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Install SSIS Dimension Merge SCD

EdVassie edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 3 revisions
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FineBuild can install and configure the SSIS Dimension Merge SCD as part of the SQL Server install process. If you do not want to include SSIS Dimension Merge SCD in your FineBuild install, then do not download it.

SSIS Dimension Merge SCD was originally produced by Todd McDermid et al, and a commercial version is now available. It was chosen to be included in FineBuild because it provides a major building block within SSIS for implementing the Kimball methodology.

Item Location
SSIS Dimension Merge SCD home page
SSIS Dimension Merge SCD download
SSIS Dimension Merge SCD video
Commercially supported and more recent version of SSIS Dimension Merge SCD

After downloading from the web archive site, the following additional steps are needed to make the install media available:

  1. Browse the file

  2. Navigate to the\releases\6 folder

  3. Copy the 90bd4ff1-be7e-4f07-9873-a03970626aa1 file to the \Additional Components folder

  4. Rename the 90bd4ff1-be7e-4f07-9873-a03970626aa1 file to Dimension Merge SCD

FineBuild SSIS Dimension Merge SCD Install

Automated silent installation of SSIS Dimension Merge SCD is performed by Process Id 4IC and is controlled by the parameters below:

SQL Version Parameter FULL Build WORKSTATION Build CLIENT Build
SQL2019 /SetupDimensionSCD: Yes Yes Yes
SQL2017 /SetupDimensionSCD: Yes Yes Yes
SQL2016 /SetupDimensionSCD: Yes Yes Yes
SQL2014 /SetupDimensionSCD: Yes Yes Yes
SQL2012 /SetupDimensionSCD: Yes Yes Yes
SQL2008R2 /SetupDimensionSCD: Yes Yes Yes
SQL2008 /SetupDimensionSCD: Yes Yes Yes
SQL2005 /SetupDimensionSCD: Yes Yes Yes

In order to maintain compatibility with older versions of SQL FineBuild, the parameter /InstDimensionSCD: can also be used.

FineBuild also uses the following parameters to help install SSIS Dimension Merge SCD:

Parameter SQL Version Default Value Description
/DimensionSCDzip: Any Dimension Merge SCD Name of SSIS Dimension Merge SCD install media
/DimensionSCDX86msi: SQL 2008 and above Dimension Merge SCD Setup 2008 x86.msi Name of SSIS Dimension Merge SCD install file for 32-bit servers
/DimensionSCDX64msi: SQL 2008 and above Dimension Merge SCD Setup 2008 x64.msi Name of SSIS Dimension Merge SCD install file for 64-bit servers
/DimensionSCDX86msi: SQL 2005 Dimension Merge SCD Setup 2005 x86.msi Name of SSIS Dimension Merge SCD install file for 32-bit servers
/DimensionSCDX64msi: SQL 2005 Dimension Merge SCD Setup 2005 x64.msi Name of SSIS Dimension Merge SCD install file for 64-bit servers

SSIS Dimension Merge SCD cannot be installed by FineBuild on a Windows Core operating system because it is supplied in zip file format.

The FineBuild install for SSIS Dimension Merge SCD includes the following:

  • Perform a SSIS Dimension Merge SCD install


Manual SSIS Dimension Merge SCD Install

The following steps show what you would have to do to install SSIS Dimension Merge SCD manually. FineBuild does all of this work for you automatically.

  1. Navigate to the Additional Components folder

    Click on Dimension Merge SCD


  2. Double-click on the relevant file:

    Platform File
    For SQL 2005 32-bit Dimension Merge SCD Setup 2005 x86.msi
    For SQL 2005 64 bit Dimension Merge SCD Setup 2005 x64.msi
    For SQL 2008 or above 32-bit Dimension Merge SCD Setup 2008 x86.msi
    For SQL 2008 or above 64 bit Dimension Merge SCD Setup 2008 x64.msi

    Install File

  3. The Welcome window is displayed

    Click Next to continue


  4. The Confirm Installation window is displayed

    Click Next to continue


  5. The Installation Complete window is displayed

    Click Close to exit


Copyright FineBuild Team © 2011 - 2021. License and Acknowledgements

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Key SQL FineBuild Links:

SQL FineBuild supports:

  • All SQL Server versions from SQL 2019 through to SQL 2005
  • Clustered, Non-Clustered and Core implementations of server operating systems
  • Availability and Distributed Availability Groups
  • 64-bit and (where relevant) 32-bit versions of Windows

The following Windows versions are supported:

  • Windows 2022
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 2019
  • Windows 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 2012 R2
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 2012
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 2008 R2
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2008
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows XP
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