robotframework-gabbilibrary is a Robot Framework test library that creates dynamic keywords out of gabbi tests specified in YAML format for consumption in test cases written for Robot Framework.
To install robotframework-gabbilibrary, clone this repo and run:
python install
Include the library in your robot test file:
Setting | Value | Argument | Documentation |
Library | GabbiLibrary |
robotframework-gabbilibrary will read the gabbi files located under gabbit_path. It creates dynamic keywords matching the gabbi test names.
Each gabbi testcase specified in the gabbi files is loaded as a dynamic keyword in Robot Framework.
The keywords are called from a robot test suite using optional arguments and return value as shown below.
Note: The standard behavior of gabbi to run all tests defined in a single YAML file has been modified. Instead when calling a gabbi test from a robot test suite using robotframework-gabbilibrary, only that single gabbi test will be executed. |
Arguments can be passed to a dynamic keyword defined in a gabbi tests as a named argument:
Value | Argument | Documentation |
gabbi test name | NAME=VALUE |
url=VALUE |
robotframework-gabbilibrary adds two new response handlers to gabbi for storing values from the response header or from the response body. These addtional keys can be used in the gabbi tests:
Key | Description |
response_store_value |
response_headers_store_value |
For a sample implementation of a robot testsuite that utilizes robotframework-gabbilibrary, please check robotgabbi-openstack.