Path of Stress is a platformer game made in Java using the Processing library. All of the assets such as images, animations, music and sound effects are made by us and you are free to use them for non-commercial purposes only. Special thanks to Jakob Fischer for the text font used in the game.
Java for coding.
Processing for the implementation of graphics and sound.
Adobe Photoshop for textures and animations.
FL Studio for music and sound effects.
VEGAS Pro for the game trailer.
You will need Processing 3 (may also be compatible with newer versions). Create a folder named "Path_of_Stress" and drop all of the .pde files and asset folders inside it. Then simply run whichever .pde file using Processing and you are set.
You can read more and download the game from by clicking here. The game runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems. Simply download the zip file and run the .exe inside the folder.
You can find the game's OST on my YouTube channel by clicking here. All 5 tracks from the game are on this playlist.