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Day Two self learning and first user story

Ollie Norman edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Day Two

Self learning and first user stories


  1. To spend the morning individually researching the basics of developing on Rails.
  2. To get Travis CI up and running.
  3. To automatically deploy Heroku when Travis passes.
  4. To complete the 'User sign up' user story.

Issues Faced & Solutions

  1. No issues.
  2. Issues found with Travis script - fixed by making sure it properly sets up the environment each time before it builds.
  3. Issue found with authentication - issue not fixed.
  4. Issues found with rails syntax for creating new users, rails process for accessing the DELETE route of sessions, and rails process for displaying messages - creating new users issue fixed found by researching more up-to-date syntax, second two issues not fixed.
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