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Project Structure

Benjamin Fuu edited this page Jun 21, 2019 · 4 revisions


This page contains various information about the project structure used in OpenVIII.


The project is separated into the following sub-projects:

  • Core
  • Encoding
  • Testing
  • OpenGL
  • DirectX


The core-subproject contains all the engine-internal logic, like parsing the game-assets, audio-management, game-state-handling, rendering, etc. - The core project references MonoGame.Framework.Portable and the encoding-subproject.




This subproject contains NUnit-Tests and the NUnit-TestRunnerAdapter in order to execute them from JetBrains-Rider / Visual Studio. The testing-subproject only references core and the NUnit-libraries.


The OpenGL-subproject containts only the launcher-code of the OpenGL-application - it references the core-subproject and the corresponding monogame-libraries. The application gets launched by instantiating the Game1-class from the Core-subproject.


The DirectX-subproject containts only the launcher-code of the DirectX-application - it references the core-subproject and the corresponding monogame-libraries. The application gets launched by instantiating the Game1-class from the Core-subproject.

Additional Resources / Information

  • Language-Version: C#-7.1
  • NuGet used for dependency-management
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