Releases: MCMicS/jenkins-control-plugin
Releases · MCMicS/jenkins-control-plugin
- Fix displaying nested views
- #502 Wrong view loaded if Primary View is selected
- #503 Inverted icon colors on 2023.2
- #507 Specify id in plugin.xml matching getId() value
- #463 Configurable/limit number of displayed builds
- #69 Add SOCKS proxy support
- Remove usage of explicit usage of commons-lang (StringUtil and DurationFormatUtils)
- #469 Index out of bounds
- New health icons (Fix #488 Exception with 2023.2 EAP 232.8453.116)
- #377: Is there any way to ignore hostname mismatch
- Add second Url to use as "Jenkins URL" which is set in "Jenkins Location"
- #490 Unable to save plugin settings in 2023.2 Beta #490
- Build for IDE >= 2023.2
- #461 [Cosmetics] separate "Run/Stop on Jenkins" by splitter
- #479 Error on View without jobs
- Remove Jenkins 1 setting. Always use Jenkins version 2
- Remove Crumb Data usage
- Usage of API Token is required.
- #415 Unable to enter parameters
- Show error for trigger builds (Read from Header X-Error)
- #413 0.13.15-2022.2 - still not working with Intellij 2022.3
- Fix Proxy Handling
- #426 Plugin Failing After IntelliJ Upgrade to 0.13.15 if jenkins is hosted Tomcat or QUery Parameters are not relaxed
- Add Trace Logging for Url calls with
- #413 0.13.15-2022.2 - still not working with Intellij 2022.3
- #309 Exception in plugin Jenkins Control
- #322 Nullpointer if Jenkins if not running
- move classes with module 'com.intellij.modules.vcs' to optional dependency
- #308 Log streaming should cancelable
- last version with new features for 2019.3
plugins are signed with self-signed certificate. You can mange the certs in: Settings/Preferences | Plugins | Manage Plugin Certificates.
- #280 render DateParameterDefinition as textfield
- 2021.2 API Compatibility
- #297 NPE on Startup
- #298 Configure Action for Double Click Build
- #289 Light service class class must be final
- Expand Job Node after Load Build for first time
- #301 ExtensibleChoiceParameterDefinition support request
- #159 "Unknown parameter" for "Extensible Choice" parameters
- Reload job if trigger build and paramter exists
- #275 Please rename password label to "Password/API Token"