v0.100.0 (2016-01-25)
Closed issues:
- degree of polynomial #703
- feel_test_integration FTBS #693
- cmake broken for quickstart #686
- Implement Ksp post and pre solve functions #685
- Preconditioner, Worldcomm, rebuild #682
- Package not compiling #679
- FTBS with clang: feelmodels/modelproperties.cpp #676
- Exporter prefix #672
- Json parser does not support comments in boost 1.59.0 #659
- Bug in assignment operator for forms #656
- Refactor createSubmesh #648
- Use of two "nested" preconditioners fails in parallel #645
- nonlinear pow function works only with integer #636
- Geometry file parse variable bug #634
- documentation: add a link to the book on feelpp.org #632
- EnsightGold exporter is broken #621
- Reinitialization with fast marching method in sequential on mesh with hypercubes (and Simplexes) #620
- FTBS with petsc/slepc 3.6.0 #617
- Exporters: behavior differences between add( ... ) function of exporter and add( ... ) function of a time step #604
- Bug in blockns #601
- add createSubVector for PetscVector #599
- Quickstart sample not building: feelpp_qs_sm_3d #590
- Optimisation of laplacian for p=2 #581
- Vectorial Laplacian and Hypercube #580
- Allow new quadrature formulas in integrate #564
- EigenSolver : remove unconverged eigenfunctions #562
- Wrong exact integration value from testsuite #559
- Ensight exporter and 2d markers #554
- markerToDof using face marker #553
- VTK exporter 3D numbering #551
- Providing options to Petsc. #550
- Add support for random number generation in language #547
- L2 projection seems broken in feeldicr/projector.cpp #541
- Support Null Space in solver #531
- Linking fails for high-order geometries with hypercube elements #528
- Problem inside createGMSHMesh #526
- Load several config files #525
- Feel++ 0.100.0 Beta 1 release doesn't compile on OS X #519
- Gmsh header lost #517
- Problem in macro FEELPP_VERSION_GREATER_THAN #514
- homebrew compilation fails #513
- Problems when linking Feel++ develop version #494
- Support variable expansion in options #391
- Mesh export for parallel execution #367
- Bug in mesh generated by operator Lagrange P1 in 3d #199
- Support laplacian keyword for scalar and vector fields #146
- Support mean linear functional #704
- Refactor CreateSubMeshTool #700
- Change default FEELPP_MESH_MAX_ORDER to 2 #697
- Exporter Ensight: variable names with space characters #692
- provide free function to generate a VectorPetsc shared/unique pointer from a PETSc vector #688
- FTBS thermodyn #677
- Support symmetric/SPD matrices and trigger associated solver/preconditioners #673
- Add functions to check for Inf and NaN in eigen3 data structures #669
- Support for time adaptation #666
- Support addition bilinear form scaled by a scalar #664
- Improve timer support #657
- Reduce mesh data structure memory footprint and improve loading #653
- Allow to change value on diagonal for elimination #652
- Add support to get test and trial function in dsel from expression #651
- create meaningful type with using for mesh filters #647
- Add support for description of fields #646
- support markededges() as an alias to markedfaces() in 2D #644
- Move to c++14 by default #640
- Support range() to create lists containing arithmetic progressions #639
- Support interpolant from H^1 to H^curl and more generally the De Rahm Diagram #638
- Add control for model instantiation in cmake #629
- Refactor mesh/filters.hpp #626
- Add free functions for accessing local and global ranks in data structures #625
- Allow different C++ standard support #622
- Fixed mpi warning in slurm generated scripts #614
- Move precAFP to benchmarks/magnetostatic #613
- Change default path for exporter #611
- Add support for ExtendedFieldFromInterface #610
- Improve performance of assembly of complex terms in bilinear terms #609
- Support integral evaluation of a vector of scalars, vectors or matrices #603
- Support higher order meshes for levelset #596
- Extract block diagonal matrix #593
- Bug in RT0 in 3D: no convergence #592
- Timers table for Feel++ #591
- add support for prefix in loadMesh #588
- Improve documentation #578
- FTBS inner keyword when using terminal keyword #577
- Support new keyword : msi #572
- Support more features in the ginac parser #568
- Support HDF5 format #560
- Support traits like is_edge, is_face, is_point,... #556
- Add support for modulo #549
- Add support for casting expressions from one type to another in the language #548
- Add support for floor and ceil in language #546
- Bug in handling face dof in vectorial finite elements (e.g. Nedelec,RT) #544
- Support interpolation and dirichlet conditions based on range of edges and points #537
- Clean up tangent and normal computation in local interpolant #536
- Support Matrix fields #535
- Add support for component-wise dirichlet condition in vector fields #534
- eigenPair : each call erase previous eigen functions #533
- Support pointwise operations in Vector<> #509
- Customize PETSc/KSP monitors #503
- printMatlab : The script should not have the same name than the variable #501
- Add support for -mat_mumps_icntl_7 #499
- FTE in feelpp_test_integration_relatedmesh #498
- Support Schur complement Pressure Mass Matrix for Stokes #495
- Support assembly PˆT A P #492
- Optimize and cleanup DofTable #490
- Reduce compilation cost in creategmshmesh #488
- Configure Aitken tool from command line options #483
- Support map of ginac expression #482
- CMake modification: FindFeel++.cmake #479
- Support updateMarkers() functions for faces #467
- Port on MAC OS Yosemite #466
- OpenMP not usable #464
- Support factorisation based preconditioner for Navier-Stokes (e.g. BTPCD and PCD) #460
- Support Operator framework #457
- Support concatenation of mesh elements containers #455
- Support interprocessedges mesh filter #454
- Class Mesh #453
- Support atan2 keyword in language #450
- FTE test_mortar #449
- Support new interpolation framework in OperatorInterpolation and possibly other classes #448
- Support generic WorldComm in Exporter{EnsightGold,HDF5} #446
- Support worldcomm in Ginac expression #445
- Possible deadlock in loadMesh #444
- compilation error with chi expression #442
- FTE test_on_inside #441
- FTE in test_interpolation_nedelec #440
- Support square root of sparse matrices #439
- Add support for jacobi elliptic functions #438
- Ensight exporter: bad output in parallel #406
- Bug when computing the curl of the curl of an expression #397
- Change ginac expression management #395
- Add local/global interpolant tests #392
- Segfault when loading/saving mesh #371
- Add support for parallel I/O via MPIIO to ensight gold format #326
- Add FILE_INDEX support in Ensight Gold format #305
- MPI_Scatter hangs inside Feel++ environment #304
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #580 and associated to #581: laplacian on hypercube #695 (prudhomm)
- Install Feel++ main dependencies using CMake #689 (aancel)
- Correction of testsuite fails from #586 #683 (LANTZT)
- Issue #672: Exporter prefix #675 (aancel)
- Feature/hdf5 grp #667 (gdolle)
- Feature/prec ams #663 (vhuber)
- implement #527 : mpd and interval #661 (prudhomm)
- implement the hdf5 format in save and load #660 (prudhomm)
- Feature/derahm #641 (prudhomm)
- Holo3 Image Correlation #627 (LANTZT)
- Doxygen documentation update #618 (bachir151)
- Benchmark IO #606 (youldrouis)
- msi operator tests #589 (LANTZT)
- MultiScale Image keyword #585 (LANTZT)
- Holo3 Quadrature formula #570 (LANTZT)
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #538 (gitter-badger)
- Feature/updatemarker #701 (prudhomm)
- Feature/sanitize #696 (prudhomm)
- Feature/prec adapt ns #684 (prudhomm)
- Feature/symm #674 (prudhomm)
- Feature/findfeelpp (Issue #479) #670 (aancel)
- Feature/faster #654 (prudhomm)
- Feature/fsi #616 (prudhomm)
v0.100.0-beta.7 (2015-02-11)
v0.100.0-beta.6 (2015-02-11)
v0.100.0-beta.5 (2015-02-10)
v0.100.0-beta.4 (2015-02-08)
v0.100.0-beta.3 (2015-02-08)
v0.100.0-beta.2 (2015-02-08)
Closed issues:
- Get a function from a VectorPetsc #524
- Hcurl x Pch #523
- Eigen3 with installed feel++ from apt on project. #521
- Nedelec: fix level of verbosity #520
- FindPETSc.cmake is broken with PETSc > 3.5 #516
- Feel++ for Ubuntu 14.10 #515
- HDF5 exporter: bad output after first timestep #508
- Change of nlSolver type with setType( ) is not taken into account #505
- Optimize high order geometric mapping #234
v0.100.0-beta.1 (2015-01-18)
Closed issues:
- Bug exporter paraview MPI dof table #506
- Lots of FTBS inside benchmarks/perf and doc #500
- Problem when mesh generation fails #486
- Problem when using two-part PETSc arguments #485
- Matrix Type #476
- math::ellipjc function #451
- exporter.export #383
- Implement local interpolant framework #369
- Projector warning #358
- Visualization of a response surface #302
- Update Feel++ documentation #300
- Add quickstart navier-stokes example #298
- FTE in test_eim in parallel #263
- Optimize OperatorInterpolation communicator #232
- DB issue with test_eim #168
- Fix testsuite compilation and execution #88
v0.100.0-alpha.1-assembly (2014-12-22)
Closed issues:
- Wrong interpolated values with Eigen backend #491
- Sign of Nedelec #489
- Weird deadlock with filters #484
- Add example to store forms, mesh and function spaces in data structure #481
- mumps atlas #480
- Bug boost-1.57 matrix ublas #478
- vf::project with extend doftable #477
- In-Situ visualization #475
- VTK Exporter #474
- Restart with Ensight Gold is broken #473
- Bug in ensightgold exporter #472
- Expressions built from GinaC::ex #469
- Segmentation fault in doc/manual/laplacian/laplacian_polar.cpp #463
- Reduce mpi communication in exporter #462
- Bad behavior of solver with Petsc 3.5.x #461
- Static geometry with exporters #456
- Problem with CMakeCache #452
- Release 0.99.0-final.1 cmake fail #437
- Merging feature/explicit into develop #387
- Add options for exporting in one or several files (either domain or time) #353
- extend p0 continuous space to vectorial case in // #225
- Support HDF5/XMDF formats #194
v0.99.0-final.1 (2014-09-07)
Closed issues:
- Support more continuous integration using Travis #436
- Enable support for simd #435
- MPIIO integer size detection breaks feel++ 32 bits platforms #434
- FindXdmf.cmake missing #433
- Add support for set of elements of function spaces #430
- Add compatibility headers in contrib/gmsh depending on version #425
- Add application to provide various mesh information #417
- Add support for (non-linear) optimisation libraries #407
- Python Wrapping of a Laplacian example #366
- Benchmark ublas vs eigen3 vs nt2 #238
v0.99.0-beta.6 (2014-08-31)
v0.99.0-beta.4 (2014-08-30)
Closed issues:
- HDF5 file format #368
v0.99.0-beta.3 (2014-08-29)
Closed issues:
- Add backend as argument to form1 and form2 #431
- develop branch currently broken #429
- Update petsc to 3.5.x on mesostra #428
- Update Gmsh to 2.8.5 (or later) on mesostra #424
Merged pull requests:
v0.99.0-beta.2 (2014-08-26)
Closed issues:
- Add support for Matrix transpose without assembly #427
- Add support for newMatrix() without args #426
- problem in feature-gmsh-in-memory #423
v0.99.0-beta.1 (2014-08-20)
Closed issues:
- Add Eigen3 3.2.2 to contrib #422
- Better support ML with cmake #421
- Support boost 1.56 #419
- Add functionality to check/test Feel++ version #418
- Support PETSc 3.5.X and above #415
- Support SLEPc 3.4.X and above #414
- Set processor affinity & dump cpu information #413
- Support Reading Gmsh data structures directly in memory #412
- Port to cmake 3.0 #411
- Add an option to enable/disable creation of the np_<nproc> subdirectory #410
- problem with markerToDof function #409
- Bug in graph construction: more non zero entries in rows than there are entries #408
- Need to access to the neighbours of dof and to change value of functions only on some dof #404
- Exporter Ensight not work #403
- Problem with feelpp_doc_traces #401
- Fast Marching with Hypercube #399
- .geo parser #398
- Update Ensight to 10.0.3g in Atlas #396
- Non existing marked elements #389
- Unregistered options #385
- Random ensight case file generation depending on architecture #379
- Provide average, min and max mesh size #377
- Move all crb related tests to testsuite/feelcrb #376
- test_eim and test_eim_grepl FTBS #375
- Move test_bdf* to testsuite/feelts #374
- Support simple operators + - in GiNaC::matrix #373
- FTE in test_bdf2 : invalid c++ code generated at runtime by ginac #372
- Bug in initialisation of CRBModel in composite case #361
- Port Feel++ to archlinux #360
- Bug in one of the tests in 3D in test_integration_opt (high order geom) #354
- Improve Ginac expression support and documentation #331
- createSubmesh in // #322
- OneFeel broken #307
- FTBS with g++ 4.9.0 #270
- Change how result files are written to the filesystem in a parallel execution context #183
- Merge all_gathers in feelcore/worldcomm.cpp #181
- Port to Intel Compiler #23
Merged pull requests:
- Feature gmsh in memory #416 (prudhomm)
- Merging with branch feature/explicit #388 (prudhomm)
- Feature/ensight #306 (prudhomm)
v0.98.0 (2014-05-22)
Closed issues:
- Bug in non conforming interpolation when space are the same but the mesh is not #356
- Bug in mortar dof table points coordinates #355
- Fix publish.sh for the deployment of Doxygen documentation in www.feelpp.org #352
- Bug in composite spaces when subspaces are the same #349
- Install a MathJAX server #303
- Support Gmsh export in parallel #295
- Bug in test_interpolation and possibly pointwise interpolation #244
v0.98.0-beta.2 (2014-05-06)
Closed issues:
- Set timeout for tests and application when used in ctest #350
- Support evaluate of expression over faces #348
- Support reading partitioned mesh on one processor #346
- Port to gcc 4.9 #343
- Petsc error with solvereigen #341
- Error with cross product #340
- Error norm for CRB models using EIM #339
- Unable to compile (at least with gcc >= 4.7) #338
- Scotch5 and HomeBrew #337
- For install feel++ on Ubuntu 12.04 #336
- Petsc Error in nlsolve #335
- marker are not preserved by operatorLagrangeP1 #334
- Allow passing a specific worldComm to the Gmsh interface #327
- Random results ! #325
- Ginac and macos. #324
- CRBTrilinear should be a derived class of CRB #287
- Update clang-3.4 to the release version on Strasbourg Mesocentre #268
- Install PETSc debug version on supermuc #190
Merged pull requests:
v0.98.0-beta.1 (2014-03-27)
Closed issues:
v0.97.4 (2014-03-18)
Closed issues:
- Install all header from the feel++ library #318
v0.97.3 (2014-03-17)
Closed issues:
- Incomplete CRB programming environment installation #315
v0.97.2 (2014-03-16)
Closed issues:
- Bug in FindFeel++ as well as FindGLOG and FindGFlags #314
- Ship simple c++ feel++ examples in /usr/share/doc #313
- Add support for PETSc 3.4.4 #311
v0.97.1 (2014-03-16)
Closed issues:
- Missing headers in installed version of feel++ 0.97.0 #312
v0.97.0 (2014-03-14)
Closed issues:
- Add support for isMasterRank() in Environment #309
- Support Ginac expression evaluation #308
- Add support in Ensight gold format for constant per case in files #296
- Support close graph block #276
- Support for Mortar method #36
Merged pull requests:
v0.97.0-beta.1 (2014-03-09)
Closed issues:
- Update eigen to version 3.2.1 #299
- Segmentation fault with extended doftable #294
- Compilation issue in doftable.hpp #293
- PETSC Error during execution of doc/manual/eigen/ge_curlcurl #290
- Support initialization of element of function spaces using an expression #282
- Assertion failure in local/global assembly using eigen fixed matrices in 3D p >= 4 #271
- Implement Newmark algorithm in feel/feelts #247
- Merge tex/pdf manual with doxygen documentation #211
- Memory issue for large scale reduced basis applications #112
- Implement ExodusII file format #108
- Interface with OneLaB #64
- implement the empirical interpolation method #26
Merged pull requests:
v0.97.0-alpha.3 (2014-02-26)
Closed issues:
- Wrong dual error estimator behavior in parabolic case #281
- Delete feelpp_qs_laplacian_onefeel #275
- Support Travis-CI #274
- Improve eigs interface to support function spaces #272
- Bug in onefeel on MACOSX #266
v0.97.0-alpha.2 (2014-02-16)
Closed issues:
- Simplify application help messages #273
- Refactor Ginac expression handling #269
- Support linear partitioning with one element associated to one subdomain #262
v0.97.0-alpha.1 (2014-02-13)
Closed issues:
- Improve support for string Dirichlet condition handling #260
- Solver convergence for an aerothermal application #259
- Support paraview using ensightgold sos format #258
- Assertion failure when using ensightgold format #257
- FTBS in test_eim_grepl #256
- FTBS in test_rbspace #253
- make does not regenerate compilation when a file is touched. #250
- FTBS in test_eim and test_eim_grepl #249
- Bug in Discontinuous Galerkin in case of Mesh with hypercubes #248
- internalelements #245
- Support ghost cell in ensight gold format #243
- newMatrix with extended pattern crashes in parallel #242
- Update Feel++ 0.96.0 documentation #241
- Refactor BDFBase #237
- Support extended stencil over a range of elements #227
- Change strategy for Feel++ headers #226
- Define an integer type for mpi rank processes #224
- Implement norm2 in the language #223
- Implement projector on the tangent plane #222
- Create configure script to generate configuration for cmake #219
- Implement a simple make check after compiling the library #218
- Substitute variables in config #217
- Add on() keyword for an element_type to set the degrees of freedom on an element range #213
- OperatorInterpolation yields wrong results on hypercube elements #212
- Update Feel++ documentation regarding MacOSX installation #210
- Spurious values in exporter #203
- benchmark - stokes_Pressure #200
- FEELPP_ENABLE_MPI_MODE=OFF obsolete ? Cleanup needed #198
- Ginac problem on hpc-login #193
- Update Feel++ Portfile on macport #187
- Compile Feel++ on MacOsX using Xcode 5 and libc++ #186
- Interpolation issue with form1 #180
- Compilation of laplacian doesn't work with gcc 4.6/boost 1.54 #179
- benchmarks/stokes fail to compile #178
- about geofiles and data #172
- Define interprocess entities (not only for faces) #161
- Simplify and extend DofTable #160
- About the Application class - constructor(argc,argv,ad,od) #134
- Segfault when integrating over internalfaces #124
- Rounding errors in bdf metadata files #30
- interpolation through matrix different _test/_trial space does not work #4
- OpInterlation too slow #3
Merged pull requests:
v0.96.0 (2014-01-03)
Closed issues:
- Set minimal version for Boost in cmake #220
- functions. #184
- Cleanup $HOME/feel before launching nightly tests or set another 'feel' repository #169
Merged pull requests:
v0.96.0-beta.3 (2013-11-15)
v0.96.0-beta.2 (2013-11-14)
Closed issues:
- Homebrew breaks Ginac expression compilation #209
- Always FEM context is used by id_() function of ReducedBasisSpace #208
- Compiling Feel++ in Linux #206
- bug in documentation #196
v0.96.0-beta.1 (2013-11-11)
Closed issues:
- Issue with doxygen pages in git #205
- Intermittent crash when creating OperatorInterpolation #202
- Crash when creating a sequential functionspace using a parallel mesh #201
- Use Slepc on Supermuc #197
- Crash in DofTable #195
- Atlas installation #192
- Install PETSc debug version on mesostra #191
- Publish online documentation for v0.95.0 #189
- periodic boundary conditions seems buggy #188
- Support releases of Ginac excompiler and associated framework #185
- about --help #182
- Laplacian_polar example doesn't compile due to Eigen 3.2 #176
- reserved identifier violation #174
- Include all headers only once? #173
- lowering memory footprint #97
- Add MatrixShell support to PETSc solver classes #52
Merged pull requests:
v0.95.0 (2013-10-04)
v0.95.0-beta.3 (2013-10-01)
v0.95.0-beta.2 (2013-09-29)
v0.95.0-beta.1 (2013-09-28)
Closed issues:
- Memory management after matrix destructor #177
- Feel++ FTBS in crb.cpp #170
- Breakage/Conflicts between geo-variables-list option and Gmsh class interface #167
- Wrong MshFileVersion in generated geo files #166
- testsuite/feeldisc/test_integration_ginac fails in sequential (apply likely to all testsuite) #165
- Problem with use of GiNaC on Supermuc #164
- doc/manual/adapt/Lshape FTBS #163
- Update/Add hpc-login software : gcc 4.7.3, gcc 4.8.1, clang 3.3, petsc/slepc, ... #162
- Update to PETSc 3.4.2 and SLEPC 3.4.1 on supermuc #159
- Do not ship eigen, cln, glog and gflags when releasing Feel++ #157
- Port to Eigen 3.2 #156
- Feel++ fail to compile - petsc-3.4.2/slepc-3.4.1 #154
- Issues with faces data structure in sequential and parallel #147
- port to boost 1.53 and 1.54 #142
- memory leak in d-i7-2 #133
- problem with p0 continuous space in product spaces in parallel #132
- laplacian_full not working in parallel #127
- port of openturns on froggy #115
- Clear temporary Ginac so when feelpp app exit #102
- use comp(X) in parallel #58
- specify python version on cdash #24
- trace or createSubmesh in parallel #13
- memory leak in backend->solve() #7
v0.94.0 (2013-08-16)
Closed issues:
- Allow rebuild partition when creating gmsh meshes #151
- add petsc and version in ctest build name #150
- port to PETSc 3.4 #149
- config file #148
- loadMesh generates an hypercube as default mesh #145
- Testsuite #143
- Mesh files refined twice the number of refinement levels at generation step #140
- test_eim check fails #139
- test_ginac fails and timeouts #138
- create submesh crashes in parallel #137
- Feel++/CDash broken ? #136
- CreateSubMesh #135
- Option --export doesn't work #131
- broken crb_add_model macro when optionnal SRCS #130
- BDF not working in order 4 #128
- don't store all mesh points #126
- Sequential programs appear to run by default in parallel #125
- Automatic generation of API documentation from research/ #122
- exporter ensightgold with vectorial field #119
- problem using -idv(...) in expression and operator linear free #118
- Edit CMakeLists.txt for doxygen #117
- Support Ensight Gold format #116
- Correspondence of gmsh and feel++ node numbering #101
- Add "t" as a symbol for time in Ginac_Ex #100
- problem with gradient of fonction real dim= Dim and topological dim=Dim-1 #33
- Segfault in the language with g++ 4.7 #25
feelpp-0.93.0 (2013-05-26)
Closed issues:
- test_ginac fails to compile #123
- code in doc/manual/heatns fail to compile #121
- Codes in doc/manual/dd fail to compile #120
- Compilation error of CRB models in develop branch #111
- compilation failed with clang3.1 in develop branch #110
- Load Gmsh supported file format seamlessly #109
- cmake fails when one vm with only one core #107
- Improve website documentation #106
- error using unitSquare() in branch rbframework with gcc46 #104
- Off by one error in mesh point indices #103
- (Re)Moving libmatheval #99
- feel++0.92.0 on oneiric, make check fails to build mortar app #98
- Port Feel++ on SUPERMUC #95
- improve export when same mesh reused #79
- crb applications in research/apee fail to compile in Debug mode on Debian/Ubuntu #69
- problem with dot function in parallel when using vectors #45
- support for gmsh binary format #38
- Reorder dof with respect to interior, face, edge and vertex dof of the domain #15
version-0.92.1 (2013-03-10)
Closed issues:
- Why is there a VectorPetscMPI ? or equivalently what should it do differently from VectorPetsc #96
- GFlags not used #91
- Is there any instruction to install the feel++ on Windows 7+VS2010+Intel Fortran 2011? #57
- use multVector directly with element_type #56
version-0.92 (2013-03-03)
Closed issues:
- HeatSink not working in parallel #94
- HeatSink not working in parallel #93
- No feel++ applications running #90
- Allow saving results using relative path #89
- cmake (feelpp) & boost #87
- cmake version on ubuntu #86
- doc/manual/adapt crash on develop branch #85
- assertion for the inner keword #84
- Rename libfeel++ to libfeelpp for consistency #83
- cleanup tutorial examples #82
- rename libfeel++ into libfeelpp #81
- cleanup (remove?) gmm installation #80
- option function interface and handling exception #78
- fsi crash #77
- Compilation error of CRB (with EIM) application in develop branch #76
- Feel++ FTBS in debug mode #75
- Update Feel++ on Curie #74
- Update Glog to 3.3 #73
- Update to Eigen 3.1.2 #72
- Feel++ Installation process incomplete #71
- Update Feel++ Documentation/Tutorial #70
- Fast localisation of mesh elements between meshes related by extraction #68
- Port Feel++ on Suse #67
- Port Feel++ on Scientific Linux #66
- Automatic generation of User and Reference Manual #61
- 10 min crash course for Feel++ #60
- Invalid communicator #59
- feelpp_doc_LShape segfaults #55
- Ginac is not building properly causing FTBS #54
- warnings regarding the mesh #53
- added computation of the mean of a function #51
- support for a mix periodic/non periodic conditions in product spaces #50
- periodic vectorial functionspace fail #49
- keep information when create a submesh #48
- failed to compile on ubuntu 12.04 gcc 4.6 #47
- gmsh - createGMSHMesh ( writting the .geo ) - problem with number of partition #46
- Wrong number of dof in parallel ? #44
- geomap strategy bug with ho #43
- Support both Gmsh from library and executable #42
- Mesh refinement support from Gmsh library #39
- periodic boundary conditions do not compile for composite spaces #37
- Add Eigen3 backend #35
- port on curie (TGCC/Genci/Prace) #34
- Seamless parallelism #32
- marker on periodic elements #31
- Improve logging capabilities (e.g. use glog) #29
- Implement L_infinity norm #28
- Export (gmsh/ensight) functions of product spaces #27
- Port to clang 3.1 #22
- add support for += on elements of function space #21
- failed to compile on ubuntu 12.04 gcc 4.6 with mpich2 #20
- Implement new keywords det() and inv() in the variational formulation language #19
- fail to change hsize in geofile #18
- Serialize the mesh data structure #17
- Enhance product of function spaces #16
- discrepancy betwen manual and code for laplacian.cpp #12
- Simplify Feel++ application setup (geo files, cfg files,...) #11
- MPI errors with nlSolve function #10
- compilation issue with geo() interface #9
- memory leak in backend->solve() #8
- Lagrange P1 #6
- integration of mesh adaptation in Feel++ #5
- disable benchmarks compilation by default #2
- increase template-depth to 256 #1
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator