Before we get to the update notes you are so excited to carefully read and act accordingly, I would like to make 2 announcements first.
First of all, this is the last updating adding any functions for a while. I am not able to keep up with the demand from users for the current vastly decreasing income and am limiting my activity to minimum. Full explanation, as well as what can you do if you want the plugin to keep growing can be found in this paste.
Second, I want to inform Velocity users that Velocity support is not officially advertised and although the plugin works, support will be dropped in the future for both objective and subjective reasons.
Now, let's get to the changes:
- #516 - Fixed error spam when reading player skin
Aligned playerlist:
- Fixed error
Group refreshing:
- Fixed group changes in LP not being detected
- Fixed 2x rare error when refreshing
- Fixed StackOverflowError when using placeholder's identifier inside replacement values (will act same as %value% now)
- Fixed placeholders only used in tab expansion not refreshing
- Fixed placeholders not loading initially into tab expansion
- Replacements now support negative values in intervals, use ~ symbol instead of - to define range
- Fixed placeholders sometimes not loading on bungeecord
- #543 - Fixed placeholder refreshing issue with specific refresh interval combinations
Unlimited nametags:
- Fixed memory leak
- Fixed nametag preview disabling on server switch when TAB is on bungeecord
- Fixed 3x rare NullPointerException
- Fixed 2 API bugs with disabling armor stands
- Fixed rare NullPointerException
- Exposed a few methods with placeholders
- Fixed feature breaking when enabling unlimited nametag mode
- Fixed players possibly not being assigned into teams properly due to players sharing same team name
- Fixed /btab reload removing players on the same server from tablist when global playerlist is disabled
- Added nickname change detection from other proxies
Global playerlist:
- #539 - Fixed player possibly getting removed from tablist when rejoining rapidly
- #545 - Added latency refreshing for player slots
- Added auto-complete for group names in /tab group command