A Greek Informatics student now studying at the Technical University of Munich for my Master's degree. I like to create games, optimize code and compose music. You can find my published work on my itch.io page and my YouTube channel.
- Godot Engine: #97335 Fixed a GUI-related bug. The pull request has been approved and merged in Godot 4.4.
Path of Stress
- Single-player platformer developed using the Java Processing library, with no use of a pre-existing game engine.
- The game’s code is optimized for smooth performance across desktop devices of any resolution or aspect ratio.
- All in-game assets including textures, animations, music, and sound effects are original and created by me.
- Currently remaking the game from scratch using the Godot Engine, with plans for a future release on Steam.
POPA Social Network
- Social networking app for AUEB students, fostering university-specific connections.
- Hosts an online forum via Google Firebase for student communication regarding course material and book trading.
- Automated lecture scheduling from Excel data using Apache POI and generating calendars via course selections.
AUEB Stream
- Video-sharing app with multi-threading, enabling users to subscribe to topics and upload videos simultaneously.
- Subscribers are immediately notified whenever a new video is shared under their chosen topics.
- Utilizes Java threads and sockets to build a client-server architecture.
- The turn-based game of Reversi playable against an AI agent powered by the Minimax algorithm.
- Players can set the depth of the AI's algorithm to control the opponent's skill level.