An awesome Android Reddit client
For collaborations, please view this issue and follow the links, specifically the article on the suggested branching model.
- Upgrades MainActivity to use the CoordinatorLayout and utilies SnackBar for certain operations like unhide.
- Any activity that has CoordinatorLayout should implement CoordinatorLayout Interface because snackbars can only be called from within that activity.
- Implement Report operation. Ask for confirmation, and call hide operation but do not prompt for undo operation on success.
- Fix scroll view in PostPreviewFragment.
- Implement a reliable way to call methods in fragment from activities.
- OAuth 2 implemented for a single account.
- Logging in required before accessing the app.
- Comments Activity that uses a viewpager. Comments now collapse and expand as expected.
- Upgraded to Retrofit and okHttp to the latest version.
- Realm for local database.
- Any activity/fragment with a sliding panel should extend from SlidingUpPanelActivity/SlidingUpPanelFragment.
- All custom views should call interfaces to perform their operations, and views talk to presenters for non-UI related operations when needed.
- Clone this repo.
- In AndroidStudio, File > Open.
- Choose the top level folder (Redgram).
- Gradle should automatically build the file. If not, navigation to Build > ReBuild Project.
- Run project.
- Always - Follow the Program to Interface approach. Read More.
- Focus on
:- Up/Down vote, view media, etc
- Markdown
- Comments operations - load more, up/down vote on comments
- Make sure the app cannot be rotated to Landscape.
- Implement Settings and a way to integrate it with Realm and throughout the app.
- Submit links and comments.
- Implement Profile (auth user and others).
###Enhancement Required:
- UI for the nav drawer - but it's functional.
- Smooth scroll when many comments are collpased.
- Avoiding Bitmap too large to fit warnings.
- Controlling network calls as state changes.
- UI touch gestures.
- Caching.
- Dagger(2) Integration.
This project is under GPL license