is an experimental package of tools and algorithms for constructing restaurant orders and evaluating natural language systems that generate orders. prix-fixe
- Tools for authoring menus
- An interactive menu explorer
- An API for constructing and manipulating orders
- A repair cost metric for comparing orders
- Tools for testing natural language systems that generate orders
- A sample menu for testing purposes
- A regression suite of example orders for evaluating natural language processing systems.
is currently in the earliest stages of development, so documentation is sparse, and the code stability is uneven. If you are interested in taking a look, we recommend starting with the
Interactive Menu Explorer Tutorial.
is a Node.js project,
written in TypeScript.
In order to use prix-fixe
you must have
Node installed on your machine.
has been tested with Node version 13.7.0.
% git clone [email protected]:MikeHopcroft/PrixFixe.git
% cd PrixFixe
% npm install
% npm run compile
includes the following applications, samples, and tutorials:
- Menu
- Menu Concepts - DRAFT
- Menu File Format - COMING SOON
- Interactive Menu Explorer Tutorial
- Sample Restaurant Menu
- CartOps
- API Overview - COMING SOON
- CartOps
- Catalog
- AttributeInfo
- RuleChecker
- Test Suite
- Testing Methodology
- Measures
- Calculating Repair Cost
- Test Suite File Format - DRAFT
- filter-suite.js tool
- evaluate.js tool
- test-runner.js tool
- expected.yaml - sample validation suite used in Measures.
- observed.yaml - ficticious output from a natural language processing system. Used in Measures.
- - description of regression suite
- regression.yaml - suite of cases covering a wide variety of ordering scenarios.
- Example orders
Interested in contributing? Read more here.