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Config: Openhab

hhees edited this page Mar 21, 2020 · 8 revisions

Custom openhab configuration

The configuration of openhab is outsourced to a external custom repository. That means you must create a git repository, e.g. at and move all your openhab related configurations to that repository. After that, set the checkout url in the variable vault_openhab_config_git in the file config/myserver/vault/vault.yml.

The files and directories inside this repository are handled in two different ways.

One type is referenced as symbolic links and can't contain ansible variables. This are mostly files which does not need any custom configuration like ip addresses, usernames or passwords. The other ones are handled as ansible templates and contain custom configurations.

All of them are mandatory, also if they are empty.

Symbolic links

The following ones are referenced as symbolic links from the openhab installation.

Name Type Description File Modified file which allows you to add additional serial ports to openhab. If not necessary, just copy the original file.
addons/ Folder All your addons configurations
conf/automation/ Folder All jython scripts. If not used, create an empty directory.
conf/html/ Folder All static html. If not used, create an empty directory.
conf/icons/ Folder Additional icons. If not used, create an empty directory.
conf/items/ Folder Item definitions
conf/persistence/ Folder Persistance configurations
conf/rules/ Folder All rule files. If not used, create an empty directory.
conf/sitemaps/ Folder All sitemap definitions
conf/transform/ Folder All transformation files. If not used, create an empty directory.
python/custom/ Folder Additional jython classes. If not used, create an empty directory.

Ansible templates

The following ones are copied to the openhab installation. They are processed as ansible templates and contain configurations.

Name Type Description
templates/habpanel.config File Custom habpanel configuration. If not used, create an empty file.
templates/services/ Folder All service definitions
templates/things/ Folder All thing definitions
templates/udev/rules.d/ Folder Additional udev rules, like for special serial or usb ports. If not used, create an empty directory.

Examples and documentation

A first starting point is always the openhab documentation

An example, how the structure should look, is the custom repository used for the demo deployment.

For a real world use case you can also check
