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Enable .NET Core 2.0 projects to work with .NET Framework 4.6.1 compatible packages

Anand Gaurav edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 15 revisions


#5192 Enable .NET Core 2.0 projects to work with .NET Framework 4.6.1 compatible packages


.NET Core 2.0 projects should be able to use .NET Framework (upto version 4.6.1) packages. This is enable the new .NET Core 2.0 ecosystem make use of most of the packages on (~70% of the existing packages have compatible API surface area with .NET Core 2.0)

Who is the customer?

.NET Core 2.0/.NET Standard 2.0 customers


The requirement is from the .NET team(s) to make the this compatibility work (as stated in the Problem) NuGet has a mechanism today named PackageTargetFallback that allows one to specify a set of compatible targets to be used when restoring packages. PackageTargetFallback has a way to compute the best target match that does not work the current scenario. Details:

Let us say there is a package - PackageA, with the current structure:


In the above scenario for .NET Standard 2.0 projects, if PackageTargetFallback is not enabled the following assets are included for the project:


But if PackageTargetFallback is enabled for net461, the the following assets are included (we do not want this behavior)


Current behavior: The \ref\net461 assets are included because in PackageTargetFallback mechanism gets evaluated for each of the asset-groups (i.e. build, lib, ref) locally and separately.

Expected behavior The PackageTargetFallback mechanism should be evaluated globally i.e. if a matching asset is found without PackageTargetFallback , then PackageTargetFallback should not be evaluated at all. In other words, PackageTargetFallback should only kick in when no matching asset if found in the default TFM match mechanism.


The proposed solution is to enable fallback mechanism that is evaluated globally as explained above. This mechanism will be called "AssetTargetFallback". The existing PackageTargetFallback should be left as is lest we break users that are relying on this mechanism.

How does it work Terms: default-tfm-match: Mechanism to find the best match based on the target framework of the project. AssetTargetFallback: Mechanism to find matching assets based on the targets specified using AssetTargetFallback No-ref-and-lib-rule: If a package does not have a ref and lib asset groups (folders), then the package is deemed compatible even when there is no assets pulled in to the project by NuGet. This is to support meta-packages that have only dependencies and no assets.

Here is how AssetTargetFallback mechanism will work:

Step 1. Evaluate if any assets match using default-tfm-match mechanism

Step 2. If #1 returns one or more matching assets, do not evaluate the package for AssetTargetFallback assets. Go to Step S

Step 3. Else If #1 returns 0 matching assets (including package install failure), Go to Step 4

Step 4. Evaluate if any assets match using AssetTargetFallback mechanism.

Step 5. If #4 returns one or more matching assets, Go to Step S

Step 6. Else If #4 returns 0 matching assets, Go to Step N


Step N. Evaluate if No-ref-and-lib-rule applies. If Yes Go to Step S, Else Go to Step F

Step S. Package install success

Step F. Package install failed

How does it behave for different package structures?

For a .NET Standard 2.0 project, following is a table that explains which assets are pulled in, based on different approaches i.e. default-tfm-match only without PTF/ATF, with AssetTargetFallback ( for net461) and with PackageTargetFallback (for net461)

Note: NE implies the corresponding mechanism was Not Evaluated and hence the assets pulled in by NuGet is due to default-tfm-match !

Package structure default-tfm-match only (netstandard2.0) AssetTargetFallback(net461) PackageTargetFallback(net461)
build\foo.targets build\foo.targets NE build\foo.targets NE build\foo.targets
build\netstandard1.0\foo.targets build\netstandard1.0\foo.targets NE build\netstandard1.0\foo.targets NE build\netstandard1.0\foo.targets
build\net461\foo.targets The package gets installed because of No-ref-and-lib-rule but no assets gets pulled in build\net461\foo.targets build\net461\foo.targets
build\netstandard2.0\foo.targets build\net461\bar.targets lib\netstandard2.0\libfoo.dll ref\net461\libbar.dll build\netstandard2.0\foo.targets lib\netstandard2.0\libfoo.dll NE build\netstandard2.0\foo.targets lib\netstandard2.0\libfoo.dll build\netstandard2.0\foo.targets lib\netstandard2.0\libfoo.dll ref\net461\libbar.dll
build\net461\bar.targets ref\net461\libbar.dll No matching asset; Package fails to install build\net461\bar.targets ref\net461\libbar.dll build\net461\bar.targets ref\net461\libbar.dll
build\bar.targets ref\net461\libbar.dll build\bar.targets NE build\bar.targets build\bar.targets ref\net461\libbar.dll

What happens when both AssetTargetFallback and PackageTargetFallback are used in a project?

NuGet detects this and outputs an error (NU1003):

PackageTargetFallback and AssetTargetFallback cannot be used together. Remove PackageTargetFallback(deprecated) references from the project environment.


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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