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Support locals command in dotnet cli

Ankit Mishra edited this page Aug 17, 2016 · 3 revisions


Adding locals command to dotnet cli.


Currently we do not have a cross platform implementation of nuget locals command.

Who is the customer?

nuget cli users who currently do not have a way to clear nuget cache using dotnet cli.


Add a dotnet locals command to the dotnet cli. I am currently looking into what behavior will be supported. For now assuming that all the behavior stays the same as before. I will update this doc as I investigate further.


dotnet nuget locals [options] dotnet nuget locals <all | http-cache | global-packages> <--clear | -c | --list | -l>

Locals Command Options -

Clear Clear the resources in the specified cache location
List List the selected local resources or cache locations
Help help
Verbosity Display the amount of details in the output: normal, quiet, detailed.


dotnet nuget locals --clear all

dotnet nuget locals --list http-cache

dotnet nuget locals -l temp

dotnet nuget locals -c global-packages


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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