Copyright (c) 2017-2022, Battelle Memorial Institute
This is a tool set for translating electric power distribution system models between various formats, using the IEC Standard 61970/61968 Common Information Model (CIM) as the "Hub".
The CIM data is stored in an open-source triple-store called Blazegraph. Python 3 scripts depend on SPARQLWrapper. The Java code uses OpenJDK 11 and builds with Apache Maven.
Please make sure that GIT LFS is installed before checking out or cloning this repository.
For an introduction to the CIM, see EPRI's CIM Primer, which is currently free to the public. Then see Profile Unified Modeling Language (UML) for documentation of the schema used in CIMHub.
CIMHub requires either Java 11 and Python 3.8+, or Docker. It runs on Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. Some of the optional converters to OpenDSS may only work on Windows, especially in cases where the input file comes from a Windows-only database.
Unless you already have Docker installed, this option is probably more convenient. However, there may be technical or licensing concerns with installation of Java. If so, please consider the Docker option below.
- Install the Python package with
pip install cimhub --upgrade
- Install Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or later as instructed
- Install Blazegraph 2.1.6 from Blazegraph Releases
- Install the CIMHub exporter by downloading a JAR file from CIMHub Releases
- Install opendsscmd
With this option, you don't have to install Java directly. The Docker container encapsulates Java 11 with a compatible version of Blazegraph and the CIMHub exporter.
- Install the Docker Engine
- Install the CIMHub exporter with docker pull gridappsd/cimhub:1.1.0. This includes Blazegraph, Python support, OpenDSSCmd, GridLAB-D, and example files.
This example converts two versions of the IEEE 13-Bus case from OpenDSS to CIM and GridLAB-D, without writing code. One version uses phase impedance matrices for line segments. The other version, labeled "Assets", uses wire and spacing data for the line segments, and transformer code data for the transformers.
- From a command prompt in the Blazegraph installation directory, start the Blazegraph
engine with
java -server -Xmx4g -jar blazegraph.jar
- From another command prompt in the examples directory TBD
The Docker image for CIMHub is based on Linux (Debian 11, aka "Bullseye"), so even when Docker is hosted on Windows, the CIMHub commands use Linux syntax. There are three directories within the Docker image for CIMHub:
- /app contains the CIMHub code and examples. Changes to this directory do not persist between sessions, but you may copy the contents as needed.
- /data is a persistent volume of data for your own use. The Blazegraph database engine keeps data here, and you may copy or create new files here.
- /platform is a volume bound to a directory on your host computer, i.e., you may exchange data between the Docker image and the host file system through this volume. As shipped, /platform points to a directory of GridAPPS-D feeder models cloned from GitHub, which you may not have on your host file system. However, you can change or add bound volumes to match your own use case. See the last line of docker-compose.yml for an example.
The first example converts two versions of the IEEE 13-Bus case from OpenDSS to CIM and GridLAB-D, without writing code. One version uses phase impedance matrices for line segments. The other version, labeled "Assets", uses wire and spacing data for the line segments, and transformer code data for the transformers.
- From a Terminal, start the converter and Blazegraph with ./
- From inside the Docker Terminal, run two example conversions of the IEEE 13-Bus example:
- cd /data
- ./ &
- cd /app/example
- ./
- tail sum*.csv to verify that the converted OpenDSS files ran correctly
- see the comments embedded in for more information
- Still inside the Docker Terminal, run a Python-based test suite:
- cd ../tests
- ./ will combine 6 CDPSM profiles into a single CIM XML file.
- python3 checks the basic functionality of circuit conversion, measurements, houses and DER. Six tuples are left in the database; these are CIM version strings.
- python3 compares OpenDSS and GridLAB-D solutions, to the pre-conversion OpenDSS model
- python3 checks the drop_circuit function
- python3 checks the insert_der and drop_der functions
- python3 checks power flow solutions on 5 variants of the IEEE 13-bus system
- python3 checks power flow solutions with mRID naming
- Still inside the Docker Terminal, run the full set of examples:
- cd ..
- python3 will run a set of examples that may take several minutes to complete.
- Check *.inc files in the example sub-directories for output results.
- Check *.log files in the example sub-directories for detailed warnings and errors.
- To shut down the container:
- exit from inside the Docker Terminal
- ./ from the host Terminal (TODO: this currently empties the /data volume)
The example script may produce error messages upon first invocation, because the Blazegraph engine doesn't start immediately. However, the example does complete successfully. You may re-run the example starting from step 1. You may also wish to modify docker-compose.yml so that it mounts a local directory inside the converter, for transferring your own files between the host and Docker.
To convert your own circuits from OpenDSS to CIM and GridLAB-D, follow the IEEE 13-Bus example described above, with some changes:
- First read the OpenDSS note on Common Information Model for background on how the univeral unique identifiers (UUID) are managed for CIM.
- The first time you run the conversion process on a new circuit, OpenDSS must create
random UUID values. To account for this:
- In the example cim_test.dss file, comment out (with //) any lines invoking the uuids command
- In the file, you have to replace the -s parameter with a correct one for your new circuit. For example, DFBF372D-4291-49EF-ACCA-53DAFDE0338F should be changed to a new value. The correct value will be found on line 1 of the generated *UUIDS.dat file for your new circuit. You can generate this file by executing line 13 of by itself, i.e., run opendsscmd cim_test.dss. Then, copy the new mRID from line 1 of the output *UUIDS.dat file into line 24 and/or line 29 of the file. Optionally, comment out line 13 because you don't need to run that step again, although it does no harm to do so.
- To re-run the conversion process on the same circuit, you should first uncomment the uuids command that you commented out in the first bullet. This way, OpenDSS will reuse the UUID values, including the first one for the circuit.
If you don't have an OpenDSS model, see the converters provided in this repository.
Usage and options for java gov.pnnl.gridappsd.cimhub.CIMImporter [options] output_root
, in
the format like -h=1
to use houses in GridLAB-D exports.
Option | Values | Description |
-q | XML filename | Optional file with CIM namespace and component queries (defaults to built-in CIM100 with GMDM and PNNL extensions) |
-s | mRID | Select one feeder by CIM mRID; selects all feeders if not specified |
-o | glm,dss,both,idx,cim,csv | Output format; defaults to glm; currently cim supports only CIM14 |
-l | [0.0 - 1.0] | Load scaling factor; defaults to 1 |
-f | 50, 60 | System frequency; defaults to 60 |
-e | Deri,Carson,FullCarson | Earth model for OpenDSS, defaults to Deri but GridLAB-D supports only Carson |
-n | schedule name | Root filename for scheduled ZIP loads (defaults to none), valid only for -o=glm |
-z | [0.0 - 1.0] | Constant Z portion of load (defaults to 0 for CIM-defined LoadResponseCharacteristic) |
-i | [0.0 - 1.0] | Constant I portion of load (defaults to 0 for CIM-defined LoadResponseCharacteristic) |
-p | [0.0 - 1.0] | Constant P portion of load (defaults to 0 for CIM-defined LoadResponseCharacteristic) |
-r | 0, 1 | Determine ZIP load fraction based on given xml file or randomized fractions |
-h | 0, 1 | Ask for house load objects exported to supplement EnergyConsumers |
-x | 0, 1 | Indicate whether for glm, the model will be called with a fault_check already created |
-t | 0, 1 | Request timing of top-level methods and SPARQL queries, requires -o=both for methods |
-u | URI | Blazegraph uniform resource identifier (if connecting over HTTP); defaults to http:localhost:8889/bigdata/namespace/kb/sparql |
-a | 0, 1 | Ask for shape, schedule, and player references to be exported for time-series power flow |
-m | 0, 1, 2, 3 | Insert a reference to an include file of manual edits to exported models; 0=none, 1=before network, 2=after network, 3=both locations |
-d | 0, 1, 2 | Use of safe name, name, or mRID to identify simulator objects; defaults to safe name. Safe name replaces characters from the set " .=+^$*|[]{}\" with _ |
The output format options for -o=
Value | Description |
cim | creates a CIM14 model from CIM100 |
csv | creates a set of comma-delimited text files from CIM100 |
dss | creates an OpenDSS model from CIM100 |
glm | creates a GridLAB-D model from CIM 100 |
both | creates both OpenDSS and GridLAB-D models from CIM100 |
idx | creates a JSON index of all Feeders in the triple-store. Use this to obtain valid mRID values for the -s option |
If you will need both OpenDSS and GridLAB-D files, the -o=both
is much more efficient than generating them individually, because over 90%
of the execution time is taken up with SPARQL queries that are common to
In each directory, the main suite of test cases is configured by entries in the cases.json file, where each case has the following attributes:
The cases.json file contains an array of case definitions, where each case has the following attributes:
- mRID master resource identifier (mRID) of the Feeder to select from Blazegraph for this case. Most CIM objects have a mRID, which is a universally unique identifier (UUID) following the Web standard RFC 4122.
- root common part of case file names, usually matches the incoming OpenDSS circuit name
- inpath_dss relative path to incoming OpenDSS models, including shapes. Will store base snapshot and/or time-series power flow results. Must be specified. For example, ./base/
- dssname file name of the incoming "master" OpenDSS file, often root.dss
- path_xml relative path to output CIM XML files, including archived UUID files to persist the mRIDs. Stores the base snapshot power flow results. Typically ./xml/
- outpath_dss relative path to output OpenDSS files, typically ./dss/. WARNING: contents may be deleted and rewritten on subsequent exports. To forego OpenDSS export, omit this attribute, or specify as None or an empty string.
- outpath_glm relative path to output GridLAB-D files, typically ./glm/. WARNING: contents may be deleted and rewritten on subsequent exports. To forego GridLAB-D export, omit this attribute, or specify as None or an empty string.
- dss_controls if specified and true, will run the incoming and converted OpenDSS files in static control mode. The default is to run with controls off.
- dss_tolerance if specified, will run the incoming and converted OpenDSS files with this solution tolerance. The default is 1e-8.
- skip_gld will forego GridLAB-D export and validation if true, regardless of whether outpath_glm has been set. This can be more convenient than removing outpath_glm, which is now the preferred method, if you are temporarily using an older version of GridLAB-D.
- outpath_csv relative path to output comma-separated value (CSV) files, typically ./csv/. WARNING: contents may be deleted and rewritten on subsequent exports. To forego CSV export, omit this attribute, or specify as None or an empty string.
- glmvsrc RMS line-to-neutral voltage for the GridLAB-D substation source. Use nominal line-to-line voltage, divided by square root of three, then multiplied by per-unit voltage from the OpenDSS circuit definition.
- bases array of nominal line-to-line voltage bases for power flow comparisons of per-unit voltages. Specify in ascending order, not including 208.0, which is always considered.
- substation optional name of the CIM Substation. This may be used to help organize multiple feeders.
- region optional name of the CIM GeographicalRegion. This may be used to help organize multiple feeders.
- subregion optional name of the CIM SubGeographicalRegion. This may be used to help organize multiple feeders.
- substationID optional mRID of the CIM Substation. This may be used to help organize multiple feeders.
- regionID optional mRID of the CIM GeographicalRegion. This may be used to help organize multiple feeders.
- subregionID optional mRID of the CIM SubGeographicalRegion. This may be used to help organize multiple feeders.
- export_options command-line options passed to the Java model exporter. See Command-line Reference for more details.
- check_branches optional array of individual branches to compare pre-conversion and post-conversion
snapshot power flow solutions. Either the dss or gld pairs may be omitted.
- dss_link name of an OpenDSS branch to compare the current and power flow.
- dss_bus name of an OpenDSS bus at one end of the dss_link for comparing voltages, and calculating power from the current flow.
- gld_link name of a GridLAB-D branch to compare the current and power flow.
- gld_bus name of a GridLAB-D bus at one end of the gld_link for comparing voltages, and calculating power from the current flow.
The file reads cases.json into a Python dictionary, then processes it. Alternatively, you may create this dictionary programmatically in the Python script.
- The last line of the script, calling convert_and_check_models, performs all steps in sequence.
- The first argument is the case dictionary, in which attribute values control how the conversions and comparisons are done.
- The second argument bClearDB, will empty the Blazegraph database right away. This is most convenenient for testing, but use caution if the database may contain other circuits.
- The third argument, bClearOutput, will remove any outpath_dss, outpath_glm, outpath_csv specified in cases. USE CAUTION if these directories may contain other files, or manual edits. The output directories are created or re-created as necessary.
- The fourth argument, glmScheduleDir, specifies where to find GridLAB-D's appliance and commercial schedules, which may be needed for the -h and -a export options.
The script outputs include the comparisons requested from check_branches, and summary information:
- Nbus is the number of buses found in [Base OpenDSS, Converted OpenDSS, Converted GridLAB-D]
- Nlink is the number of links found in [Base OpenDSS, Converted OpenDSS, Converted GridLAB-D]
- MAEv is the mean absolute voltage error between Base OpenDSS and [Converted OpenDSS, Converted GridLAB-D], in per-unit. This is based on line-to-neutral voltages. In an ungrounded system, MAEv can be large. Use the line-to-line voltage comparisons from check_branches for ungrounded systems.
- MAEi is the mean absolute link current error between Base OpenDSS and [Converted OpenDSS, Converted GridLAB-D], in Amperes
GridLAB-D results were obtained with v5 on Ubuntu. This version has important fixes that are not yet released on Windows. Furthermore, GridLAB-D has assumptions and component models that differ from those in OpenDSS, which may affect the comparison of solutions between them:
- There is no neutral impedance for transformer connections in GridLAB-D.
- The
is only implemented for WYE-WYE or SINGLE_PHASE transfromers in GridLAB-D. - GridLAB-D transformers only have two windings.
- The regulator impedance is modeled differently.
- Capacitor banks are always on in the converted GridLAB-D model; control parameters are translated but not activated.
- GridLAB-D calculates line parameters with Carson's equations, as simplified in Kersting's book.
OpenDSS defaults to Deri's method, but it offers Full Carson and Carson options. Specify
for compatibility. (Deri is the OpenDSS default because it's easy to calculate, and it closely matches Full Carson.) - In GridLAB-D, wye/delta transformers have to be converted to delta/wye, swapping primary and secondary windings. With check_branches, choose an adjacent branch for proper comparisons.
- Single-phase generators (diesel_dg) are not allowed in GridLAB-D, and in version 5, the phases attribute has been removed from diesel_dg.
- In a constant-current load model, the angle rotations are not exactly correct, especially for unbalanced loads or loads connected in Delta. See GridLAB-D Issue 1312. This has been corrected in GridLAB-D version 5.
- In GridLAB-D, the IEEE13 results are affected by a bug in default solar insolation. See GridLAB-D Issue 1333. This has been corrected in GridLAB-D version 5.
If these effects cannot be mitigated, one could either remove the unsupported feature from the test case, or use skip_gld for the test case.
Some other limitations on the validation process include:
- MAEv is limited to the line-to-neutral voltages. Using check_branches can partially mitigate this, but it does not implement a systematic comparison of line-to-line voltages.
- MAEi misses the regulators; it captures lines, transformers and switches.
- MAEi misses the shunt components, e.g., loads, capacitors, DER.
In order to develop Python code for the CIM, it should suffice to pip3 install sparqlwrapper and then use existing Python code under ./src_python for guidance.
In order to modify the CIMHub Java code, you will need to install Apache Maven and then use mvn clean install.
In order to build the cimhub docker container, use the ./ script. However, that script assumes that opendsscmd and liblinenoise have been built in sibling directories to this one. When finished, an authorized developer can push the new image to DockerHub, e.g., docker push gridappsd/cimhub:1.1.0
From this directory, python3
will recursively execute the test suites
in several sub-directories.
- The Blazegraph engine must have been started first. Existing contents will be deleted.
- Previous test suite outputs will be erased.
- The test suites will take several minutes to finish.
- Upon completion:
- Use git status to identify any summary outputs that have changed in files named *.inc. Then use git diff on those *.inc files to determine the significance of any changed outputs that occurred.
- Check *.log files in the sub-directories for detailed warnings and errors.
- This automated test suite should be run before making any pull requests.
- New CIMHub features and examples should be added to as they are developed.
The Python source code is now in src_python/cimhub
. To test it:
cd tests
checks the basic functionality of circuit conversion, measurements, houses and DER. Six tuples are left in the database; these are CIM version strings.python3
compares OpenDSS and GridLAB-D solutions, to the pre-conversion OpenDSS model./
to combine 6 CDPSM profiles into a single CIM XML file. Note: you must first run ./ arg from the example subdirectory, as described above.python3
checks the drop_circuit functionpython3
checks the insert_der and drop_der functionspython3
checks power flow solutions on 5 variants of the IEEE 13-bus systempython3
checks power flow solutions with mRID naming
The steps for deployment to PyPi are:
rm -rf dist
python3 -m build
twine check dist/*
should not show any errorstwine upload -r testpypi dist/*
requires project credentials for cimhub on test.pypi.orgpip install -i cimhub==1.1.0
for local testing of the deployable package, example version 1.1.0twine upload dist/*
final deployment; requires project credentials for cimhub on
If working on the platform:
mvn clean install
from this repository to ensure you have the latest, branch-compatible CIMHub- Make sure you have the latest, branch-compatible opendsscmd from GOSS-GridAPPS-D
- Perform the GridAPPS-D tests from the latest, branch-compatible Powergrid-Models/platform <>`_.
It could be more convenient to run only Blazegraph in a Docker container, writing code and queries on the host.
- Start the containerized Blazegraph engine:
- docker run --name blazegraph -d -p 8889:8080 lyrasis/blazegraph:2.1.5 to create and start the container for Blazegraph
- Only if something goes wrong: docker logs -f blazegraph to log the database and Java messages to the console
- consult the Docker documentation for more details on how to stop and otherwise manage containers
- subsequently, use docker restart blazegraph to restart the container
- Point a web browser to http://localhost:8889/bigdata. On-line help on Blazegraph is available from the browser
- Load some data from a CIM XML file into the browser
- Run a query in the browser
- the file queries.txt contains sample SPARQL that can be pasted into the Blazegraph browser window
You can also run the IEEE 13-bus example conversions from the host Terminal.
- cd example
- ./ arg
Step 2 provides a dummy argument so that the example script will select a different URL for Blazegraph. When querying from the host, the URL contains localhost:8889 but when querying from a Docker terminal, the URL contains blazegraph:8080, which is valid only on the internal network that Docker creates. Also, with a dummy argument, the example will try to run GridLAB-D on the converted example models. This will fail unless you have GridLAB-D installed on the host. If you do have GridLAB-D, tail test*.csv to check the results.
The actively maintained directories are:
XML files for a 118-bus IEEE test system and 240-bus WECC test system, enhanced with inverter-based resources (IBR)CPYDAR
Python scripts to create spreadsheet input files for the ePHASORSIM module of Opal-RTOEDI
creates a version of the IEEE 123-Bus test circuit with DER, for the OEDI projectcimhub/src
Java source for CIMHubconverters
CYMDist and Synergi conversion to OpenDSSder
test cases for DER with smart inverter functions as defined in IEEE Std. 1547-2018docs
description of the CIM support in OpenDSSecp
test cases for load, PV, generator, and storage profiles, schedules, and shapesexample
test CIMHub on the IEEE 13-bus modelgmdm
test cases and scripts for the Grid Model Data Management interoperability tests in June 2022helics
illustration of a CIM-defined link between transmission and distribution simulators under [HELICS](
test cases for transformer connectionsieee9500
CIM, OpenDSS, GridLAB-D and CSV versions of the IEEE 9500-node test feederline_constants
test cases for calculating line parameters from CIM spacing and wire datalv_network
test cases for European and North American low-voltage distribution networksmodel_output_tests
scratch directory for model output tst resultsopendsscmd
builds of opendsscmd for Windows and Linux to match the current CIMHub versionqueries
text and xml files with SPARQL queries to use in a web browser, or from a Python scriptreleases
downloadable CIMHub files for end userssrc_python/cimhub
Python source, bash scripts and supporting data filessupport
contains GridLAB-D schedules for end-use, commercial, and thermostat-controlled loadstutorial
illustrates use of CIMHub with houses in GridLAB-D to simulate data from load meterstests
contains scripts to test functions of the cimhub Python module
To run the Python code, you may need to adjust the Blazegraph URL and CIM Namespace in cimhubconfig.json
Set use_proxy: true
in this file if your computer is running a proxy server, e.g., if you are connected
to the PNNL VPN.
Unused code or data from the Powergrid-Models repository is now in archive