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Ragesh Krishna edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 2 revisions

Bug Fixes

  1. rSync posting new resource versions when it shouldn't
    • stops creating erroneous versions of resources when something simple like a flag is changed
  2. Update updated at in the views on resource updates
  3. Multiselect lists on Add and Edit View pages are not updated reliably
  4. Sanitize HTML correctly on the test tab and reduce whitespace
    • New lines and whitespace are now rendered correctly in the outputs on the test results tab
  5. Tooltip shows incorrect job duration in search page
  6. Cached jobs history is not cleared when we delete the project
  7. Subscriptions controller does not handle multiple clicks on the same flag gracefully
  8. Build console page sometimes shows the wrong status label
  9. Fixed node initialization script for aarch64
  10. SPOG rendering freezes the browser on large pipelines even if flags have filtered out most of the resources
    • SPOG rendering with flags to filter elements is more efficient than before


  1. Adds support for running builds on ARM architecture
  2. Runs page shows only summary tab by default and job tabs are created on demand
  3. Job links can be opened in a new browser window/tab
  4. Moving all managed tasks to genexec
    • Instead of running on a separate workflow (stepExec) all managed and unmanaged tasks alike will run through the genexec workflow.
  5. Switch NPS to 10 point scale
  6. Super user account search shows a user's subscriptions and projects
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