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166 lines (121 loc) · 6.99 KB

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166 lines (121 loc) · 6.99 KB


Welcome to prix-fixe. Please look at for a conceptual overview of the project.

Table of Contents

Before Starting

We welcome contributions. Before starting on your contribution, it's a good idea to discuss your idea and plans with the project maintainer (presently Mike Hopcroft). This will increase the likelihood that your PR will be accepted with minimal rework.

Git Methodology

We use rebasing to ensure a linear commit history. See A Tidy Linear Git History for more information. We will not accept PRs with merge commits.

As the prix-fixe matures we will likely move to the GitFlow process for accepting outside contributions.

For now, please fork the repo and make your changes in a feature branch off of master and then submit a PR. Our naming convention for feature branches is github_account_name/feature_name.

Before submitting your PR, please ensure that npm run test runs clean after npm install and npm run clean. Note that you can use npm run fix to correct many linting and formatting issues.

Please be sure to rebase onto the latest master commit before submitting your PR and after any rework. Our committers will review your changes, possibly ask for rework, and then eventually make the commit into master.

Building and Testing

To build prix-fixe from sources, first clone the repo. Then

% npm install
% npm run compile

We use mocha and chai for testing. You can run the tests, along with building, linting and checking code style with

% npm run test

You can fix many linting and formatting issues with

% npm run fix

Code Style

We use GTS for linting and enforcing style. Invoking npm run test or npm run check will run the linter and prettier. Note that you can run npm run fix to automatically fix most linting and style problems. Here are a couple of notes:

  • We prefer tabs over spaces
  • Our indentation is 2 spaces.
  • Interfaces that represent abstract bases classes have names starting with an upper-case I, (e.g. IFoo). Since there is no way to suppress the linter rule on interface names for abstract base classes while keeping it for plain-old-javascript-objects (POJOs), we suppress the linter rule on inline at the interface declaration in the source file.


Import statements should be at the top of the file. They are organized into blocks in the following order:

  • Public npm packages
  • prix-fixe modules in other directories.
  • Modules in the current directory.

Within a block, imports statements are arranged alphabetically by package name or director path.

Within an import, symbols are listed alphabetically.

Line Length

Each line of code or comments should be <= 80 characters. Rewrap will help with this.


  • Classes
    Class names are PascalCase.

  • Functions, Member Functions
    Names are camelCase. Prefer private members whereever possible. We tend to avoid arrow functions for top-level declarations and member functions, but we do use arrow functions when a class member is intended to be used with map. Arrow functions are fine for anonymous lambda expressions.

  • Variables, Member Variables Names are camelCase. Prefer const variables and a more immutable style whenever possible. Prefer private and readonly for member variables, whenever possible. Simple/trivial initializer expressions are appropriate for member variables. More complex initializations where execution order is important should be done in the constructer.

  • Abbreviations
    Abbreviations should not be used in variable, type, or interface names unless they are common and readable. For example, pid is an acceptable name for productID, but atr is not an acceptable abbreviation for attribute.

  • Interfaces
    On this project, we use the I prefix for interfaces that are like abstract base classes, but not interfaces that are POJO structs. For example, Catalog would implement ICatalog. TSLint only offers the choice of all interfaces start with I or no interfaces start with I. To locally disable this rule, use:

interface IFoo {


  • Preference for immutable style. Avoid state machines.
  • Keep public API surface to a minimum. Avoid unnecessary export.
  • Don't make methods public to enable unit testing. Unit tests can access private methods using ['name'].
  • Appropriate amount of code coverage and unit testing.
  • Rules of thumb for unit tests.
  • TODO: comments
  • DESIGN NOTE: comments
  • WARNING: comments
  • Block comments
  • JSDoc comments
  • Source tree organization
  • NPM package publishing
  • Logging/tracing
  • VSCode configuration and tips
  • Mocha test explorer and test debugging
  • Guidelines for use of YAML and AJV
  • Guidelines for error handling/exceptions

VS Code Extensions

TODO: add hyperlinks to extensions here TODO: add automatic extension recommendations to VSCode

Mocha Test Explorer Recommended
Run your Mocha tests using a UI embedded in VS Code.

Rewrap Highly Recommended
Reformats code comments and other text to a given line length. In settings.json is the following:

"rewrap.wrappingColumn": 80


Over time we will clean up this section. Right now it mainly contains instructions for project maintainers who are publishing to npm and configuring CI.

Git Configuration


Before pushing to the remote, developers should configure pushing tags as default.

To do this globally for any one machine, run:

git config --global push.followTags true

Or, to do this locally for a single project, cd into PrixFixe/ and run:

git config --local push.followTags true

Ignored Files


.coveralls.yml can be linked to repos on any GitHub account. It will generate the code coverage badge found in Upon enabling the PrixFixe repo, you will be given a repo_token.

Create a file ./.coveralls.yml and paste the repo_token in, following this structure:

repo_token: someRepoTokenHereYgRjsQWoaH`