- Advanced Logging Library Creating additional logs when testing in Robot Framework.
- Apache Tomcat Manager Robot Framework library to manage Apache Tomcat server.
- CassandraCQL Library Robot Framework library to execute CQL statements in Cassandra Database.
- Couchbase Library Robot Framework library to work with Couchbase.
- Couchbase Manager Library Robot Framework library for managing Couchbase server, based on Couchbase REST API.
- Elasticsearch Library Robot Framework library for working with Elasticsearch using Elasticsearch python library.
- Excel Library Robot Framework library for working with Excel documents, based on openpyxl.
- robotframework-jsonvalidator Robot Framework library for JSON validation based on JSONSchema, JSONPath, JSONSelect.
- Oracle Library Robot Framework library for working with Oracle database, using cx_Oracle.
- PostgreSQL Library Robot Framework library for working with PostgreSQL database, using psycopg2.
- RabbitMQ Robot Framework library for for working with RabbitMQ.
- Requests Checker Library Robot Framework library for checking HTTP response status code, based on Requests library.
- Requests Logging Library Robot Framework library for logging HTTP requests and responses, based on Requests library.
- Windows Remote Library Robot Framework library for Windows Remote Management, based on pywinrm.
- Zookeeper Manager Library Robot Framework library for managing Apache Zookeeper, based on kazoo python library.
- robotframework-selenium2screenshots Robot Framework keyword library for capturing annotated screenshots with Selenium2Library
- Robot Framework SNMP Library (Java) The library provides functionality of SNMP manager which can be accessed using Robot Framework keywords. In this model, system under test is SNMP agent.
- EventLibrary Event dispatcher Library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-rest-java This is a Robot Framework library to test REST APIs.
- AarvarkLibrary for Robot Framework AardvarkLibrary is a Robot Framework test library for the Total Phase Aardvark I2C/SPI host adapter.
- Robot-AppEyes library for Robot Framework Robot-AppEyes is a Robot Framework Library to automate visual software testing verification. Robot-AppEyes uses a Python SDK called Eyes-Selenium from the tool Applitools Eyes, and can be used with the Selenium2Library.
- robotframework-oimclientlibrary A Java based Robot Framework library for Oracle Identity Manager testing
- robotframework-jmslibrary Robot Framework library for testing JMS applications. Tested with Apache ActiveMQ but should work with other providers as well.
- robotframework-ldaplibrary A Java based Robot Framework library for accessing an LDAP directory.
- robotframework-ipmilibrary This is a Robot Framework library for testing IPMI devices.
- robotframework-snmplibrary Library for SNMP testing
- robotframework-consoledialogs Console message for robot framework
- phantomrobot PhantomRobot is a Robot Framework test library that uses the popular PhantomJS-browser for running acceptance tests in the background. PhantomRobot is written in and is easily expandable with CoffeeScript.
- MQTT Library A library that provides keywords for testing on MQTT brokers. MQTT is a lightweight protocol for machine-to-machine communication, typically used for IoT messaging. This library uses the paho client library published by eclipse project.
- Robot Framework JMeter Library The Robot Framework library which can be used for starting JMeter and/or analysing and converting JMeter log files into HTML and SQLite format.
- SquishLibrary SquishLibrary is a static keyword library which utilise Python module squishtest. It allows us to use Squish API and Application Convenience API, in our example Qt Convenience API.
- robotframework-async Generic Robot Framework library for asynchronous keyword execution
- remotesikulilibrary Robot framework library to utilize Sikuli’s UI testing capabilities either remotely or locally. Документация
- robotframework-extjs A robotframework library that adds ExtJS support to the Selenium2Library
- robotframework-angularjs An AngularJS extension to Robotframework’s Selenium2Library
- robotframework-seriallibrary Robot Framework test library for serial connection
- robotframework-gabbilibrary Robotframework-gabbilibrary is a Robot Framework test library that creates dynamic keywords out of gabbi tests specified in YAML format for consumption in test cases written for Robot Framework. Blog Post
- robotframework-allurereport The Allure Adaptor for Robot Framework is a Library that can be included in the Robot scripts to generate compatible XML files which can then be used to generate the Allure HTML reports.
- robotframework-jsonlibrary Robotframework Test Library to manipulate JSON using JSONPath
- RESTinstance Robot Framework test library for (RESTful) JSON APIs
Libraries that have not been updated for more than 5 years
- SOAPUI Test library for the Robot Framework, which allows to run and check SoapUI test.
- Image Comparison library A CSS testing library for Robot Framework.
- MongoDBLibrary 2 The Robot Framework MongoDB Library is a library for testing MongoDB applications with the Robotframework. The library is written in Java using the MongoDB Java Driver.
- robotframework-RanorexLibrary Remote Ranorex library to integrate with Robot Framework
- OracleLibrary The Robot Framework Oracle Library is a library which provides common functionality for testing Oracle database contents.
- Selenium2library-extensions Дополнительные keyword’ы к библиотеке Selenium2library. Реализация паттерна call chain
- XML библиотека для RobotFramework на основе lxml
- Sipphone-automation Robot Framework library for testing SIP Phones
- RobotFramework-Plus Tool Collection Adding functionality of embedding charts into the test-reports and extended process management functionality.
- Robot Framework VirtualBox Library This library provides support for VirtualBox
- robotframework-randomlibrary A collection of random utilities that can be used within tests written using RobotFramework
- robotframework-pyspherelibrary Robot Framework test library for VMWare Services
- robotframework-OGCServiceLibrary This library is intended for testing requests to OGC Services.
- robotframework-ipaddrlibrary A Robot Framework library for querying address and hostnames, and performing IP subnet math
- robotframework-python-couchbase Robot framework Couchbase Library in Python
- robotframework-excellibrary Robotframework-excellibrary is a Robot Framework Library that provides keywords to allow opening, reading, writing and saving Excel files.
- robot-ooxml robot-ooxml is a Python library for parsing Microsoft Word .docx and Excel .xlsx format files into the automated testing tool RobotFramework.
- robotframework-rsalibrary Библиотека для управления RSA-ключами шифрования
- robotframework-screencapturelibrary Robot Framework library for capturing screenshots and image manipulation for the purpose of documentation.
- robotframework-ansible A Robot Framework keyword library for the popular Ansible configuration and orchestration tool.
- RobotFramework-DataGeneratorLibrary Library to generate data by pattern
- silverlight-library-robotframework This project is a robotframework keyword library developed in C# to automate Silverlight applications.
- Robotsuite Python unittest test suite for Robot Framework
- sphinxcontrib-robotframework Robot Framework plugin for Sphinx
- Список плагинов на bitbucket
- RobotToolsThis directory contains supporting tools that can be used with Robot Framework.
- Robot Framework Tools Python Tools for Robot Framework and Test Libraries.
- robotframework-pageobjects This Python package adds support of the Page Object pattern to Robot Framework & Robot Framework’s Selenium2Library.
- brackets-robotframework Extension for the brackets text editor
- keywordtimes This is a tool that helps you to profile where the most of the time in your test cases is consumed. This is helpful for example in situations where you want to optimise the test execution times.
- robotframework-tools Python Tools for Robot Framework and Test Libraries.
- pre-commit-robotframework-tidy This is a pre-commit git hook that will run Robot Framework’s Tidy tool on all of your robot files
- robotbackgroundlogger Background logging support to test libraries
- robotframework-lintThis is a static analysis tool for robot framework plain text files.
- meteor-robotframework Run Robot Framework end-to-end tests for Meteor applications
- Sikuli integration This is (or at least is aimed to become) a complete and beginner friendly tutorial which shows you step by step a general concept on how to integrate SikuliX with the Robot Framework and thus let both technologies - which are allready superb by themself - benefit from each other and even further enhance each other which creates undreamt synergies.
- Robot-dashboard Web-интерфейс для отображения результатов тестов. Соответствующий listener: robot-watchdog
- lang-robot Robotframework syntax highlighting for Notepad++
- gorrs Generic Robot Framework remote library server implementation in go
- qcri Import test results to HP Quality Center
- PythonLibCore Tools to ease creating larger test libraries for Robot Framework using Python
- robotgabbi-openstack robotframework-gabbilibrary provides an implementation that creates dynamic keywords out of gabbi tests. Gabbi is a tool that allows a user to write HTTP tests using YAML format. The main advantage of writing test cases in Gabbi’s YAML format is the simplicity and readability of the test case.
- rfdocker Robot Framework in a lightweight Alpine Linux based Docker container.
- docker-robot-framework Docker image with browser drivers
- docker-robot-framework Robot Framework in Docker, with Firefox and Chrome
- robotframework-statusupdater Updates status of tests to various test management systems: TestLink, Zephyr, HP quality control
- Robotcorder A chrome extension that generates test scripts
- Katalon Recorder This is the Selenium IDE-compatible replacement on latest Chrome and Firefox that helps record, play, debug, manage automated tests, and export to Robot Framework.
- Taurus Taurus позволяет использовать в нагрузочном тестировании автотесты, написанные на Robot Framework
Tools that have not been updated for more than 5 years
- Rammbock+wireshark Tool for helping to generate data of Rammbock messages in record-modify-playback manner based on Wireshark monitorings
- robotbatch Tool for splitting robot test suites into batches for parallell execution
- HTMLCheckerA Robot Framework test library for running checks and validations on HTML files.
- RobotRecorder Vagrant Видеозапись Selenium тестов
- MSSQL-DbBot Сохранение результатов тестов в БД MSSQL
- unittest2robot Generation of robot framework scripts from python unittest.TestCase classes
- Pycurllibrary PycURLLibrary is client-side URL transfer test library based on PycUrl for Robot Framework.
- Node.js Remote Server Robot Framework Remote Server written in Node.js, loosely based on https://github.com/mkorpela/RoboZombie and https://github.com/comick/node-robotremoteserver
- Telcotools4robotframework A collection of telecom related test libraries (or resource files) for use with Robot Framework.
- robotframework2testlink Reporting Robotframework results to Testlink test manager
- robotframework-ant RobotAnt is a ant task for using robotframework inside ant build scripts.
- Page Object in Robot Framework Пример разработки Selenium тестов на Robot Framework с применением PageObgect
- FireRobot FireRobot is a Firefox extension that allows you to create Robot Framework/Selenium tests, in a more efficient way.
- robotframework-analyzer Lightweight and intuitive static analyzer for Robot Framework test suites.
- RobPy Проект, позволяющий писать тесты на Python, но легко использовать части Robot Framework: логгер, теги, листенеры. Обсуждение на форуме