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C++20 AngelScript binding library powered by templates. It also provides tools for easy interoperability between the AngelScript and C++.

The name and API design are inspired by the famous pybind11 library.

Brief Examples

1. Binding Application Interfaces

class my_value_class
    my_value_class() = default;
    my_value_class(const my_value_class&) = default;

    explicit my_value_class(int val)
        : value(val) {}

    ~my_value_class() = default;

    my_value_class& operator=(const my_value_class&) = default;

    friend bool operator==(const my_value_class& lhs, const my_value_class& rhs)
        return lhs.value == rhs.value;

    friend std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const my_value_class& lhs, const my_value_class& rhs)
        return lhs.value <=> rhs.value;

    int get_val() const
        return value;

    void set_val(int new_val)
        value = new_val;

    // Can be found by ADL in C++ code
    friend void process(my_value_class& val);

    int value = 0;
    int another_value = 0;

void add_obj_last(int val, my_value_class* this_)
    this_->value += val;

void mul_obj_first(my_value_class* this_, int val)
    this_->value *= val;

void set_val_gen(asIScriptGeneric* gen)
    my_value_class* this_ = asbind20::get_generic_object<my_value_class*>(gen);
    int val = asbind20::get_generic_arg<int>(gen, 0);

Binding code

asIScriptEngine* engine = /* Get a script engine */;
    // Other flags will be automatically set using asGetTypeTraits<T>()
    // Generate & register the default constructor, copy constructor, destructor,
    // and assignment operator (operator=/opAssign) based on type traits
    // The constructor `my_value_class::my_value_class(int val)`
    // The tag `use_explicit` indicates an explicit constructor.
    .constructor<int>("int val", asbind20::use_explicit)
    // Generate opEquals for AngelScript using operator== in C++
    // Generate opCmp for AngelScript using operator<=> in C++,
    // translating comparison result from the C++ enum to int value for AS.
    // Ordinary member functions
    .method("int get_val() const", &my_value_class::get_val)
    // Automatically deducing calling conventions for wrapper functions.
    .method("void add(int val)", &add_obj_last)  // asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST
    .method("void mul(int val)", &mul_obj_first) // asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST
    .method("void set_val(int)", &set_val_gen)   // asCALL_GENERIC
    // Use lambda to bind a function found by ADL
        "void process()",
        [](my_value_class& val) -> void { process(val); }
    // Register property by member pointer.
    .property("int value", &my_value_class::value)
    // Register property by offset.
    .property("int another_value", offsetof(my_value_class, another_value));

The binding helpers also support registering a reference type, an interface, or global functions, etc. to the AngelScript engine.
You can find more examples in ext/container/src/array.cpp, ext/container/src/stdstring.cpp, and tests under test/test_bind/ directory.

2. Invoking a Script Function

The library can automatically convert arguments in C++ for invoking an AngelScript function. Besides, the library provides RAII classes for easily managing lifetime of AngelScript object like asIScriptContext.

  • AngelScript side
string test(int a, int&out b)
    b = a + 1;
    return "test";
  • C++ side
asIScriptEngine* engine = /* Get a script engine */;
asIScriptModule* m = /* Build the above script */;
asIScriptFunction* func = m->GetFunctionByName("test");
    /* Error handling */

// Manage script context using RAII
asbind20::request_context ctx(engine);

int val = 0;
auto result = asbind20::script_invoke<std::string>(
    ctx, func, 1, std::ref(val)

assert(result.value() == "test");
assert(val == 2);

You can find more examples in test/test_invoke.cpp.

3. Using a Script Class

The library provides tools for instantiating a script class. The script_invoke also supports invoking a method, a.k.a., member function.

Script class in AngelScript

class my_class
    int m_val;
    void set_val(int new_val) { m_val = new_val; }
    int get_val() const { return m_val; }
    int& get_val_ref() { return m_val; }

C++ code

asIScriptEngine* engine = /* Get a script engine */;
asIScriptModule* m = /* Build the above script */;
asITypeInfo* my_class_t = m->GetTypeInfoByName("my_class");

asbind20::request_context ctx(engine);

auto my_class = asbind20::instantiate_class(ctx, my_class_t);

asIScriptFunction* set_val = my_class_t->GetMethodByDecl("void set_val(int)");
asbind20::script_invoke<void>(ctx, my_class, set_val, 182375);

asIScriptFunction* get_val = my_class_t->GetMethodByDecl("int get_val() const");
auto val = asbind20::script_invoke<int>(ctx, my_class, get_val);

assert(val.value() == 182375);

asIScriptFunction* get_val_ref = my_class_t->GetMethodByDecl("int& get_val_ref()");
auto val_ref = asbind20::script_invoke<int&>(ctx, my_class, get_val_ref);

assert(val_ref.value() == 182375);

*val_ref = 182376;

val = asbind20::script_invoke<int>(ctx, my_class, get_val);
assert(val.value() == 182376);

Advanced Features

The asbind20 library also provides tools for advanced users. You can find detailed examples in extensions and unit tests.

1. Generating Generic Wrapper at Compile-Time

With the power of non-type template parameter (NTTP), asbind20 can generate generic wrapper of any function by macro-free utilities. Additionally, it supports for wrapping a function with variable type (declared by ? in the AngelScript).
This can be useful for binding interface on platform without native calling convention support, e.g., Emscripten.

// Use `use_generic` tag to force generated proxies to use asCALL_GENERIC
    .constructor<int>(asbind20::use_generic, "int")
    // Due to the limitation of C++, you need to pass the function pointer by a helper (fp<>)
    .method(asbind20::use_generic, "int mem_func(int arg)", fp<&my_value_class::mem_func>)
    // Lambda can be directly registered
        "int f(int arg)",
        [](my_value_class& this_, int arg) -> int { /* ... */ }
    // For function with variable type argument
    // void*, int pair in C++ / ?& in AngelScript
    // Use a helper (ver_type<>) to mark the position of those special arguments, i.e., the index of question mark (?).
    .method(asbind20::use_generic, "void log(int level, const ?&in)", fp<&my_value_class::log>, var_type<1>);

If you want to force all registered functions to be generic, you can set the ForceGeneric flag of binding generator to true. You can use flag to avoid the code for bindings being flooded by use_generic.
Trying to register functions by native calling convention with ForceGeneric enabled will cause a compile-time error.

asbind20::value_class<my_value_class, true>(...);
asbind20::ref_class<my_ref_class, true>(...);

NOTE: If you use an outer template argument to control the mode of generator, the generator can be a dependent name, thus you need an additional template disambiguator to call the binding generator.

template <bool UseGeneric>
void register_my_class(asIScriptEngine* engine)
    asbind20::value_class<my_value_class, UseGeneric>(engine, "my_value_class")
        .template constructor<int>("int")
        .template opConv<int>();

2. Dispatching Function Calls Based on Type Ids

This feature is similar to how std::visit and std::variant works. It can be used for developing templated container for AngelScript.

    []<typename T>(T* val)
        using type = std::remove_const_t<T>;

        if constexpr(std::same_as<type, int>)
            // play with int
        else if constexpr(std::same_as<type, float>)
            // play with float
            // ...
    as_type_id, // asTYPEID_BOOL, asTYPEID_INT32, etc.
    ptr_to_val // (const) void* to value

You can find example usage in ext/container/src/array.cpp.

Supported Platforms

  • CMake >= 3.20
  • AngelScript >= 2.37.0
  • Any C++ compiler that supports C++20.

Currently, the following platforms and compilers are tested by CI.

Platform Compiler
Windows MSVC 19.41
Linux GCC 12, 13, 14
Linux Clang 18+
Emscripten 4.0.1+

You can find detailed build and test status in the GitHub Actions.

How to Use

Follow the tutorial of AngelScript to build and install it at first, or use a package manager like vcpkg.

A. Copy into Your Project

asbind20 is a header-only library. You can directly copy all the files under include/ into your project. If your project has a custom location of <angelscript.h>, you can include it before asbind20. This library will not include the AngelScript library for the second time.

B. Build and Install

Build and install the library.

cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B build
cmake --build build
cmake --install build

Use the library in a CMakeLists.txt.

find_package(asbind20 REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE asbind20::asbind20)

You can find a detailed example in test/test_install/.

C. As Submodule

Clone the library into your project.

git clone

Use the library in a CMakeLists.txt.


target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE asbind20::asbind20)

You can find a detailed example in test/test_subdir/.


Detailed explanation of asbind20.

  1. Registering Object Types
  2. Registering Global Entities
  3. Customize Type Conversion Rules

Known Limitations

Some feature of this library may not work on a broken compiler.

  1. Some version of Clang (<= 15) may fail to compile extension and test due to compiler bug. Please use Clang 18+ for best experience.

  2. Some utilities are implemented by non-standard C++, but they are guaranteed to have correct result on supported platforms, which are tested by CI.

  3. If you bind an overloaded function using syntax like static_cast<return_type(*)()>(&func) on MSVC, it may crash the compiler. The workaround is to write a standalone wrapper function with no overloading, then bind this wrapper using asbind20.

  4. GCC 12 wrongly rejects function pointer non-type template parameter without linkage. This will cause error when using wrapper with a lambda. This has been fixed in GCC 13.2. The asbind20 also has workaround for this, as long as you are not using some internal classes.

  5. If you are using clangd as your LSP, it may crash when completing code for binding. You can restart clangd after you complete this part of code.


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