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IrcLog2010 06 01
William Deegan edited this page Jan 14, 2016
2 revisions
16:08:25 * Jason_at_Intel (~[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has joined #SCONS
16:49:47 * techtonik (~[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has joined #SCONS
16:51:42 * bdbaddog (~[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has joined #SCONS
16:59:43 * [GregNoel](GregNoel) is no longer marked as being away
16:59:32 * [GregNoel](GregNoel) has entered the building...
17:00:51 <bdbaddog> Good evening Greg!
17:02:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hey, all; I don't see Steven, although he said he would make it. Shall we give him a couple of minutes?
17:02:14 <bdbaddog> Sure.
17:04:39 * sgk (~sgk@nat/google/x-fhtfswcishgntsxo) has joined #SCONS
17:04:47 <sgk> yo
17:04:56 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> And here he is; shall we get started?
17:05:16 <bdbaddog> +1
17:05:19 <sgk> let's do it
17:05:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2545 consensus anytime p4 Greg
17:05:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2627 consensus 2.1 p2 Steven
17:05:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2628 needs a priority, but otherwise consensus research Steven; how about p3?
17:05:38 <sgk> p3 sounds good
17:05:58 <bdbaddog> +1
17:06:05 <Jason_at_Intel> +1
17:06:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:06:18 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2630 needs a priority, but otherwise consensus research Steven; how about p2?
17:06:28 <sgk> how about 2629?
17:06:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> oops, yes 2629; getting ahead of myself
17:06:48 <sgk> since i took the 2628 (and likely 2630), how about 2629 => garyo?
17:07:26 <sgk> seems like he already looked at it, and he can kick it back if it's a problem
17:07:25 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> works for me; what priority?
17:07:48 <sgk> since it's related to batching, p2
17:08:42 <sgk> maybe with a note inviting kicking it to me if it looks too tied to the other batching things
17:08:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> no other opinion, done
17:08:43 <sgk> done
17:08:46 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> try 26eo?
17:08:54 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2630?
17:08:55 <sgk> 26eo: p2
17:09:04 <sgk> :-)
17:09:18 <bdbaddog> +1
17:09:23 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:09:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2631 consensus 2.1 p3 Rob
17:09:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2632 consensus 2.1 p3 Rob
17:09:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2633
17:10:03 <sgk> any barriers to inviting anatoly to update directly?
17:10:18 * sgk looks again at the bug itself...
17:10:45 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'd like him to pass his changes by a native speaker before he commits, but otherwise no problem for me.
17:10:55 <sgk> agreed re: editing
17:10:57 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll volunteer to be his editor.
17:11:01 <sgk> that could be either you or me
17:11:04 <sgk> you
17:11:06 <sgk> thnx
17:11:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> or you...
17:11:16 <sgk> no backs!
17:11:25 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> or even both, depending on who's available.
17:11:37 <sgk> both sounds reasonable
17:12:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, I'll make him a committer and close the issue... hmmm, what status?
17:12:36 <sgk> depending on his cycles... 2.0 would be nice... p2?
17:12:38 <sgk> maybe even p1?
17:12:47 <sgk> there's a window of opportunity with 2.0 going out the door
17:13:09 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, I'll assign him the issue.
17:13:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2.0 p1 tech<esc>
17:13:40 <sgk> done
17:14:02 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2634
17:14:20 <sgk> garyo, ask for confirmation, close in two weeks if none?
17:14:37 <Jason_at_Intel> agreed
17:15:15 <bdbaddog> +1
17:15:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I can ask when I post the issues, but I'll assign it to Gary so he'll stay in the loop.
17:15:55 <sgk> okay
17:15:22 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:15:37 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2635
17:16:10 <sgk> does david cournapeau have any cycles for 2635?
17:16:27 <sgk> assign to him, ask for it back if he's still mired in finishing his thesis?
17:16:30 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Unfortunately, I have to admit my first language was FORTRAN, but David would be a better choice.
17:17:17 <sgk> let's give him a crack at it then
17:17:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, I'll do that, but if he can't, I'll take it (but not at a high priority). (I think he won't be done until late June.)
17:17:37 <sgk> agreed
17:17:37 <sgk> thnx
17:17:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:18:06 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2636
17:18:00 <sgk> 2636: i'm very much out of the loop on the packaging stuff, will go with consensus
17:18:21 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> What happened to the student who wrote it?
17:18:30 <sgk> no idea
17:18:33 <sgk> was garyo mentor?
17:19:00 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hmmm... Not me, so probably him.
17:19:16 <sgk> assign to garyo to follow up with student?
17:19:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> good idea
17:19:54 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> what milestone, priority?
17:20:02 <sgk> 2.1 p3 ?
17:20:59 <bdbaddog> +1
17:21:13 <Jason_at_Intel> +1
17:21:13 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I guess that's OK; he can ask for it to be changed if need be. 2.2 might be better.
17:21:26 <sgk> done
17:21:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:21:34 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1.3.doc I'd like to declare 2.0.0.beta.20100531 the release candidate and reopen the trunk for 2.1 development. Since we have no documented flow for cherry-picking changesets from the trunk, I'm reluctant to say that these documentation issues could go in 2.0.
17:21:34 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I have a background project to SConsify the current build scheme, so I've been working through the release flow in detail. It's a mess, but I think I know what the flow should be; I could write up how to do the cherry-picking.
17:21:34 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> But no matter what, I think Steven should make the assignments and then get hard-nosed about nagging to see that it gets done. Otherwise it won't get done in time for 3.0...
17:22:09 <sgk> "...see that it gets done..." it == ?
17:22:16 <sgk> the doc issues ?
17:22:23 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
17:22:54 <sgk> (break for shuttle in a few minutes)
17:23:07 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> The antecedent is "assignments" so it should be "them." Mea culpa.
17:23:43 <sgk> i can do some assigning, but not sure who's in the volunteer pool
17:24:04 <sgk> (shuttle coming, biab)
17:24:06 * sgk has quit (Quit: sgk)
17:27:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> techtonik, are you here?
17:28:00 * sgk (~[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has joined #SCONS
17:28:13 <sgk> back (i think)
17:28:14 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Maybe it would be a good test for techtonik (if you're reading, would you be willing to try?); it's clearly documentation that needs to be done.
17:28:49 <sgk> what'd i miss?
17:29:06 <bdbaddog> nada
17:29:12 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> dead silence...
17:29:19 <sgk> heh
17:29:30 <bdbaddog> long day IRL
17:30:33 <sgk> okay, how about i just take a stab at reassigning the doc issues then
17:30:36 <sgk> might be random to start
17:30:39 <bdbaddog> so should we change the bootstrap logic to have a beta level ?
17:30:42 <sgk> but people can balk and then i can correct
17:30:54 <bdbaddog> and/or RC ?
17:31:12 <sgk> bdbaddog: not sure what you mean
17:31:16 <bdbaddog> so bootstrap.py CHECKPOINT=beta|RC
17:31:22 <bdbaddog> in addition to d,r
17:31:31 <sgk> i already changed ".alpha." => to ".beta." in the SConstruct file
17:31:38 <sgk> for this last checkpoint
17:31:50 <sgk> but i just did it by hand, no configurability
17:31:40 <bdbaddog> k
17:31:57 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> No, I'm about to check in something that will fix that, but I'm still testing it.
17:32:09 <sgk> cool
17:32:30 <sgk> are all of the 1.3.x fixes in the current .beta.20100531 checkpoint?
17:32:36 <bdbaddog> nope.
17:32:45 <bdbaddog> I need to merge the MSVC stuff over.
17:33:16 <bdbaddog> should I do by hand, or would svnmerge be useful for this? though it would be a cherry pick of course.
17:33:50 <sgk> svnmerge can cherry pick
17:33:56 <sgk> just specify the revisions with -r
17:34:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I've got a partially-complete wiki page on how to cherry-pick; I can finish it and post it.
17:34:43 <bdbaddog> k. that'd be great
17:34:48 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Yes, it uses svnmerge
17:35:15 <sgk> very cool
17:35:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Give me a day or two to finish it and try it out.
17:35:31 <bdbaddog> hmm. o.k .was going to give it a wack tonight.
17:35:44 <sgk> bdbaddog: are the 1.3.x changes in the latest checkpoint? that is, they've gotten air time?
17:36:01 <bdbaddog> lateste 1.3 checkpoint yes.
17:36:14 <bdbaddog> though there's one bug or email about some initialization issues on vista.
17:36:41 <sgk> right, that's the one garyo replied to earlier today, yes?
17:36:48 <bdbaddog> yes
17:37:50 <sgk> if we take these in 2.0, do we need another checkpoint for them, or do we go with it?
17:38:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'd rather not have another checkpoint.
17:38:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> In fact, I'd rather go with the current checkpoint.
17:39:05 <sgk> i'm really loathe to ship something that regresses from 1.3.x
17:39:23 <sgk> especially in an area like the Windows initialization
17:39:11 <bdbaddog> ditto
17:40:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I am, too, but I've promised that 2.0.0 would be out on Flag Day; unless we put out another checkpoint this weekend, there's no way.
17:39:38 <bdbaddog> I can do the merge, and push out another checkpoint tonight/tomorrow?
17:39:44 <Jason_at_Intel> There seems to be a lot of issues with msvc.. I don't think people want this to get worse
17:40:12 <Jason_at_Intel> 2.0 should make it better or be the same as 1.3
17:41:07 <sgk> bdbaddog: i like your idea
17:41:25 <sgk> garyo is (i think) on vacation this week, any chance someone else can look at the outstanding vista issue?
17:41:46 <bdbaddog> sure. I can respond with the guy.
17:42:50 <sgk> thnx
17:43:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> sgk, can you assign the doc issues and see how many can be done this week? See if some can get in the checkpoint? Maybe delay a checkpoint until Friday or so?
17:43:11 <sgk> i'll try to be online tonight, so if there's anything i can help with, le tme know
17:43:18 <bdbaddog> will do.
17:43:42 <bdbaddog> [GregNoel](GregNoel) - can u point me to your cherry picking page? is it useful though incomplete at this point?
17:44:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> It's on my home wiki...
17:45:03 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I need a day to clean it up, at least; too many notes to self to be useful
17:45:11 <bdbaddog> [http://scons.org/wiki/GregNoel](http://scons.org/wiki/GregNoel)
17:45:14 <bdbaddog> there?
17:45:52 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> [http://localhost:8000/](http://localhost:8000/)
17:46:38 <bdbaddog> ahh. yeah.. that's hard to get to from here.. ;)
17:47:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Only three firewalls to get through...
17:47:24 <bdbaddog> oh.. I thought you'd make it a real challenge.. ;)
17:47:43 <bdbaddog> Any other items for today?
17:48:18 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> sgk, will you reassign the doc issues?
17:48:31 <sgk> yes
17:48:48 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Can you do it tonight?
17:49:33 <sgk> i think so
17:49:41 <sgk> tomorrow morning otherwise
17:49:52 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> If we get them to people tonight, we might get some back for the next checkpoint.
17:50:52 <sgk> okay, if we finish here soon i may have time right now
17:51:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I don't think we have anything else... And my [TiVo](TiVo) is sick; I need to go troubleshoot it.
17:52:03 <bdbaddog> k. sounds good to me.
17:52:04 <sgk> anyone have anything else to discuss?
17:52:17 <Jason_at_Intel> not here at the moment
17:52:26 <bdbaddog> nope.
17:52:35 <sgk> all right then, I'll peel off and go scatter some documentation issues to the wind
17:52:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Looks like we're done, so g'night all...
17:52:51 <Jason_at_Intel> bye
17:52:54 <bdbaddog> gnight as well
17:53:00 * [GregNoel](GregNoel) has left the building...
17:53:02 <sgk> bye
17:53:03 * Jason_at_Intel has quit (Quit: [ChatZilla](ChatZilla) 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458])
17:53:06 * sgk (~[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has left #SCONS
17:53:14 * bdbaddog (~[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) has left #SCONS
17:54:18 * [GregNoel](GregNoel) has been marked as being away