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FATES interface: conversion to columnization
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Merge branch 'rgknox-fatescolumns'

FATES sites are converted from alignment with gridcells, to alignment
with columns in the host land model. Sites are still connected to the
fates(nc)% structure, although syntactically they are now just called
"sites(:)" instead of "ed_allsites_inst(:)". eg
clm_fates%fates(nc)%sites Some other notable design constructs:

1) sites is allocated for each column on the natural vegetation
land-unit. @billsacks and I have discussed other ways to filter this
further, and have decided that allowing FATES sites to exist on all
columns, even ones covered by ice or ones that have no weighting,
while not ideal, is not a liability to getting correct results, and is
not an immense performance hit. Future commits and issues should be
brought up to strategize how to allocate and filter FATES sites for
only active columns.

2) sites is not sparse, and is allocated from 1 to
clm_fates%fates(nc)%nsites. As mentioned above, since it is anchored
in the fates(nc)% structure, the vector space is separated by thread.

3) two mapping vectors have also been created:
clm_fates%f2hmap(nc)%fcolumn(1:nsites) this vector returns the column
index on each clump, associated with the FATES site index
clm_fates%f2hmap(nc)%hsites(bounds_clump:begc:bounds_clump:endc) this
vector returns the FATES site index associated with a given HLM column
index. Zero's imply no FATES site, and this is sparse. This is almost
always called from within a filtered loop on the HLM side, so there is
no need to check if the column is non-zero, although there is a check
in the code with a fail call.

4) restarts and history writes appear to be working correctly. Note
that FATES uses the cohort level memory space and the column level
memory space in the HLM IO machinery, and not any patch level
space. The cohort vector space that is allocated is
max_number_of_patches_per_col * max_number_of_cohorts_per_patch. This
vector is incredibly sparse, and is also something that needs to be
addressed, still. There are here: 1) currently the cohort IO vector
space is allocated for all columns, and not just columns on naturally
vegetated land units. 2) there are various variables that use the
cohort IO vector space to hold their information, which is forcing us
to use a very large max number of cohorts.

5) We are still using a variable that maps the FATES patch to its
associated HLM patch index: currentpatch%clm_pno. This seems
inconsistent with the library design. I wanted to remove it in this
pass, but held off. Alternatively, there were indeed several variables
at the site level that pointed towards the CLM/ALM gridcell, these
have been removed.

6) Cosmetic improvements to the code and updated annotation is still
needed in various places.

Fixes: #66, #30

User interface changes?: Yes - people will need to update their
analysis codes to use the new IO variables. For history output, the
only variables that were changed were all of the "scpf" variables,
that had been indexed by gridcell, they are no column variables. For
restarts, we now have ed_io_numPatchesPerCol (instead of
ed_io_numPatchesPerGCell, or something like that), and the variable
that indicated whether or not the column has a patch has been removed,
as that information is redundant with ed_io_numPatchesPerCol.

Code review: Discussion with @ckoven @rosiealice, @bandre-ucar,
@billsacks and Mariana Vertenstein.

Test suite: ed - lawrencium-lr3 intel; yellowstone gnu, intel, pgi

Test baseline: none, output vectors have changed, regression tests
should not work. however see in #66 that the RSC tool was used to
evaluate science output, and results were identical in the 1x1_brazil.

Test namelist changes: none

Test answer changes: See baseline explanation

Test summary: Pass, expected failures #14 f09 and f19 restart. #43 f10
gnu restart on yellowstone.
  • Loading branch information
bandre-ucar committed Jun 13, 2016
2 parents 57c533c + 84d289f commit 18613d1
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Showing 26 changed files with 2,207 additions and 2,000 deletions.
48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCohortDynamicsMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module EDCohortDynamicsMod
public :: sort_cohorts
public :: copy_cohort
public :: count_cohorts
public :: countCohorts
! public :: countCohorts
public :: allocate_live_biomass

logical, parameter :: DEBUG = .false. ! local debug flag
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1137,46 +1137,46 @@ function count_cohorts( currentPatch ) result ( backcount )
end function count_cohorts

function countCohorts( bounds, ed_allsites_inst ) result ( totNumCohorts )
! function countCohorts( bounds, ed_allsites_inst ) result ( totNumCohorts )
! counts the total number of cohorts over all p levels (ed_patch_type) so we
! can allocate vectors, copy from LL -> vector and read/write restarts.
! !USES:
use decompMod, only : bounds_type
! use decompMod, only : bounds_type
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: ed_allsites_inst( bounds%begg: )
! type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
! type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: ed_allsites_inst( bounds%begg: )
type (ed_patch_type) , pointer :: currentPatch
type (ed_cohort_type) , pointer :: currentCohort
integer :: g, totNumCohorts
logical :: error
! type (ed_patch_type) , pointer :: currentPatch
! type (ed_cohort_type) , pointer :: currentCohort
! integer :: g, totNumCohorts
! logical :: error

totNumCohorts = 0
! totNumCohorts = 0

do g = bounds%begg,bounds%endg
! do g = bounds%begg,bounds%endg

if (ed_allsites_inst(g)%istheresoil) then
! if (ed_allsites_inst(g)%istheresoil) then

currentPatch => ed_allsites_inst(g)%oldest_patch
do while(associated(currentPatch))
! currentPatch => ed_allsites_inst(g)%oldest_patch
! do while(associated(currentPatch))

currentCohort => currentPatch%shortest
do while(associated(currentCohort))
totNumCohorts = totNumCohorts + 1
currentCohort => currentCohort%taller
enddo !currentCohort
currentPatch => currentPatch%younger
end do
! currentCohort => currentPatch%shortest
! do while(associated(currentCohort))
! totNumCohorts = totNumCohorts + 1
! currentCohort => currentCohort%taller
! enddo !currentCohort
! currentPatch => currentPatch%younger
! end do

end if
end do
! end if
! end do

end function countCohorts
! end function countCohorts

end module EDCohortDynamicsMod
27 changes: 13 additions & 14 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDPatchDynamicsMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module EDPatchDynamicsMod
use clm_varctl , only : iulog
use pftconMod , only : pftcon
use EDCohortDynamicsMod , only : fuse_cohorts, sort_cohorts, insert_cohort
use EDtypesMod , only : ncwd, n_dbh_bins, ntol, numpft_ed, area, dbhmax, numPatchesPerGridCell
use EDtypesMod , only : ncwd, n_dbh_bins, ntol, numpft_ed, area, dbhmax, numPatchesPerCol
use EDTypesMod , only : ed_site_type, ed_patch_type, ed_cohort_type, udata
use EDTypesMod , only : min_patch_area
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ subroutine fuse_patches( csite )

!maxpatch = 4
maxpatch = numPatchesPerGridCell
maxpatch = numPatchesPerCol

currentSite => csite

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ subroutine terminate_patches(cs_pnt)
areatot = areatot + currentPatch%area
currentPatch => currentPatch%younger
if((areatot-area) > 0.0000001_r8)then
write(iulog,*) 'ED: areatot too large. end terminate', areatot,currentSite%clmgcell
write(iulog,*) 'ED: areatot too large. end terminate', areatot

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ subroutine patch_pft_size_profile(cp_pnt)
end subroutine patch_pft_size_profile

! ============================================================================
function countPatches( bounds, ed_allsites_inst ) result ( totNumPatches )
function countPatches( bounds, sites, nsites ) result ( totNumPatches )
! Loop over all Patches to count how many there are
Expand All @@ -1439,24 +1439,23 @@ function countPatches( bounds, ed_allsites_inst ) result ( totNumPatches )
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: ed_allsites_inst( bounds%begg: )
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: sites(nsites)
integer, intent(in) :: nsites
type (ed_patch_type), pointer :: currentPatch
integer :: g ! gridcell
integer :: totNumPatches ! total number of patches.
integer :: s

totNumPatches = 0

do g = bounds%begg,bounds%endg
if (ed_allsites_inst(g)%istheresoil) then
currentPatch => ed_allsites_inst(g)%oldest_patch
do while(associated(currentPatch))
totNumPatches = totNumPatches + 1
currentPatch => currentPatch%younger
do s = 1,nsites
currentPatch => sites(s)%oldest_patch
do while(associated(currentPatch))
totNumPatches = totNumPatches + 1
currentPatch => currentPatch%younger

end function countPatches
Expand Down
21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDPhysiologyMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ subroutine phenology( currentSite, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst)
use clm_time_manager, only : get_days_per_year, get_curr_date
use clm_time_manager, only : get_ref_date, timemgr_datediff
use EDTypesMod, only : udata
use PatchType , only : patch
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: currentSite
Expand All @@ -255,7 +256,6 @@ subroutine phenology( currentSite, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst)
real(r8), pointer :: t_veg24(:)
integer :: g ! grid point
integer :: t ! day of year
integer :: ncolddays ! no days underneath the threshold for leaf drop
integer :: ncolddayslim ! critical no days underneath the threshold for leaf drop
Expand All @@ -268,6 +268,8 @@ subroutine phenology( currentSite, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst)
integer :: mon ! month (1, ..., 12)
integer :: day ! day of month (1, ..., 31)
integer :: sec ! seconds of the day
integer :: patchi ! the first CLM/ALM patch index of the associated column
integer :: coli ! the CLM/ALM column index of the associated site

real(r8) :: gdd_threshold
real(r8) :: a,b,c ! params of leaf-pn model from botta et al. 2000.
Expand All @@ -283,10 +285,13 @@ subroutine phenology( currentSite, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst)


t_veg24 => temperature_inst%t_veg24_patch ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] avg pft vegetation temperature for last 24 hrs
! ALREADY REMOVED currentSite%clmcolumn, hence the need for these

g = currentSite%clmgcell
patchi = currentSite%oldest_patch%clm_pno-1
coli = patch%column(patchi)

t_veg24 => temperature_inst%t_veg24_patch ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] avg pft vegetation temperature for last 24 hrs

call get_curr_date(yr, mon, day, sec)
curdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,7 +320,7 @@ subroutine phenology( currentSite, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst)
cold_t = 7.5_r8 ! ed_ph_coldtemp

t = udata%time_period
temp_in_C = t_veg24(currentSite%oldest_patch%clm_pno-1) - tfrz
temp_in_C = t_veg24(patchi) - tfrz

!-----------------Cold Phenology--------------------!

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,7 +364,7 @@ subroutine phenology( currentSite, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst)
! accumulate the GDD using daily mean temperatures
if (t_veg24(currentSite%oldest_patch%clm_pno-1) .gt. tfrz) then
if (t_veg24(patchi) .gt. tfrz) then
currentSite%ED_GDD_site = currentSite%ED_GDD_site + t_veg24(currentSite%oldest_patch%clm_pno-1) - tfrz

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,7 +442,7 @@ subroutine phenology( currentSite, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst)
! distinction actually matter??)....

!Accumulate surface water memory of last 10 days.
currentSite%water_memory(1) = waterstate_inst%h2osoi_vol_col(currentSite%clmcolumn,1)
currentSite%water_memory(1) = waterstate_inst%h2osoi_vol_col(coli,1)
do i = 1,9 !shift memory along one
currentSite%water_memory(11-i) = currentSite%water_memory(10-i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1140,6 +1145,7 @@ subroutine fragmentation_scaler( currentPatch, temperature_inst )
! !USES:
use shr_const_mod , only : SHR_CONST_PI, SHR_CONST_TKFRZ
use EDSharedParamsMod , only : EDParamsShareInst
use PatchType , only : patch
type(ed_patch_type) , intent(inout) :: currentPatch
Expand All @@ -1165,8 +1171,9 @@ subroutine fragmentation_scaler( currentPatch, temperature_inst )

catanf_30 = catanf(30._r8)

c = currentPatch%siteptr%clmcolumn
! c = currentPatch%siteptr%clmcolumn
p = currentPatch%clm_pno
c = patch%column(p)

! set "froz_q10" parameter
froz_q10 = EDParamsShareInst%froz_q10
Expand Down
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDAccumulateFluxesMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module EDAccumulateFluxesMod

subroutine AccumulateFluxes_ED(bounds, p, ed_allsites_inst, photosyns_inst)
subroutine AccumulateFluxes_ED(bounds, p, sites, nsites, hsites , photosyns_inst)
! see above
Expand All @@ -36,14 +36,18 @@ subroutine AccumulateFluxes_ED(bounds, p, ed_allsites_inst, photosyns_inst)
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
integer , intent(in) :: p !patch/'p'
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: ed_allsites_inst( bounds%begg: )
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: sites(nsites)
integer , intent(in) :: nsites
integer , intent(in) :: hsites(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)

type(photosyns_type) , intent(inout) :: photosyns_inst
type(ed_cohort_type), pointer :: currentCohort ! current cohort
type(ed_patch_type) , pointer :: currentPatch ! current patch
integer :: iv !leaf layer
integer :: g !gridcell
integer :: c ! clm/alm column
integer :: s ! ed site

Expand All @@ -55,8 +59,10 @@ subroutine AccumulateFluxes_ED(bounds, p, ed_allsites_inst, photosyns_inst)

if (patch%is_veg(p)) then

g = patch%gridcell(p)
currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(ed_allsites_inst(g), p)
c = patch%column(p)
s = hsites(c)

currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(sites(s), p)
currentCohort => currentPatch%shortest

do while(associated(currentCohort))
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDBtranMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module EDBtranMod

subroutine btran_ed( bounds, p, ed_allsites_inst, &
subroutine btran_ed( bounds, p, sites, nsites, hsites, &
soilstate_inst, waterstate_inst, temperature_inst, energyflux_inst)
Expand All @@ -49,15 +49,17 @@ subroutine btran_ed( bounds, p, ed_allsites_inst, &
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! clump bounds
integer , intent(in) :: p ! patch/'p'
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: ed_allsites_inst( bounds%begg: )
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: sites(nsites)
integer , intent(in) :: nsites
integer , intent(in) :: hsites(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
type(soilstate_type) , intent(inout) :: soilstate_inst
type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_inst
type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_inst
type(energyflux_type) , intent(inout) :: energyflux_inst
integer :: iv !leaf layer
integer :: g !gridcell
integer :: s !site
integer :: c !column
integer :: j !soil layer
integer :: ft ! plant functional type index
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,9 +142,10 @@ subroutine btran_ed( bounds, p, ed_allsites_inst, &
if (patch%is_veg(p)) then

c = patch%column(p)
g = patch%gridcell(p)
s = hsites(c)

currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(ed_allsites_inst(g), p)
currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(sites(s), p)

do FT = 1,numpft_ed
currentPatch%btran_ft(FT) = 0.0_r8
do j = 1,nlevgrnd
Expand Down
18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeophys/EDPhotosynthesisMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module EDPhotosynthesisMod

subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
rb, dayl_factor, ed_allsites_inst, &
rb, dayl_factor, sites, nsites, hsites, &
atm2lnd_inst, temperature_inst, canopystate_inst, photosyns_inst)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
real(r8) , intent(in) :: cair( bounds%begp: ) ! Atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (Pa)
real(r8) , intent(inout) :: rb( bounds%begp: ) ! boundary layer resistance (s/m)
real(r8) , intent(in) :: dayl_factor( bounds%begp: ) ! scalar (0-1) for daylength
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: ed_allsites_inst( bounds%begg: )
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: sites(nsites)
integer , intent(in) :: nsites
integer , intent(in) :: hsites(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
type(atm2lnd_type) , intent(in) :: atm2lnd_inst
type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_inst
type(canopystate_type) , intent(inout) :: canopystate_inst
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
real(r8) :: theta_ip ! empirical curvature parameter for ap photosynthesis co-limitation

! Other
integer :: c,CL,f,g,iv,j,p,ps,ft ! indices
integer :: c,CL,f,s,iv,j,p,ps,ft ! indices
integer :: NCL_p ! number of canopy layers in patch
real(r8) :: cf ! s m**2/umol -> s/m
real(r8) :: rsmax0 ! maximum stomatal resistance [s/m]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,10 +325,11 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
gccanopy(p) = 0._r8

if (patch%is_veg(p)) then
g = patch%gridcell(p)

c = patch%column(p)
s = hsites(c)

currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(ed_allsites_inst(g), p)
currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(sites(s), p)

currentPatch%ncan(:,:) = 0
!redo the canopy structure algorithm to get round a bug that is happening for site 125, FT13.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,10 +404,11 @@ subroutine Photosynthesis_ED (bounds, fn, filterp, esat_tv, eair, oair, cair, &
do f = 1,fn
p = filterp(f)
c = patch%column(p)
s = hsites(c)

if (patch%is_veg(p)) then
g = patch%gridcell(p)
currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(ed_allsites_inst(g), p)

currentPatch => map_clmpatch_to_edpatch(sites(s), p)

do FT = 1,numpft_ed
if (nint(c3psn(FT)) == 1)then
Expand Down

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