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overlap now works well (adjusted maxevals)
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SamuelBadr committed May 2, 2022
1 parent 20aac41 commit ac221e3
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Showing 11 changed files with 298 additions and 301 deletions.
23 changes: 8 additions & 15 deletions src/_specfuncs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,35 +65,28 @@ end

# Adapted from
function legval(x, c::AbstractVector)
# Pad the coefficient array if it contains only one (i.e. the constant
# Pad the coefficient vector if it contains only one (i.e. the constant
# polynomial's) coefficient.
length(c) 2 || (c = [c; zero(c)])

c0 = c[end - 1]
c1 = c[end]
tmp = copy(c0)

nd = length(c)
@inbounds for i in 2:(length(c) - 1)
nd -= 1
invnd = inv(nd)
tmp = c0
c0 = c[end - i] - c1 * (1 - invnd)
c1 = tmp + c1 * x * (2 - invnd)

c0, c1 = c[nd - 1], c[nd]
@inbounds for j in (nd-2):-1:1
k = j / (j + 1)
c0, c1 = c[j] - c1 * k, c0 + c1 * x * (k + 1)

return c0 + c1 * x

# Adapted from
legvander(x, deg)
legvander(x, deg)
Pseudo-Vandermonde matrix of degree `deg`.
function legvander(x::Array{T,N}, deg::Integer) where {T,N}
deg 0 || throw(DomainError(deg, "legvander needs a non-negative degree"))

# leading dimensions
l = ntuple(_ -> :, N)

Expand Down
29 changes: 27 additions & 2 deletions src/gauss.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
using QuadGK: gauss
using QuadGK: gauss, kronrod
using ._SpecFuncs: legvander

export legendre, legendre_collocation, Rule, piecewise, quadrature, reseat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ struct Rule{T}
all((b), x) || error("x must be ≤ b")
all((a), x) || error("x must be ≥ a")
issorted(x) || error("x must be strictly increasing")
length(x) == length(w) || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and w must have the same length"))
length(x) == length(w) ||
throw(DimensionMismatch("x and w must have the same length"))
return new{eltype(x)}(x, w, a, b)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,3 +113,27 @@ end
function Base.convert(::Type{Rule{T}}, rule::Rule{S}) where {T,S<:AbstractFloat}
return Rule(T.(rule.x), T.(rule.w), T(rule.a), T(rule.b))

Nested quadrature rule.
struct NestedRule{T}

function reseat(nrule::NestedRule, a, b)
newrule = reseat(nrule.rule, a, b)
newv = (b - a) / (rule.b - rule.a) * nrule.v
return NestedRule(newrule, newv)

function kronrod_21()
x, w, v = kronrod(10)
append!(x, -reverse(x)[2:end])
append!(w, reverse(w)[2:end])
append!(v, reverse(v))
return NestedRule(Rule(x, w), v)
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/poly.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ end
(poly::PiecewiseLegendrePoly)(x) = _evaluate(poly, x)

function _evaluate(poly::PiecewiseLegendrePoly, x::Number)
i, tildex= _split(poly, x)
return legval(tildex, view(,:, i)) * poly.norm[i]
i, tildex = _split(poly, x)
return legval(tildex, view(, :, i)) * poly.norm[i]

function _evaluate(poly::PiecewiseLegendrePoly, xs::Vector{T}) where T <: Real
function _evaluate(poly::PiecewiseLegendrePoly, xs::AbstractVector)
return poly.(xs)

Expand All @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Given the function `f`, evaluate the integral::
using adaptive Gauss-Legendre quadrature.
function overlap(poly::PiecewiseLegendrePoly, f; rtol=2.3e-16, return_error=false)
int_result, int_error = quadgk(x -> poly(x) * f(x), poly.knots...; rtol)
int_result, int_error = quadgk(x -> poly(x) * f(x), poly.knots...; rtol, order=10, maxevals=10^4)
if return_error
return int_result, int_error
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ function roots(poly::PiecewiseLegendrePoly{T}; tol=1e-11) where {T}
return rts

function check_domain(poly, x::Union{Number,Array})
all(poly.xmin x poly.xmax) || throw(DomainError(x, "x is outside the domain"))
function check_domain(poly::PiecewiseLegendrePoly, x)
poly.xmin x poly.xmax || throw(DomainError(x, "x is outside the domain"))
return true

Expand Down
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions test/_specfuncs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ sphericalbesselj_M(n, x) = weval(W"SphericalBesselJ"(W"n", W"x"); n, x)
@test !isnan(SparseIR.sphericalbesselj(4, 1e20))

@testset "accuracy" begin
for pn in 0:7, px in 0:25
n = 2^pn
x = float(2^px)
@test SparseIR.sphericalbesselj(n, x) sphericalbesselj_M(n, x)
@test SparseIR.sphericalbesselj(n + 1, x) sphericalbesselj_M(n + 1, x)
@testset "accuracy (with pn = $pn, px = $px)" for pn in 0:7, px in 0:25
n = 2^pn
x = float(2^px)
@test SparseIR.sphericalbesselj(n, x) sphericalbesselj_M(n, x)
@test SparseIR.sphericalbesselj(n + 1, x) sphericalbesselj_M(n + 1, x)
88 changes: 42 additions & 46 deletions test/augment.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,55 +3,51 @@ using SparseIR
using AssociatedLegendrePolynomials: Plm

@testset "augment.jl" begin
@testset "MatsubaraConstBasis" begin
@testset "MatsubaraConstBasis with stat = $stat" for stat in (fermion, boson)
beta = 2.0
value = 1.1
for statistics in (fermion, boson)
b = MatsubaraConstBasis(statistics, beta; value=value)
shift::Int = Dict(fermion => 1, boson => 0)[statistics]
n = 2 .* collect(1:10) .+ shift
@test b.uhat(n) fill(value, 1, length(n))
b = MatsubaraConstBasis(stat, beta; value=value)
shift::Int = Dict(fermion => 1, boson => 0)[stat]
n = 2 .* collect(1:10) .+ shift
@test b.uhat(n) fill(value, 1, length(n))

@testset "LegendreBasis" begin
for stat in (fermion, boson)
β = 1.0
Nl = 10
cl = sqrt.(2 * collect(0:(Nl - 1)) .+ 1)
basis = SparseIR.LegendreBasis(stat, β, Nl; cl=cl)
@test size(basis) == (Nl,)

τ = Float64[0, 0.1 * β, 0.4 * β, β]
uval = basis.u(τ)

ref = Matrix{Float64}(undef, Nl, length(τ))
for l in 0:(Nl - 1)
x = 2τ / β .- 1
ref[l + 1, :] .= cl[l + 1] * ((2l + 1) / β) * Plm.(l, 0, x)
@test uval ref

sign = stat == fermion ? -1 : 1

# G(iv) = 1/(iv-pole)
# G(τ) = -e^{-τ*pole}/(1 + e^{-β*pole}) [F]
# = -e^{-τ*pole}/(1 - e^{-β*pole}) [B]
pole = 1.0
τ_smpl = TauSampling(basis)
= -exp.(-τ_smpl.sampling_points * pole) / (1 - sign * exp(-β * pole))
gl_from_τ = fit(τ_smpl, gτ)

matsu_smpl = MatsubaraSampling(basis)
giv = 1 ./ ((im * π / β) * matsu_smpl.sampling_points .- pole)
gl_from_matsu = fit(matsu_smpl, giv)

#println("gl_from_τ", gl_from_τ[1:4])
#println("gl_from_matsu", gl_from_matsu[1:4])
@test isapprox(gl_from_τ, gl_from_matsu;
atol=1e-10 * maximum(abs, gl_from_matsu), rtol=0)
@testset "LegendreBasis with stat = $stat" for stat in (fermion, boson)
β = 1.0
Nl = 10
cl = sqrt.(2 * collect(0:(Nl - 1)) .+ 1)
basis = SparseIR.LegendreBasis(stat, β, Nl; cl=cl)
@test size(basis) == (Nl,)

τ = Float64[0, 0.1 * β, 0.4 * β, β]
uval = basis.u(τ)

ref = Matrix{Float64}(undef, Nl, length(τ))
for l in 0:(Nl - 1)
x = 2τ / β .- 1
ref[l + 1, :] .= cl[l + 1] * ((2l + 1) / β) * Plm.(l, 0, x)
@test uval ref

sign = stat == fermion ? -1 : 1

# G(iv) = 1/(iv-pole)
# G(τ) = -e^{-τ*pole}/(1 + e^{-β*pole}) [F]
# = -e^{-τ*pole}/(1 - e^{-β*pole}) [B]
pole = 1.0
τ_smpl = TauSampling(basis)
= -exp.(-τ_smpl.sampling_points * pole) / (1 - sign * exp(-β * pole))
gl_from_τ = fit(τ_smpl, gτ)

matsu_smpl = MatsubaraSampling(basis)
giv = 1 ./ ((im * π / β) * matsu_smpl.sampling_points .- pole)
gl_from_matsu = fit(matsu_smpl, giv)

#println("gl_from_τ", gl_from_τ[1:4])
#println("gl_from_matsu", gl_from_matsu[1:4])
@test isapprox(gl_from_τ, gl_from_matsu;
atol=1e-10 * maximum(abs, gl_from_matsu), rtol=0)
47 changes: 23 additions & 24 deletions test/kernel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,32 +2,31 @@ using Test
using SparseIR

@testset "kernel.jl" begin
@testset "accuracy" begin
for K in [LogisticKernel(9.0),
get_symmetrized(LogisticKernel(40_000.0), -1),
get_symmetrized(RegularizedBoseKernel(35_000.0), -1)]
T = Float32
T_x = Float64
@testset "accuracy with K = $K" for K in (LogisticKernel(9.0),
get_symmetrized(LogisticKernel(40_000.0), -1),
T = Float32
T_x = Float64

rule = convert(Rule{T}, legendre(10))
hints = sve_hints(K, 2.2e-16)
gauss_x = piecewise(rule, segments_x(hints))
gauss_y = piecewise(rule, segments_y(hints))
ϵ = eps(T)
tiny = floatmin(T) / ϵ
rule = convert(Rule{T}, legendre(10))
hints = sve_hints(K, 2.2e-16)
gauss_x = piecewise(rule, segments_x(hints))
gauss_y = piecewise(rule, segments_y(hints))
ϵ = eps(T)
tiny = floatmin(T) / ϵ

result = matrix_from_gauss(K, gauss_x, gauss_y)
result_x = matrix_from_gauss(K,
convert(Rule{T_x}, gauss_x),
convert(Rule{T_x}, gauss_y))
magn = maximum(abs, result_x)
result = matrix_from_gauss(K, gauss_x, gauss_y)
result_x = matrix_from_gauss(K,
convert(Rule{T_x}, gauss_x),
convert(Rule{T_x}, gauss_y))
magn = maximum(abs, result_x)

@test result result_x atol = 2magn * ϵ rtol = 0
reldiff = @. ifelse(abs(result) < tiny, 1, result / result_x)
@test all(isapprox.(reldiff, 1, atol=100ϵ, rtol=0))
@test result result_x atol = 2magn * ϵ rtol = 0
reldiff = @. ifelse(abs(result) < tiny, 1, result / result_x)
@test all(isapprox.(reldiff, 1, atol=100ϵ, rtol=0))
51 changes: 25 additions & 26 deletions test/matsubara.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,38 @@
using Test
using SparseIR

const ε = (@isdefined Double64) ? nothing : 1e-15

@testset "matsubara.jl" begin
@testset "single pole" begin
for stat in (fermion, boson), Λ in (1e1, 1e4)
wmax = 1.0
pole = 0.1 * wmax
β = Λ / wmax
basis = FiniteTempBasis(stat, β, wmax, ε; sve_result=sve_logistic[Λ])
@testset "single pole with stat = $stat, Λ = " for stat in (fermion, boson),
Λ in (1e1, 1e4)

ε = (@isdefined Double64) ? nothing : 1e-15
wmax = 1.0
pole = 0.1 * wmax
β = Λ / wmax
basis = FiniteTempBasis(stat, β, wmax, ε; sve_result=sve_logistic[Λ])

stat_shift = (stat == fermion) ? 1 : 0
weight = (stat == fermion) ? 1 : 1 / tanh(0.5 * Λ * pole / wmax)
gl = -basis.s .* basis.v(pole) * weight
stat_shift = (stat == fermion) ? 1 : 0
weight = (stat == fermion) ? 1 : 1 / tanh(0.5 * Λ * pole / wmax)
gl = -basis.s .* basis.v(pole) * weight

func_G(n) = 1 / (im * (2n + stat_shift) * π / β - pole)
func_G(n) = 1 / (im * (2n + stat_shift) * π / β - pole)

# Compute G(iwn) using unl
matsu_test = Int[-1, 0, 1, 1e2, 1e4, 1e6, 1e8, 1e10, 1e12]
prj_w = transpose(basis.uhat(2matsu_test .+ stat_shift))
Giwn_t = prj_w * gl
# Compute G(iwn) using unl
matsu_test = Int[-1, 0, 1, 1e2, 1e4, 1e6, 1e8, 1e10, 1e12]
prj_w = transpose(basis.uhat(2matsu_test .+ stat_shift))
Giwn_t = prj_w * gl

# Compute G(iwn) from analytic expression
Giwn_ref = func_G.(matsu_test)
# Compute G(iwn) from analytic expression
Giwn_ref = func_G.(matsu_test)

magnitude = maximum(abs, Giwn_ref)
diff = abs.(Giwn_t - Giwn_ref)
tol = max(10 * last(basis.s) / first(basis.s), 1e-10)
magnitude = maximum(abs, Giwn_ref)
diff = abs.(Giwn_t - Giwn_ref)
tol = max(10 * last(basis.s) / first(basis.s), 1e-10)

# Absolute error
@test maximum(diff ./ magnitude) < tol
# Absolute error
@test maximum(diff ./ magnitude) < tol

# Relative error
@test maximum(abs, diff ./ Giwn_ref) < tol
# Relative error
@test maximum(abs, diff ./ Giwn_ref) < tol

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