This organization contains tools and resources for working with the Common Information Model (CIM) as well as links to other available tools
Python library for generating in-memory labeled property graphs of CIM objects for creating, editing, and parsing node-breaker / bus-branch transmission and distribution models.
- CIM Profiles: CIM 15-18, custom profiles can be added easily
- Language: Python
- OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
Python library for bulk upload and download of CIM models from common databases, such as Blazegraph, Neo4J, and MySQL.
- CIM Profiles: CIM15-18
- Language: Python
- OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
A tool set for translating electric power distribution system models between various formats, using the IEC Standard 61970/61968 CIM as the "Hub". Support is currently being added for bus-branch transmission models and electro-magnetic transient solvers.
- CIM Profiles: CIM 100: CIMHub profile and GMDM profile
- Language: Java, Python
- OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
A proposed replacement for Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) using CIM classes and attributes
- Language: Python
Enabling Data Exchange using CIM:
A Power Application Developer's Guide to CIM:
Demystifying CIM Part 1 Slide Deck
Demystifying CIM Part 2 Slide Deck
This list is not meant to be comprehensive or be interpreted as a recommendation or endorsement of any other tools. It is merely provided as a useful list of possibly complementary tools that may be used as part of a larger tool chain.
GUI tool can be used to create a new CIM profile from a CIM .eap information model file and then export that CIM profile to a data profile.
- CIM Profiles: Any
- Language:Java
- OS: Windows
Command-line tool can be used to compare different CIM profiles and discover changes to classes and attributes in the information model
- CIM Profiles: Any two (for comparison)
- Language: Java
- OS: Windows
Python library for import and export of CGMES / CIM IEC-61970 files in the XML/RDF format
- CIM Profiles: ENTSO-E / CGMES (IEC-61970 only, -61968 and -62325 classes not supported)
- Language: Python
- OS: Any
(Deprecated) Python library for reading / writing CIM XML files
- CIM Profiles: CIM14-15
- Language: Python
- OS: Any
C++ library for reading/deserializing CIM XML files
- CIM Profiles: CIM16-17
- Language: C++
- OS: Any
Data profile creation tool that creates data classes from a CIM profile
- CIM Profiles: Any
- Language: Python, Java, C++
- OS: Any
Basic web plotter for drawing CIM models, limited to classes ACLineSegment
, EnergyConsumer
, PowerTransformer
, SynchronousMachine
, TopologicalNode
, and Terminal
- CIM Profiles: CIM16
- Language: JavaScript
- OS: Web-based
GUI for opening and parsing CIM models. Free community version available with 10,000 object limit.
- CIM Profiles: CIM10, CIM14
- Language: Java
- OS: Windows
Conversion tool to convert CIM models for use in the Modelica modeling language
- CIM Profiles: CGMES
- Language: Java
Another conversion tool to the Modelica modeling language
- CIM Profiles: CGMES
- Language: C++
This list is not meant to be comprehensive or be interpreted as a recommendation or endorsement of any other tools or vendor solution. It is merely provided as a useful list of possibly complementary tools that may be used as part of a larger tool chain.
GUI-based tool for geospatial rendering and editing of CIM models
Adapter for loading CIM power system models into an AVEVA/OSIsoft PI Historian
GUI-based tool for geospatial rendering and editing of CIM models
Converter from ESRI ArcGIS format to CIM XML.
CIM-based transmission planning and analysis suite with similar capabilities and GUI as PSSE. Model exchange supported between PSSE and ENTSO-E CGMES profile.