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Configure SQL Server Surface Area

EdVassie edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 1 revision
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FineBuild can configure SQL Server Surface Area to optimise it for security and manageability.

SQL Server surface area configuration is performed by running a series of queries in SQL Server Management Studio.

FineBuild SQL Server Surface Area configuration

The SQL Server Surface Area configuration relates to Process Id 5BA and is controlled by the parameters below:

SQL Version Parameter FULL Build WORKSTATION Build CLIENT Build
SQL2019 /SetupSQLServer: Yes Yes N/A
SQL2017 /SetupSQLServer: Yes Yes N/A
SQL2016 /SetupSQLServer: Yes Yes N/A
SQL2014 /SetupSQLServer: Yes Yes N/A
SQL2012 /SetupSQLServer: Yes Yes N/A
SQL2008R2 /SetupSQLServer: Yes Yes N/A
SQL2008 /SetupSQLServer: Yes Yes N/A
SQL2005 /SetupSQLServer: Yes Yes N/A

In order to maintain compatibility with older versions of SQL FineBuild, the parameter ConfigSQLServer can also be used.

FineBuild also uses the following parameters to help configure SQL Server Surface Area:

Parameter Default Value Description
spConfigureCLREnabled 1 Used to enable use of the CLR
spConfigureRemoteAdminConnections 1 Used to enable Dedicated Administrator Connection
spConfigureRemoteProcTrans 0 Used to force use of MSDTC for Distributed Transactions
spConfigurexpCmdshell 1 Used to enable use of xp_cmdshell by non-sysadmin users
spConfigureOptimizeForAdHocWorkloads 1 Used to enable optimisation of ad-hoc workloads. For more details see


Manual SQL Server Surface Area Configuration

The following steps show what you would have to do for manual SQL Server Surface Area configuration. FineBuild does all of this work for you automatically.

  1. Start SQL Server Management Studio and open a query window.

    Allow the display of advanced options by running the following commands:

   sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
  1. Common configuration

    This configuration is done for all SQL Server editions. If a Named Instance is being configured then complete the rest of this section using that instance, otherwise use the default instance.

    Enable the following options using the sp_configure options shown below.

    Function SP_Configure Option
    SQL Agent full functionality 'Agent XPs', '1'
    CLR status 'clr enabled', 'spConfigureCLREnabled'
    Disallow results from triggers 'Disallow results from triggers:', '1'
    OLE Automation procedures 'Ole Automation Procedures', '1'
    Remote use of the Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC) feature 'remote admin connections', 'spConfigureRemoteAdminConnections'
    Protect server to server transactions by using MSDTC 'remote proc trans', 'spConfigureRemoteProcTrans'
    SQL Management procedures 'SMO and DMO XPs', '1'
    Use of xp_cmdshell 'xp_cmdshell', 'spConfigurexpCmdshell'
  2. Standard Edition additional configuration

    If Standard Edition for SQL 2008 R2 or above has been installed, the following options should also be set:

    Function SP_Configure Option
    Enable backup compression 'backup compression default', '1'
  3. Business Intelligence Edition additional configuration

    If Business Intelligence Edition for SQL 2012 and above has been installed, the following options should also be set:

    Function SP_Configure Option
    Enable backup compression 'backup compression default', '1'
    Ad-Hoc workload optimisation 'optimize for ad hoc workloads', 'spConfigureOptimizeForAdHocWorkloads'
  4. Enterprise Edition additional configuration

    If Enterprise Edition for SQL 2005 and above has been installed, the following options should also be set:

    Function SP_Configure Option
    Enable backup compression 'backup compression default', '1'
    Enable extended key management 'EKM provider enabled', '1'
    Ad-Hoc workload optimisation 'optimize for ad hoc workloads', 'spConfigureOptimizeForAdHocWorkloads'
  5. After all options have been set, run the following command:


Copyright FineBuild Team © 2012 - 2019. License and Acknowledgements

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Key SQL FineBuild Links:

SQL FineBuild supports:

  • All SQL Server versions from SQL 2019 through to SQL 2005
  • Clustered, Non-Clustered and Core implementations of server operating systems
  • Availability and Distributed Availability Groups
  • 64-bit and (where relevant) 32-bit versions of Windows

The following Windows versions are supported:

  • Windows 2022
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 2019
  • Windows 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 2012 R2
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 2012
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 2008 R2
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2008
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows XP
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