Sign-up landing page
Posts homepage
This was a group project as part of Makers Academy, with the aim of engineering a social media platform using a new framework, while implementing single-page app functionality for user posts and likes.
As a user
So that I can join the platform
I would like to be able to sign up
As a user
So that I can see which users have created which posts
I would like users to be able to login
As a user
In order to ensure privacy
I would like to only allow logged in users to be able to see posts
As a user
So that I can share my thoughts with other users
I would like to be able to easily create posts without refreshing the page
As a user
In case I change my mind
I would like to be able to remove only my own posts, without refreshing the page
As a user
So that I can show my appreciation for other users' posts
I would like to be able to like another post without refreshing the page, as well as remove it if I change my mind
As a user
In order that I can see other users response to posts
I would like to see the count of likes for each post, with each user only able to like a post once
Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, ReactJS, RSpec
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
Install the relevant dependancies:
$ bundle install
$ bin/rails db:create
$ bin/rails db:migrate
Run the server:
$ bin/rails server # Start the server at localhost:3000
To run the tests:
$ bundle exec rspec
Many thanks to the rest of the acebook-CLOBS team:
Luke Wickens, Ben Lawrence,
Chris Abdo, and Ollie Norman