IncrementalInference v0.33.0
Closed issues:
- Drop DFG v0.19 when v0.20 is tagged (#1692)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ManifoldsBase to 0.14, (keep existing compat) (#1685) (@github-actions[bot])
- update IIF for DFG v0.20 (#1686) (@dehann)
- fast forward dfg 20 integration test branch (#1687) (@dehann)
- Only reconstruct gradients if attemptGradients (#1688) (@Affie)
- Upgrades to drop JSON3 dependancy in DFG (#1689) (@Affie)
- tests not broken w dfg 20 (#1690) (@dehann)
- NoSolverParams does not have attemptGradients (#1691) (@GearsAD)
- drop JSON1 and 2 (#1693) (@dehann)