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bugfix for bb_slope, carea, and icefilter
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Merge branch 'rgknox-bbfix-careafix-icefiltfix'

This PR bundles 3 fixes that address: #73, #69, #44

The fix to 73 is the only one that would be expected to have b4b
regressions. I performed baseline simulation comparsisons between
f1a14d6 and 18613d1, and tests confirmed b4b on all expected
passes. One extra step was necessary, in that I needed to update the
parameter file values of BB_slope to match what was previously hard
coded (a value of 9). The current value in the default parameter file
is 8, we can certaintly change this going forward. Not changing this

The other two fixes, #69 and #44 are not supposed to generate b4b
results, and they don't. 1x1 brazil simulations were also run on eddi
to make sure that the non-b4b changes continue to generate very
similar projections of forest composition and structure, as well as
flux variables. They did.

Fixes: #73
Fixes: #69
Fixes: #44

User interface changes?: no

Code review: rgknox

Test suite: ed - lawrencium-lr3 intel, eddi (PC) gnu (visualizations);
ed - yellowstone gnu, intel, pgi

Test baseline: 18613d1
Test namelist changes: none
Test answer changes: yes, see above

Test summary: pass except for #14 known failures in f09 and f19
restart, and gnu f10 restart #43.
  • Loading branch information
bandre-ucar committed Jun 27, 2016
2 parents 18613d1 + ae6112f commit c0654db
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Showing 3 changed files with 19 additions and 28 deletions.
39 changes: 15 additions & 24 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDPhotosynthesisMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,10 +95,12 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
real(r8) :: kc( bounds%begp:bounds%endp ) ! Michaelis-Menten constant for CO2 (Pa)
real(r8) :: ko( bounds%begp:bounds%endp ) ! Michaelis-Menten constant for O2 (Pa)
real(r8) :: co2_cp( bounds%begp:bounds%endp ) ! CO2 compensation point (Pa)

! ---------------------------------------------------------------
! TO-DO: bbbopt is slated to be transferred to the parameter file
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
real(r8) :: bbbopt(psn_type) ! Ball-Berry minimum leaf conductance, unstressed (umol H2O/m**2/s)
real(r8) :: bbb(mxpft) ! Ball-Berry minimum leaf conductance (umol H2O/m**2/s)
real(r8) :: mbbopt(psn_type) ! Ball-Berry slope of conductance-photosynthesis relationship, unstressed
real(r8) :: mbb(mxpft) ! Ball-Berry slope of conductance-photosynthesis relationship

real(r8) :: kn(mxpft) ! leaf nitrogen decay coefficient
real(r8) :: vcmax25top(mxpft) ! canopy top: maximum rate of carboxylation at 25C (umol CO2/m**2/s)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,12 +308,11 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
qe(1) = 0._r8
theta_cj(1) = 0.98_r8
bbbopt(1) = 10000._r8
mbbopt(1) = 9._r8

qe(2) = 0.05_r8
theta_cj(2) = 0.80_r8
bbbopt(2) = 40000._r8
mbbopt(2) = 4._r8

do f = 1,fn
p = filterp(f)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,17 +356,6 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
enddo !ft
enddo !CL

! Soil water stress applied to Ball-Berry parameters
do FT = 1,numpft_ed
if (nint(c3psn(FT)) == 1)then
ps = 1
ps = 2
end if
bbb(FT) = max (bbbopt(ps)*currentPatch%btran_ft(FT), 1._r8)

mbb(FT) = bb_slope(ft) ! mbbopt(ps)
end do

! kc, ko, currentPatch, from: Bernacchi et al (2001) Plant, Cell and Environment 24:253-259
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,25 +400,24 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &

currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(sites(s), p)

do FT = 1,numpft_ed
NCL_p = currentPatch%NCL_p

do FT = 1,numpft_ed !calculate patch and pft specific propserties at canopy top.

if (nint(c3psn(FT)) == 1)then
ps = 1
ps = 2
end if
bbb(FT) = max (bbbopt(ps)*currentPatch%btran_ft(FT), 1._r8)
mbb(FT) = mbbopt(ps)

if (nint(c3psn(FT)) == 1)then
ci(:,FT,:) = 0.7_r8 * cair(p)
ci(:,FT,:) = 0.4_r8 * cair(p)
end if

NCL_p = currentPatch%NCL_p

do FT = 1,numpft_ed !calculate patch and pft specific propserties at canopy top.

! Leaf nitrogen concentration at the top of the canopy (g N leaf / m**2 leaf)
lnc(FT) = 1._r8 / (slatop(FT) * leafcn(FT))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -647,6 +636,8 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
je = min(r1,r2)

! Iterative loop for ci beginning with initial guess

if (nint(c3psn(FT)) == 1)then
ci(cl,ft,iv) = 0.7_r8 * cair(p)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -719,8 +710,8 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
cs = cair(p) - 1.4_r8/gb_mol * an(cl,ft,iv) * forc_pbot(c)
cs = max(cs,1.e-06_r8)
aquad = cs
bquad = cs*(gb_mol - bbb(FT)) - mbb(FT)*an(cl,ft,iv)*forc_pbot(c)
cquad = -gb_mol*(cs*bbb(FT) + mbb(FT)*an(cl,ft,iv)*forc_pbot(c)*ceair/esat_tv(p))
bquad = cs*(gb_mol - bbb(FT)) - bb_slope(ft)*an(cl,ft,iv)*forc_pbot(c)
cquad = -gb_mol*(cs*bbb(FT) + bb_slope(ft)*an(cl,ft,iv)*forc_pbot(c)*ceair/esat_tv(p))
call quadratic (aquad, bquad, cquad, r1, r2)
gs_mol = max(r1,r2)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -788,7 +779,7 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &

! Compare with Ball-Berry model: gs_mol = m * an * hs/cs p + b
hs = (gb_mol*ceair + gs_mol*esat_tv(p)) / ((gb_mol+gs_mol)*esat_tv(p))
gs_mol_err = mbb(FT)*max(an(cl,ft,iv), 0._r8)*hs/cs*forc_pbot(c) + bbb(FT)
gs_mol_err = bb_slope(ft)*max(an(cl,ft,iv), 0._r8)*hs/cs*forc_pbot(c) + bbb(FT)

if (abs(gs_mol-gs_mol_err) > 1.e-01_r8) then
write (iulog,*) 'CF: Ball-Berry error check - stomatal conductance error:'
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions components/clm/src/ED/main/EDCLMLinkMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1093,10 +1093,10 @@ subroutine ed_clm_link( this, bounds, sites, nsites, fcolumn, waterstate_inst, c

currentCohort%b = currentCohort%balive+currentCohort%bdead+currentCohort%bstore
currentCohort%treelai = tree_lai(currentCohort)
! Why is currentCohort%c_area used and then reset in the
! following line?
canopy_leaf_area = canopy_leaf_area + currentCohort%treelai *currentCohort%c_area

currentCohort%c_area = c_area(currentCohort)
canopy_leaf_area = canopy_leaf_area + currentCohort%treelai *currentCohort%c_area

currentPatch%total_canopy_area = currentPatch%total_canopy_area + currentCohort%c_area
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion components/clm/src/main/clm_driver.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
atm2lnd_inst, soilstate_inst, temperature_inst, &
waterstate_inst, canopystate_inst)

call setFilters( bounds_clump, glc2lnd_inst%icemask_grc )
call setFilters( bounds_clump, glc2lnd_inst%icemask_grc(bounds_clump%begg:bounds_clump%endg ))

end if ! use_ed branch

Expand Down

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