A Python module that makes automating Junos devices over the NETCONF API "easy". The goal of this "microframework" is to enable Netops/engineers the ability to create Python scripts without requiring "hardcore" programming knownledge.
This module is not specifically tied to any version of Junos or any Junos product family. It provides a general purpose set of utilities and resources abstrations. It has been designed so that future contributors can easily "plug-in" thier extensions.
There are three basic "layers" to this module: Resources, Utilities, and RPC Metaprogramming
Resources are defined as elements of the Junos configuration that you want to manage as discrete items. For example, a SRX security zone has an address-book, that it turn contains a list of address items and a list of address-sets. The purpose of the resource abstraction is to enable the programmer to manage these items as simple Python objects, and not requiring kownledge of the underlying Junos/XML. Resources can be Junos product family specifc. Security Zones, for example, would be found only on SRX products.
For a quick intro on using Resources, see here.
For the catalog of Resources provided by this module, see here.
An application will often want to perform common fucntions, and again wihtout requiring knowledge of the underlying Junos/XML. The ConfigUtils library, for example, allows you to do things like "rolllback", "commit check" and "show | compare" to get a diff-patch output of candidate changes.
For a quick intro on using utility libraries, see here.
For the catalog of Utility libraries provided by this module, see here.
You should always have the ability to "do anything" that the Junos/XML API provides. This module attempts to make accessing Junos at this low-level "easy". The term "metaprogramming" basically means that this module will dynamically create Junos XML Remote Procdure Calls (RPCs) as you invoke them from your program, rather that pre-coding them as part of the module distribution. Said another way, if Junos provides thousands of RPCs, this module does not contain thousands of RPC functions. It metaprogramms only the RPCs that you use, keeping the size of this module small, and the portability flexible.
For a quick intro on using RPC metaprogramming, see here.
I am currently in the process of building a "proper" file. In the meantime, please bear with me.
To install this module, you will first need to download and install the ncclient module from the Juniper github repo directly. Follow the instructions there for details.
Once you've done that, you can then install this module using:
[py-junos-eznc] python install
Once you've done that you should be able to verify the installation via the python shell:
import jnpr.eznc
print jnpr.eznc.VERSION
Each managed Junos/NETCONF instance maintains a dictionary of "facts". These facts are loaded when your program opens a connetion to the device. Facts are generally static pieces of information, such as the software version or serial-number.
The following example simply dumps the facts to the screen:
from pprint import pprint
from jnpr.eznc import Netconf
jdev = Netconf(user='jeremy', host='vsrx_cyan', password='jeremy1')
#>>> {'RE0': {'last_reboot_reason': 'Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.',
#>>> 'model': 'JUNOSV-FIREFLY RE',
#>>> 'status': 'Testing',
#>>> 'up_time': '2 days, 3 hours, 33 minutes, 50 seconds'},
#>>> 'domain': '',
#>>> 'fqdn': '',
#>>> 'model': 'FIREFLY-PERIMETER',
#>>> 'hostname': 'jnpr-dc-fw',
#>>> 'ifd_style': 'CLASSIC',
#>>> 'personality': 'SRX_BRANCH',
#>>> 'serialnumber': 'cf2eaceba2b7',
#>>> 'switch_style': 'NONE',
#>>> 'version': '12.1X44-D10.4',
#>>> 'version_info': junos.versino_info(major=(12, 1), type=X, minor=44-D10, build=4),
#>>> 'virtual': True}
The 'version_info' can be used for version comparions. For example:
# Is this version earlier than "11.4"?
jdev.facts['version_info'] < (11,4)
#>>> False
# Is this version later that "12.0"?
jdev.facts['version_info'] > (12,0)
#>>> True
If you need to refresh the facts for any reason, you can invoke the facts_refresh()
method on the Netconf instance, as illustrated:
NOTE: Presently all fact retrieval functions are defined in the facts
directory of this module. In future versions of this code, you will be able to add your own facts in arbitrary locations.
The following code example illustrates how to use the SRX "ZoneAddrBook" resource to add a new address item to a zone's address book.
from pprint import pprint
from jnpr.eznc import Netconf
from jnpr.eznc.resources.srx import ZoneAddrBook
jdev = Netconf(user='jeremy', host='vsrx_cyan', password='jeremy1')
# bind a ZoneAddrBook resource manager to this Netconf instance.
# you get to chose the attribute name, in this example, we will
# use the attribute 'ab'.
jdev.bind( ab=ZoneAddrBook )
# now select the address book for a specific security zone
# this will load the contents of the address book from the
# Junos SRX device
trust_ab = jdev.ab["TRUST"]
# an address book manages two resources, the list of address
# items, and the list of address-sets. You can see what
# a specific resource manages by looking at the :manages:
# property
pprint( trust_ab.manages )
#>>> ['addr', 'set']
# lets add a new address item called 'JEREMY-HOST' with
# and IP address of ''
jeremy = trust_ab.addr['JEREMY-HOST']
# does this address item already exist? all resources
# have a property called :exists: that returns True or False
# indicating whether or not the resource exists in the
# Junos configuration
pprint( jeremy.exists )
#>>> False
# each resource has a list of properties that you can
# read/write. You can see this list by examining the
# :properties: attribute
pprint( )
#>>> ['_exists', '_active', 'description', 'ip_prefix']
# the :_exists: and :_active: items are 'meta-properties'
# controlled by the resource framework; so don't touch
# these. The other properties :description: and
# :ip_prefix: are for you to control. So let's set
# these for our new address
jeremy['description'] = "Jeremy's laptop computer"
jeremy['ip_prefix'] = ''
# now store these values to the Junos devices. this
# action does *NOT* commit the configuration, only
# sets the values, much like doing the "set" commands
# at the Junos CLI
# if we were to examine the Junos CLI configuration
# we can see that the change has been loaded into
# the candidate configuration
# [edit]
# jeremy@jnpr-dc-fw# show | compare
# [edit security zones security-zone TRUST address-book]
# address BOB-HOST { ... }
# + address JEREMY-HOST {
# + description "Jeremy's laptop computer";
# +;
# + }
For more details on the Resource framework, see here.
Utility libraries are collections of functions. The following illustrates the ConfigUtils library on checking configuration changes and displaying the diff. This example is a continuation of the prior section.
from jnpr.eznc.utils import ConfigUtils
# now bind the ConfigUtils to this Netconf instance, creating an attribute
# called :cu:
# now use the ConfigUtils to do a "commit check". If the candidate configuration is
# OK, then this will return :True: and if not will return a dictionary of error information
#>>> True
# we can obtain a copy of the "diff" string, which is the equivalent of the Junos CLI
# command "show | compare"
#>>> [edit security zones security-zone TRUST address-book]
#>>> address BOB-HOST { ... }
#>>> + address JEREMY-HOST {
#>>> + description "Jeremy's laptop computer";
#>>> +;
#>>> + }
# now we can either commit these changes or discard them. showing how to
# discard them using the rollback function.
For more details on using the Utilities, see here.
The following code illustrates a basic example of opening a NETCONF connection to a device, retrieving the inventory, and displaying the model and serial-number information.
from jnpr.eznc import Netconf
jdev = Netconf(user='jeremy', host='vsrx_cyan', password='jeremy1')
# invoke the RPC equivalent to "show chassis hardware"
inv = jdev.rpc.get_chassis_inventory()
# use XPath expressions to extract the data from the Junos/XML response
# the :inv: variable is an lxml Element object
print "model: %s" % inv.find('chassis/description').text
print "serial-number: %s" % inv.find('chassis/serial-number').text
# serial-number: cf2eaceba2b7
For more information on RPC metaprogramming, see here.
This module defines a set of Exceptions, and these are defined in the
file. The general use-case looks something like this:
except Exception as err:
# err has attributes you can look at to coorelate the command (cmd)
# and response (rsp). Both of these are lxml Elements. So here
# is an example of just dumping the error to the screen
etree.dump( err.rsp )
There are specific Exceptions for configuration changes: locking, loading changes, unlocking, and commiting.
For more details on exceptions, see here.
- Python 2.7 - could work with others, but I haven't tested it
- ncclient (Juniper edition) - NETCONF base library
- lxml - XML programming library
- jinja2 - templating library
- netaddr - Network IPv4,IPv6 address library
- Jeremy Schulman, @nwkautomaniac