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Holger Hees edited this page Oct 9, 2023 · 35 revisions

How to start

Install Vagrant and VirtualBox and that's all. The virtual machine needs at least 6GB of memory.

For an opensuse based demo setup, run:

vagrant --config=demo --os=suse up

For an almalinux (rhel) based demo setup, run:

vagrant --config=demo --os=alma up

Or for an ubuntu based demo setup, run:

vagrant --config=demo --os=ubuntu up

If the deployment is done, add the following entries to your host file.   smartserver.test   alertmanager.smartserver.test   grafana.smartserver.test   influxdb.smartserver.test   librenms.smartserver.test   libreoffice.smartserver.test   netdata.smartserver.test   nextcloud.smartserver.test   openhab.smartserver.test   prometheus.smartserver.test   speedtest.smartserver.test

As everything is ready, open https://smartserver.test/ in your webbrower and login with the following credentials

User with admin privileges:

  • username: testuser1
  • password: test12345

User with default privileges, e.g. for your family members

  • username: testuser2
  • password: test12345

The third user can only use services like samba, but can't login into the webui

  • username: testuser3
  • password: test12345

For an ssh login run

ssh [email protected] -p 2222

There is no password needed, because vagrant installed a key based authentication during deployment.

Accepting self signed certificates

To get everything working, you have to accept the certificate for all individual subdomains separately, because they are selfsigned in the demo setup.

The problem there is, that it is not possible to accept the certificates for all subdomains from inside the webui. The webui is using iframes and the browser does not allow accepting certificates inside an iframe.

So you have to open each individual subdomain directly in your browser and accept it there.

Start with your own configuration

If you want to create your own setup, read how to create your own setup