be needed to init cobra and init RAVEN (SetRavenSolver etc.). TODO: Describe this here.
7. Run sbatch -o logs/run_evaless_depmap-%A-%a.log --array=1-40 after the model generation has completed
8. Download all produced files to the data folder on your computer. These are found in components/Human-GEM/code/DepMapGeneEss/data
9. Run evaluateDepMapEssentialityPredictions.m. Note that you may need to change the folder in the file and that there are some things in
the file that need to be modified to match what you want to do. The file currently only gets stats for one model version, but can easily be expanded
to take in data from more model versions, although these also need to be processed as above as well.
10. Run PlotGeneEss.R in R to make a violin plot of MCC for each model. The code needs some modification to fix paths and number of models.
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johan-gson marked this conversation as resolved.
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62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions code/DepMapGeneEss/PlotGeneEss.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@

setwd("C:/Work/MatlabCode/components/human-GEM/Human-GEMDepMapEval/Human-GEM/code/DepMapGeneEss") #Modify to match your file system
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figPath = "figures/"

# Fig 1B - Gene essentiality

# load data
# fns = c("data/geneEss_model1.txt",
# "data/geneEss_newalg.txt",
# "data/geneEss_newalg2.txt"
# )
fns = c("data/geneEss_model1.txt")

#names = c("tINIT","ftINIT 1+0", "ftINIT 1+1")
mihai-sysbio marked this conversation as resolved.
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names = c("Human2")

gea_res = NULL
for (i in 1:length(fns)) {
x = read.delim(file = fns[i], sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F)
x$model = names[i]
gea_res = rbind(gea_res, x)
gea_res$model = factor(gea_res$model, as.character(names)[1:length(fns)]) # to enforce the model order

color_palette <- c('#B5D39B','#6B97BC','#E7B56C') # light green, light blue, light yellow

p1B = ggplot(gea_res, aes(x = model, y = MCC, fill = model)) +
geom_violin(trim=F, show.legend=F, scale='count') +
scale_fill_manual(values=color_palette) +
theme_classic() +
ylab('MCC') +
xlab('') +
theme(text = element_text(size=14),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5,
color='black', size=14),
axis.text.y = element_text(color='black', size=14),
axis.line.x = element_blank()) +
ylim(c(0.08,0.40)) # + #manipulate these numbers to include all data
#ylim(c(0,0.5)) # +

paste0(figPath, "FigGeneEss.png"),
plot = p1B,
width = 3.5, height = 3.2, dpi = 300)

paste0(figPath, "FigGeneEss.eps"),
plot = p1B,
width = 3.5, height = 3.2, dpi = 300)

51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions code/DepMapGeneEss/PrepDepMapData.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
%we are using depmap version 2021_Q3

%Prepares the DepMap data, specifically by filtering out RNA-Seq samples for which no CRISPR data exists
%cd C:/Work/MatlabCode/components/human-GEM/Human-GEMDepMapEval/Human-GEM/code/DepMapGeneEss %to be used if not running the whole file, may need to change this
cd(fileparts(which(mfilename))); %to be used if running the whole file

%% Load and prepare DepMap RNA-Seq data (cell lines)

% load RNA-Seq data from txt file
rna_data = readtable('data/DepMap_tpm_gene_symbols.txt');

% load gene essentiality data (Achilles gene effect)
ach_data = readtable('data/Achilles_gene_effect.csv');
samples = ach_data.DepMap_ID; % extract sample IDs

% filter RNA-Seq data to only include samples for which we have
% essentiality data
cellLineNames = rna_data.Properties.VariableNames;
%now replace '_' with '-'
cellLineNames = strrep(cellLineNames, '_', '-');

%{'Original column heading: 'ACH-001113''}

keep = ismember(cellLineNames, samples);

sum(keep) %891
sum(keep)/length(keep) % 65%, seems reasonable

% add RNA-Seq data to arrayData
arrayDataDepMap.genes = rna_data.gene;
arrayDataDepMap.tissues = cellLineNames(keep)';
arrayDataDepMap.levels = table2array(rna_data(:, keep));
arrayDataDepMap.threshold = 1;

% save tINIT inputs

%Generate ftINIT prepData - only needs to be done once. Can take up to an hour to run
model = importYaml('../../model/Human-GEM.yml');
[model.grRules, skipped] = simplifyGrRules(model.grRules, true);%takes a few minutes to run
prepData = prepHumanModelForftINIT(model, true, '../../data/metabolicTasks/metabolicTasks_Essential.txt', '../../model/reactions.tsv');
save('data/prepDataGeneSymbols.mat', 'prepData')

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Empty file.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions code/DepMapGeneEss/enrichment_test.m
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%This file is for convenience copied from the Human1 paper.
function [penr,pdep] = enrichment_test(pop,sample,successes)
%enrichment_test caculates p-value of enrichment of successes in a sample.
% [PENR,PDEP] = enrichment_test(POP,SAMPLE,SUCCESSES) evaluates the
% significance of enrichment (and depletion) of SUCCESSES in a SAMPLE drawn
% from population POP using the hypergeometric test.
%--------------------------------- INPUTS ---------------------------------
% pop Vector of genes comprising the population from
% which samples are drawn.
% sample Vector of genes sampled from the population.
% successes Vector of genes in the population that are defined as
% "successes".
% The function will test if these "success" genes are
% significantly depleted or enriched in the sample, given
% that they were drawn from the population.
% EXAMPLE: If a metabolite set enrichment analysis (MSEA) is being
% performed, then SAMPLE is the list of metabolites of interest,
% and SUCCESSES is a metabolite set (e.g., TCA cycle metabolites).
% POP is the list of all metabolites from which SAMPLE and
% SUCCESSES are drawn.
%--------------------------------- OUTPUTS --------------------------------
% penr p-value associated with enrichment of successes in sample.
% pdep p-value associated with depletion of successes in sample.

x = numel(intersect(successes,sample)); % calc # of successes in sample
m = numel(pop); % calc size of population
k = numel(intersect(successes,pop));
n = numel(sample);

penr = hygecdf(x-1,m,k,n,'upper');
pdep = hygecdf(x,m,k,n);

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