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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Apr 19:21
· 837 commits to v1.x-2022-07 since this release

Minor Changes

  • #1028 ba174588 Thanks @michenly! - Starting from SF API version 2022-04, the preferred way to request translatable resources is using the @inContext directive. See the API docs on how to do this and which resources have translatable properties.

    This causes a breaking change to the useShopQuery hook. The locale property has been removed from the argument object; Accept-Language is no longer being send with every request, and we are no longer using locale as part of the cache key.

    The useShop hook will now return the languageCode key, which is the first two characters of the existing locale key.

    Both locale & languageCode values are also now capitalized to make it easier to pass into a GraphQL @inContext directive.

  • #1020 e9529bc8 Thanks @jplhomer! - Preload Link URLs by default when a user signals intent to visit the URL. This includes hovering or focusing on the URL. To disable preloading, pass <Link preload={false} /> to the component.

Patch Changes

  • #1017 4c87fb63 Thanks @frandiox! - Do not cache Storefront API responses that contain GraphQL errors (amend previous fix).

  • #1039 3a297862 Thanks @frandiox! - Update to Vite 2.9

  • #1026 836b064d Thanks @frehner! - Updated the Typescript types and GraphQL schema to the newest updates from Storefront API 2022-04. Of note in this update is the ability to skip edges and go directly to node, for example: product.nodes[0] instead of product.edges[0].node

  • #1032 03488083 Thanks @jplhomer! - Catch hydration errors related to experimental server components bugs and prevent them from being logged in production.

  • #1037 13376efb Thanks @jplhomer! - Use new header for private Storefront token