- Fixed startup on Thermos
- Added 1.5.0 support (for fun)
- Fixed players unregistered with wrong team name on team name change
Unlimited nametags:
- Fixed error leading to player disconnect
- No longer sending update packets to players who cannot see scoreboard
Aligned suffix:
- Fixed rare error
- Added instant updating if player's uuid is used in /tab player command
- Added timeout for placeholders to retrieve value to avoid plugin freezing when a placeholders makes an SQL task that freezes, set to 50ms
Global playerlist:
- Increased time of blocking player removal packets on server switch to prevent proxy removing players from tablist on server switch
- Small changes to default configuration showing how to do some commonly asked things
- Plugin will no longer forcibly add &r at the beginning of each line (so formatting will follow unless overridden)
Yellow number:
- Disabled the feature for bedrock players due to display bugs and no actual benefits
- Fixed rare error on reload
- Fixed startup on 1.8.0
- Added 1.19.3 support
- Fixed crash on 1.7 clients
- Updated to latest bungeecord build, which adds 1.19.3 support (no longer compatible with older versions)
- Fixed anti-override for tablist names being disabled when layout is enabled even if no layout is visible due to no condition being met
- Fixed startup error when slots contained a number instead of interval
- Implemented a fix for compatibility with plugins that add empty player name to a team
- Fixed startup error when fixed slot slot value was not a valid number
- [B]Note on 1.19.3+: Entries will now appear in chat complete as mojang removed a mechanic I used to hide them[/B]
- Prioritize per-world settings over per-server
- Fixed announcement bar disappearing when a placeholder in it is updated
- Fixed %countdown% placeholder not activating for usage in TAB's expansion
- Fixed announcement bars appearing in disabled worlds/servers
- Fixed classic placeholders not updating in a line of text if a relational placeholder updated
- Changes to default groups.yml file - removed admin and group overrides to reduce the load on LP mods answering this question over and over
- Fixed nested conditions not working when defined below condition that uses them
- Added support for OR condition types in short format using "|" symbol
- Attempted to fix startup error (#717)
Tab expansion:
- replace_ function now parses nested placeholders as well
- Fixed values not being sent to new server's bridge on server switch
Global playerlist:
- Added %playerlist-group_% placeholder showing online player count in specified server group
- Server names are no longer case-sensitive
- Fixed faulty mechanic causing the feature to break nick/skin plugins on 1.19+ (as mojang no longer allows that mechanic) (#752)
- Reduced amount of characters needed for sorting by groups, permissions and "placeholder" type (more about this limit on wiki)
- Fixed debug command saying sorting is disabled even when layout is enabled and sorts players
- Removed old event API
- Marked 1.19.2 as compatible (plugin will no longer send a console warn)
- Added config option to control
- Fixed rare issue with nested placeholders
- When enabled, plugin is no longer formatting original entries which might contain raw placeholders at first, causing wide entries
- Added config option to show vanished players in layout
Global playerlist:
- Fixed client kick issue & added config option to control the value causing it
- Fixed issues on 1.7
- Added "startsWith" and "endsWith" condition types for string operations
- Fixed show command sending scoreboard for players who have it hidden using a toggle command
- Fixed startup on 1.7.x and 1.8.0
- Added 1.19.1 support
- Fixed vanish/invisible status retrieved through bridge not resetting on server switch
- Fixed console error when using 1.7.x client
- Added check for Waterfall's disable_tablist_rewrite config option for the plugin to work properly
- Fixed not listing a group in list sometimes making it not sort on the bottom properly
- Fixed space between entries causing them to not work as expected
- Fixed startup error caused by misconfiguration (not defining values when sorting by predefined values)
Unlimited nametag mode:
- Option to disable the feature for players on boats now support boats with chest as well
- Armor stands are no longer spawned for <1.8 players
- Fixed sneak status not detected on reload
- Improved heights to match vanilla & removed space-between-lines option
- Fixed per-world formatting not applying/changing on world switch
- Fixed startup error when a config option was missing
- Fixed startup error when disabled world or server was null
- Fixed lines with the same text not appearing when use-numbers is true
- Fixed error when using show command without player argument from console
- Properties can now also be removed per-world or per-server (with no argument and immediately following with -w or -s)
- Auto-complete will no longer suggest default bossbars when announcing bossbar
Aligned suffix:
- Fixed rare error
- Updated default character widths for 1.19
Placeholder output replacements:
- Fixed color codes causing exact match to not work (since new PlaceholderAPI no longer translates colors)
- Are now applied again after applying nested placeholders
- Fixed startup error when a layout is missing groups
- Fixed condition placeholder outputs being 1 refresh loop behind their nested placeholders
Tab expansion:
- Added %tab_nametag_visibility% showing if player can see nametags of players or not (/tab nametag toggle) and renamed %tab_ntpreview% to %tab_nametag_preview%
- Made Wither's size on 1.8.x zero, avoiding visual glitch with less than 50% health
- Fixed issues when hidden-by-default is enabled
- Added compatibility with Layout feature
Before we get to the update notes you are so excited to carefully read and act accordingly, I would like to make 2 announcements first.
First of all, this is the last updating adding any functions for a while. I am not able to keep up with the demand from users for the current vastly decreasing income and am limiting my activity to minimum. Full explanation, as well as what can you do if you want the plugin to keep growing can be found in this paste.
Second, I want to inform Velocity users that Velocity support is not officially advertised and although the plugin works, support will be dropped in the future for both objective and subjective reasons.
Now, let's get to the changes:
- #516 - Fixed error spam when reading player skin
Aligned playerlist:
- Fixed error
Group refreshing:
- Fixed group changes in LP not being detected
- Fixed 2x rare error when refreshing
- Fixed StackOverflowError when using placeholder's identifier inside replacement values (will act same as %value% now)
- Fixed placeholders only used in tab expansion not refreshing
- Fixed placeholders not loading initially into tab expansion
- Replacements now support negative values in intervals, use ~ symbol instead of - to define range
- Fixed placeholders sometimes not loading on bungeecord
- #543 - Fixed placeholder refreshing issue with specific refresh interval combinations
Unlimited nametags:
- Fixed memory leak
- Fixed nametag preview disabling on server switch when TAB is on bungeecord
- Fixed 3x rare NullPointerException
- Fixed 2 API bugs with disabling armor stands
- Fixed rare NullPointerException
- Exposed a few methods with placeholders
- Fixed feature breaking when enabling unlimited nametag mode
- Fixed players possibly not being assigned into teams properly due to players sharing same team name
- Fixed /btab reload removing players on the same server from tablist when global playerlist is disabled
- Added nickname change detection from other proxies
Global playerlist:
- #539 - Fixed player possibly getting removed from tablist when rejoining rapidly
- #545 - Added latency refreshing for player slots
- Added auto-complete for group names in /tab group command
Most important part of this update is full recode of bridge plugin for communication with TAB on the proxy:
- Drastically reduced packet flow
- Added support for relational placeholders
- Added unlimited nametag mode
- Added tab expansion
- Added pet name fix feature
Other changes:
- Marked 1.18.2 as compatible
- Fixed issues with long lines in scoreboard
- Made ping value in layout slots configurable
- Fixed error with placeholder sorting type
- Fixed bossbar never showing when joining disabled world/server
- Solved github issues #347, #475, #488, #494, #501, #504, #506
- Fixed errors
- Fixed placeholders not updating in bossbar when values changed while bossbar was hidden
- Added /tab groups command listing all configured groups
- Added /tab group command listing all settings of a group
- Added /tab mysql upload/download commands for data migration
- Dropped direct UltraPermissions support (still supported via vault / permission node
- Removed %maxplayers% placeholder, static number or placeholderapi alternative can be used instead
- Massively reduced CPU usage on bungeecord
- Added /tab nametag toggle (tab.nametag.toggle permission) which enables/disables nametags for player running the comma
- Renamed /tab ntpreview to /tab nametag preview (and permission from tab.ntpreview to tab.nametag.preview)