The first pass of this module is targeting resource abstractions for the SRX firewall products. These resource abstractions include:
- Security zone interfaces
- Security zone address-book items and sets
- Security policy contexts and rule-sets
- Security screens
- Security application items and sets
- Source NAT address pools, rule-sets, and rules
- Static NAT rule-sets and rules
from jnpr.eznc.resources.srx import Zone, ZoneAddrBook
from jnpr.eznc.resources.srx import ZoneAddrFinder
The Zone resource manages interfaces and the address-book. The ZoneAddrFinder object does not manage resources, but it is associated here since locating address-book entries is a common congruent task.
from jnpr.eznc.resources.srx import PolicyContext
The PolicyContext resource manages security policy rules
from jnpr.eznc.resources.srx import Application, ApplicationSet
The Application and ApplicationSet resources manage the applicaiton definitions used by security policies
from jnpr.eznc.resources.srx.nat import NatSrcPool, NatSrcRuleSet, NatSrcRule
These resources manage aspects of source-NAT configuration