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Maintain and emulate (Linux Mac Win) SD image with Raspbian ROS

Alvaro Perez edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 1 revision

Generate a new image

(see samepage, firmware section)

  • dd bs=4M if=/dev/whereverSDcard of=/path/to/img/file.img; sync
  • Can be easily compressed to about ~2Gb

Flash current image copy

Shrink the image

If the SD card is smaller than the one used for the backup you can shrink the image before the copy, everything is explained here: .

If needed one can delete some files first (rosbags for example) by mounting the image locally.

sudo mount -o loop path/to/img/file.img somewhere/to/mount

QEMU emulator (Linux/Mac/Win)


  • Needs a .img file from the RPi and a ARM kernel, kernel-qemu-4.4.13-jessie in our case. Currently these files are in Tabarly: ~/kernel-qemu-4.4.13-jessie and ~/SDCardBack28March17.img. ~/rpi_image is an empty folder that can be used to mount the .img file to get the emulator ready.
  • Comment out a few lines as explained in the article.
  • Launch the emulator qemu-system-arm -kernel ~/kernel-qemu-4.4.13-jessie -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M versatilepb -serial stdio -append "root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 rw" -hda ~/SDCardBack28March17.img
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