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Hextof_workflow_steps #169

merged 61 commits into from
Nov 2, 2023

Hextof_workflow_steps #169

merged 61 commits into from
Nov 2, 2023


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This PR contains the tof corrections required for hextof, prior to energy calibration.

@steinnymir steinnymir mentioned this pull request Oct 11, 2023
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coveralls commented Oct 11, 2023

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 6732977899

  • 404 of 467 (86.51%) changed or added relevant lines in 9 files are covered.
  • No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage.
  • Overall coverage decreased (-0.4%) to 90.103%

Changes Missing Coverage Covered Lines Changed/Added Lines %
sed/loader/ 22 23 95.65%
sed/calibrator/ 86 89 96.63%
sed/loader/flash/ 9 14 64.29%
sed/core/ 6 22 27.27%
sed/loader/flash/ 6 24 25.0%
sed/core/ 69 89 77.53%
Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 6690287002: -0.4%
Covered Lines: 4643
Relevant Lines: 5153

💛 - Coveralls

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@rettigl rettigl left a comment

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I know this is early stage, but let me make some general comments. I have the impression we are starting again to develop parallel structures, because of lack of code overview and discussion.
In particular here, I see that develop code for time conversion, that already exists at other places, and introduce duplicates for config entries with different names. I strongly suggest to avoid this, and keep things to a common logic.
I am off course biased because I placed things there first, and am happy to discuss, maybe we should have a separate short meeting to discuss these general design guides if the back and forth on github is too inefficient.

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rettigl commented Oct 12, 2023

@steinnymir all these codestyle issues etc. are typically fixed if you run pre-commit. I typically do this manually before commiting. You can also run the pylint and mypy commands manually, to spot potentiall issues before pushing

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rettigl commented Oct 12, 2023

@steinnymir Regarding momentum calibration/distortion correction: I have the feeling we are again developing parallel structures. This is what we wanted to avoid. The simplified distortion correction you propose has its advantages, but we found it to be notsufficient, because the residual magnetic fields we have in our lens introduce distortions that cannot be described that way. I would also strongly suggest to separate distortion correction and momentum calibration into two steps, as implemented currently. You can implement your correction as alternative to the current one, if you like, but then put it at the same place and integrate it there, so we don't develop parallel structures.

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@steinnymir all these codestyle issues etc. are typically fixed if you run pre-commit. I typically do this manually before commiting. You can also run the pylint and mypy commands manually, to spot potentiall issues before pushing

I know, the problem is that when I try install pre-commit it creates conflicts in the repo making it unusable. Maybe I can make an other env specific for that. Do you have any suggestions how to do this correctly? do we have a description of the right steps to follow to achieve this, a bit like the readme installation guide?

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@steinnymir Regarding momentum calibration/distortion correction: I have the feeling we are again developing parallel structures. This is what we wanted to avoid. The simplified distortion correction you propose has its advantages, but we found it to be notsufficient, because the residual magnetic fields we have in our lens introduce distortions that cannot be described that way. I would also strongly suggest to separate distortion correction and momentum calibration into two steps, as implemented currently. You can implement your correction as alternative to the current one, if you like, but then put it at the same place and integrate it there, so we don't develop parallel structures.

These methods we are porting are a direct transfer from hextof-processor or other analysis notebooks we used. The starting point is to get these working so that we can then try merge things together, but still check that results are consistent with our expectations.

The other issue is the complexity of the current calibration methods, which don't make it easy to just jump in and modify methods.

Hopefully the end result is to have a unified method, with features from both worlds working as expected.

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rettigl commented Oct 12, 2023

@steinnymir all these codestyle issues etc. are typically fixed if you run pre-commit. I typically do this manually before commiting. You can also run the pylint and mypy commands manually, to spot potentiall issues before pushing

I know, the problem is that when I try install pre-commit it creates conflicts in the repo making it unusable. Maybe I can make an other env specific for that. Do you have any suggestions how to do this correctly? do we have a description of the right steps to follow to achieve this, a bit like the readme installation guide?

Can you be more specific? I had no problems of these sorts. What python version are you on, and which system (linux/windows)? Are you using poetry, or plain venv?

That's the venv I am using (pything 3.8.12):

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----------------------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------
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rettigl commented Oct 12, 2023

Hopefully the end result is to have a unified method, with features from both worlds working as expected.

Great, just wanted to make sure we are on the same track.

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That's the venv I am using (pything 3.8.12):

did you install this with Poetry? what steps did you follow?
I did poetry installation on python 3.9
then conda (or pip, I'm not sure now) install pre-commit created conflicts...

I'll try install py38, poetry and then pip install pre-commit==2.17.0

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rettigl commented Oct 26, 2023

I think the issue with the calibration is still with the correct values for the time of flight. For a TOF length of ~1 m, and a drift energy of ~20-30 eV, you expect TOF values of ~300-350 ns. The data show more 600-800 ns. This just does not fit.

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rettigl commented Oct 26, 2023


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I think the issue with the calibration is still with the correct values for the time of flight. For a TOF length of ~1 m, and a drift energy of ~20-30 eV, you expect TOF values of ~300-350 ns. The data show more 600-800 ns. This just does not fit.

I remember we had discussions at FLASH about which was the correct range for the ToF. I don't remember what the conclusion was, but I know we decided to represent ToF in the ~700ns range. The difference is only a factor 2 on the step size I believe, so we could test if this helps the energy calibration.

It might fit though that the tof distance results in being about sqrt(2) times larger...

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image image

are these obtained changing the tof_binsize?
Error bars are huge though, and d should be somewhere around 1- 1.2m. The t0 seems correct instead.

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rettigl commented Oct 26, 2023

This uses the very same settings, just leaves more freedom to t0. the photon peak is at 0.2E-7 or so, i.e. very far off. I think one should not expect a perfect agreement to physical values, but take this as an empirical calibration. after all, electrons don't have a constant energy in the instrument.

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rettigl commented Oct 26, 2023

Correlations are very large, that's why the error bars are so large. Maybe one should fix one of values best, e.g. the d.

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@rettigl rettigl left a comment

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I went through the code and tried to review and comment as much as I could, but without unit tests, it's really hard to verify the more compley functions. I strongly encourage you to write tests before merging.

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rettigl commented Oct 28, 2023

Further comments to the Notebook:

  • I typically did the energy calibration with peaks, and not derivatives. That's what the code is optimized for, and that is what is to my opinion more stable whith chaning bias. Slopes might change, peak position should not. So I would discourage what you are doing.
  • The fitting seems to be rather unstable, even if you leave the parameters free to find reasonable values. I did not observe this so far, but we typically use much larger ranges of biases, typically +-5 or 6 V, i.e. 10-12 traces. This makes everything much more stable. After all, fitting 3 correlated parameters in a non-linear fit with 5 data points is not so reliable...
  • apply_energy_axis: As I noted in the review, it does not work if you supply sign as a single integer
  • smooth_columns: Does not work at all (throws KeyError)
  • Fit verification of energy calibration: I would again not fit the derivative, but either fit the Fermi edge with a Fermi function, or fit the peak with a peak (better). The slope is influenced by the resolution, which changes somewhat with bias, and is thus not reliable. Look at your fits, they are not good fits.
  • Load and process from config: This does not work for me, because it load the sed_config.yaml file in the tutorial folder, which has been commited there accidentially perviously. Thus, it uses the wrong energy correction. I suggest removing this file with this PR, and add a call to save_energy_calibration into the notebook, in addition to removing the energy calibration from the hextof_config.yaml file.

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To answer your general comments:

I typically did the energy calibration with peaks, and not derivatives. That's what the code is optimized for, and that is what is to my opinion more stable whith chaning bias. Slopes might change, peak position should not. So I would discourage what you are doing.

This is correct, I tried with the derivative as it is sharper than the peak, and showed better performance than using a broad noisy peak.

The fitting seems to be rather unstable, even if you leave the parameters free to find reasonable values. I did not observe this so far, but we typically use much larger ranges of biases, typically +-5 or 6 V, i.e. 10-12 traces. This makes everything much more stable. After all, fitting 3 correlated parameters in a non-linear fit with 5 data points is not so reliable...

I agree we need more points, this is something we'll bring up during beamtime. But I find the instability of the fit is also related to the simplistic peakfind method, as we already discussed.

apply_energy_axis: As I noted in the review, it does not work if you supply sign as a single integer

worked as intended, where you must explicitly mention the sign of each column.

smooth_columns: Does not work at all (throws KeyError)

removed functionality entirely.

Fit verification of energy calibration: I would again not fit the derivative, but either fit the Fermi edge with a Fermi function, or fit the peak with a peak (better). The slope is influenced by the resolution, which changes somewhat with bias, and is thus not reliable. Look at your fits, they are not good fits.

those are not intended as good fits, but just help show how bad the calibration performed. I agree with the point about the derivative, but as before, using the maxima of a (not fitted) wide peak is not better.

Load and process from config: This does not work for me, because it load the sed_config.yaml file in the tutorial folder, which has been commited there accidentially perviously. Thus, it uses the wrong energy correction. I suggest removing this file with this PR, and add a call to save_energy_calibration into the notebook, in addition to removing the energy calibration from the hextof_config.yaml file.

I'm not sure what you mean, but this might be related to a note I made before, where you must delete the old file, it is a security breach. Ideally you should delete your repo and clone it fresh, as the git history has changed and you risk re-introducing it in the history.

I never looked into the save_energy_calibration method, I'll have a look and add it if possible.

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rettigl commented Nov 1, 2023

I'm not sure what you mean, but this might be related to a note I made before, where you must delete the old file, it is a security breach. Ideally you should delete your repo and clone it fresh, as the git history has changed and you risk re-introducing it in the history.

What I mean is this file:


This is automatically loaded, and contains the mpes energy calibration saved by the tutorial notebook 2. It was in my case used, because I loaded the created config file as user config rather as config, to be able to overwrite the paths. This, however, made that folder_config file overwrite the energy calibration in the user_config...
It's a specific problem of the way I included the config, I realize now.

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most new functions should be tested now, and what is not should get an issue and will be dealt with later. I am happy with the state of this PR and would like to merge. @rettigl I need your blessing to do so! :)

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@rettigl rettigl left a comment

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With the tests this looks quite reasonable now. I think all my points from before are addressed. I did not look at everything again now, but think you can merge it. There are a few points that you can still address if you want (minor).

@steinnymir steinnymir merged commit 35bd293 into main Nov 2, 2023
@steinnymir steinnymir deleted the hextof_workflow_steps branch November 2, 2023 13:52
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