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Merge pull request #5686 from CodaProtocol/hex-encoding-decoding
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Hex {en,de}coding for arbitrary bytes
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mergify[bot] authored Aug 20, 2020
2 parents acb4602 + 4b15537 commit de00932
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Showing 2 changed files with 68 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/hex/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(name hex)
(public_name hex)
(preprocess (pps ppx_version ppx_inline_test))
(preprocess (pps ppx_jane ppx_version ppx_inline_test))
(libraries core_kernel ))

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/hex/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,3 +172,70 @@ let%test_unit "decode" =
let h = encode t in
assert (String.equal t (decode ~init:String.init h)) ;
assert (String.equal t Sequence_be.(to_string (decode h)))

(* TODO: Better deduplicate the hex coding between these two implementations #5711 *)
module Safe = struct
(** to_hex : {0x0-0xff}* -> [A-F0-9]* *)
let to_hex (data : string) : string =
String.to_list data
|> ~f:(fun c ->
let charify u4 =
match u4 with
| x when x <= 9 && x >= 0 ->
Char.(of_int_exn @@ (x + to_int '0'))
| x when x <= 15 && x >= 10 ->
Char.(of_int_exn @@ (x - 10 + to_int 'A'))
| _ ->
failwith "Unexpected u4 has only 4bits of information"
let high = charify @@ ((Char.to_int c land 0xF0) lsr 4) in
let lo = charify (Char.to_int c land 0x0F) in
String.of_char_list [high; lo] )
|> String.concat

let%test_unit "to_hex sane" =
let start = "a" in
let hexified = to_hex start in
let expected = "61" in
if String.equal expected hexified then ()
failwithf "start: %s ; hexified : %s ; expected: %s" start hexified
expected ()

(** of_hex : [a-fA-F0-9]* -> {0x0-0xff}* option *)
let of_hex (hex : string) : string option =
let to_u4 c =
let open Char in
assert (is_alphanum c) ;
match c with
| _ when is_digit c ->
to_int c - to_int '0'
| _ when is_uppercase c ->
to_int c - to_int 'A' + 10
| _ (* when is_alpha *) ->
to_int c - to_int 'a' + 10
String.to_list hex |> List.chunks_of ~length:2
|> List.fold_result ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc chunk ->
match chunk with
| [a; b] when Char.is_alphanum a && Char.is_alphanum b ->
@@ (Char.((to_u4 a lsl 4) lor to_u4 b |> of_int_exn) :: acc)
| _ ->
Or_error.error_string "invalid hex" )
|> Or_error.ok
|> ~f:(Fn.compose String.of_char_list List.rev)

let%test_unit "partial isomorphism" =
Quickcheck.test ~sexp_of:[%sexp_of: string] ~examples:["\243"; "abc"]
Quickcheck.Generator.(map (list char) ~f:String.of_char_list)
~f:(fun s ->
let hexified = to_hex s in
let actual = Option.value_exn (of_hex hexified) in
let expected = s in
if String.equal actual expected then ()
!"expected: %s ; hexified: %s ; actual: %s"
expected hexified actual () )

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